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Using Tableau for NAEP Percentile and Regional Maps

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1 Using Tableau for NAEP Percentile and Regional Maps
Ebony Walton, National Center for Education Statistics Brian Cramer and Rahul Rathi, Optimal Solutions Group, LLC August 2, 2017 Presentation for 2017 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference

2 Outline Transition to digital reports Reporting of percentile scores
Reporting of regional data Using Tableau for creating percentile and regional maps Questions

3 NAEP: The Gold Standard
The National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) has a wealth of expertise in the development of large-scale assessments Considered the “gold standard” in large-scale assessments Innovative assessments (transitioning from paper-and-pencil assessments to digitally based assessments and reporting (online reports)

4 Transition to Digital Reports

5 Reporting: Paper

6 Reporting: Digital Choose screenshots to show traditional and additional data we now show in report cards

7 Reporting of Percentile Scores

8 NAEP Percentile Charts
NAEP Math Grade 4 Percentiles and Average Scores for the Nation: Display from the 2015 math grade 4 release, and something similar is on the NRC Headline: Fourth-grade average score lower than 2013 higher than 1990

9 NAEP Percentile Charts Reimagined
Percentile map in Excel, and we produce these for NCES internal purposes Present all the percentiles for many groups overtime to see comparisons between groups or changes overtime for a group

10 Reporting of Regional Data
There are no state level data for some assessments, so regional level data shines a light on groups of states

11 NAEP Grade 8 Arts Scores, by Census Region: 2016
160 148* 148* 146* Data to present when state data is unavailable Nice regional map with average scores by region from the NAEP 2016 grade 8 arts assessment.

12 NAEP Grade 8 Visual Arts Contextual Data, by Census Region: 2016
Contextual data used in release slides to provide context for the average score differences - access to arts. In the NRC and used in the releases slides. Display used for the 2017 grade 8 arts release - Typical table containing regional scores and percentages by access to arts - from the NAEP 2016 grade 8 arts assessment. Significantly different (p < .05) from Northeast.

13 NAEP Grade 8 Visual Arts Scores, by Census Region
Regional gaps in NRC. Interactive Interactive display comparing 2 regions at once – from the NAEP 2016 grade 8 arts assessment

14 Using Tableau for Creating Percentile and Regional Maps
Go one step further for displaying percentiles by using programs that allow for lots of data and interactivity.

15 New Ways to Display Data
New data visualization tools, like Tableau can be used for presenting data in different ways allow users to visualize/analyze lots of data and put data in various displays, all in one dashboard allow users to interact with the displays, selecting the data and the relationships they want to visualize/analyze helping people discover new and interesting stories making the data more engaging and attracting more users to the data Filters Relatively easy to use through drag and drop Can drilldown into the data Can populate with lots of data

16 Questions?

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