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Presentation on theme: "CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Who are the Catholic Daughters?
Founded in 1903, Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the largest, volunteer organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, its members are united by their faith in Jesus Christ and their devotion to the Church and the Holy See.

3 Mission Statement Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.

4 Our Motto Unity and Charity

5 Members of the Order are dedicated to spirituality and service.
Purpose Members of the Order are dedicated to spirituality and service.

6 What is a Campus Court? A Campus Court (unit or council)is a Catholic Daughter court organized on a college or university campus. It is designed to help young women deepen their relationships with God while giving them the avenue to serve God, His Church, and His people.

7 Who can join a campus court?
Catholic women who are Over 18, Are full or part-time students of a university or college, and Who love and support the Church.

8 What do members of a campus court do?

9 Members pray together and learn to be Church to one another.

10 Reception of New Members at Incarnate Word University

11 Fall Retreat at Catholic University

12 Texas Retreat for Campus Courts

13 Reception of thirteen new members at Catholic University

14 Baylor Retreat

15 They serve God’s people together by working on projects for their campus and community.

16 Working on the Linus Project at Baylor

17 Catholic U members with Bishop Rojas of Chicago at the USCCB Service Project in MD.

18 Baylor Blanket Project

19 St. Mary’s and Incarnate Word Courts make Friendship Bags for the State Convention.

20 Briar Cliff’s Angel Tree

21 Sisterhood What a joy it is to work and pray with others who share the same faith and have the same values!

22 5th Anniversary of the Campus Court at Baylor University

23 Baylor Luncheon

24 Catholic U members with Campus Court Committee at Pro-Life Mass.

25 Baylor officers with State Regent and advisors

26 Bulletin Board Invites New Members

27 CDA is an organization that offers college women a place to serve today. provides them with an organization they can be a part of forever!

28 CDA is for you. Join us!


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