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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 American Moral Decline

3 American Moral Decline
Homosexuality is legalized, promoted, celebrated & given special status - beware of speaking against it! We are having legal battles to keep men OUT of women’s bathrooms, changing rooms and locker rooms Major High School problems in the 1960's: chewing gum, cutting in line, fist fights, shirt not tucked in

4 American Moral Decline
Conservatives blame liberals, liberals blame capitalism, many people blame the devil Perhaps it is Christians who no longer truly worship God Religious rituals are easily feigned and not true worship - Isaiah 29:13 / Matthew 15:8

5 True Worship True worship encompasses all that you are - no separation of sacred and secular True worship changes your character: humility, joy, peace, patience, holiness, love True worshipers keep the proper goals in mind and resist man-centered Christianity

6 True Worship The current battle for America’s future is spiritual in nature - politics will not rescue it Christians should be responsible citizens who vote, pray and get involved Social pressure by Christians should be a normal part of the Christian life - we want to live righteously

7 True Worship Honoring God and separating from worldliness should affect which companies get your business Preventive awareness in entertainment is a minimum:

8 True Worship Use products that honor God instead of those that dishonor Him – Seek out those that promote godliness God is glorified when His people know Him, His word, and walk with Him - cultural sophistication does not

9 True Worship Christians are supposed to living radically different lives - we have been made alive together with Christ When God is first in your life, your life is changed and you affect the world around you

10 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
The greatest form of worship is living for Christ - and proclamation of God’s word brings this about 1 Corinthians 1:21 / John 8:31-32 True worship must be done in Spirit and in truth

11 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
Only the truth of the Scriptures applied by the Holy Spirit moves man to holiness You can only truly know God through His revelation - and true worship is a response to knowing Him

12 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
Acts 2:42 - the practices of the early church The focus on teaching doctrine has been replaced by entertainment Fellowship that helped one another become like Christ has been replaced by socialization Prayer has become self centered and perverted for many professing Christians

13 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
Modern worship practices have traded the real thing for a facade, an imitation that moves emotions, not lives Emotions and their display in worship are fine, but they do not lead nor should they substitute for worship 1 Corinthians 14 - the priority of prophecy (preaching / exhortation) in worship

14 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
Worship without God’s Word is worthless: Exodus 32 = false worship Nehemiah 8 = true worship The Holy Spirit in worship results in bold proclamation of God’s word - John 16:13-14; Acts 1:8; 2:4, 11; 4:8

15 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
True worship is a heartfelt response to the truth of God and His Word The proper blend of emotion regulated by understanding God’s word - Colossians 3:16

16 The Centrality of the Word in Worship
Psalm 47:7 - sing praises with understanding - only happens when God’s word is central in life and worship

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