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Macros Included.

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1 Macros Included

2 Cell Highlighting Why? Macros Included
Limited color coding and outlining makes it easier to spot values the user should focus on. Macro’s are a method to automate tasks that are done repeatedly and require multiple steps. Macros Included FormatAsInput: Fills cells yellow, outlines FormatAsDecision: Fills cells green, outlines FormatAsOutput: Fills cells light turquoise, bold, outline

3 Formula Documentation
Why? Documenting the formulas helps another person to understand the model logic, or helps the developer remember the model logic long after the actual model developmet. Alternate ways to document formulas View Formulas (Ctrl+`, or Tools/Options/View/Formulas) Column width issue (printing problems) Static Disconnected from source spreadsheet List Formulas (ListFormulas macro) Can be helpful for debugging Also shows current value of formula Formula Comments (FormulaComment macro) Retains context with source spreadsheet (one sheet printout) Can use and then explain formula

4 Printing Assistance Why? Macros Included
Standardized printing options reduce frustration later on regarding versions, source document, etc. Macros Included Footer (MyFooter macro) Filename, Sheet Name, Author, Date, Time Print Settings (Grid_Headings macro) Gridlines Row & Column Headings Cell Comments print with spreadsheet Center Horizontally

5 Detailed Instructions for Installing
Download Documentation Tools.xla from web page. Alternate Storage/Usage Methods (Choose one method only) (Recommended) Store it in the Library directory (with the other add-ins), and then select it through the Tools/Add-Ins menu. If you have Administrator privileges, this will be something similar to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Library or …Office11\Libary, etc. Then in Excel, go to Add In Manager, and select the Documentation Tools item. If you don’t have Administrator privileges, store it in C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns. (2nd best) Save to Excel’s XLStart folder (similar to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\XLStart, or …Office11\XLStart). Excel will automatically load this every time Excel starts. (3rd best) Save it anywhere on your hard disk. When you want to use the macros/functions, open Documentation Tools.xla, and the new menu will appear. The potential problem with this approach is that if you use the user-defined functions and later don’t have the Documentation Tools.xla file open, these functions will have an error result.

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