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New Year Find the Fiction
I took my daughter skating for the first time I slipped and fell on ice and landed in a snow bank I tried to go watch Rouge One but the movie was sold out
White Board Showdown! Some real and fictional people and places are so memorable for their characteristics that their names have come to have new meanings. Use the brief descriptions of the people and places to guess at the meaning of the Unit 10 term. Discuss historical background with team – take a guess at the term’s meaning One student write on white board (scribe switches each term)
Unit 10 -1 Charles C. Boycott was an English land agent in Ireland in the 1800’s. When he refused to lower his rents, people decided to have nothing to do with him. Nowadays, if you boycott certain countries or businesses, you… (V) To refuse to use, buy, or sell (n) An organized refusal to do business with a person or group
Unit 10 -2 The Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethlehem was an institution for the mentally ill in London. It was a noisy, confusing place. The name of the hospital was commonly shortened to Bedlam. Now bedlam has come to mean… (n) A place or condition of uproar and confusion
Unit 10 -3 According to the Bible, Mary Magdalene was a reformed sinner. Artists often pictured her crying uncontrollably for her sins. From her name we get the word maudlin, which means… (adj) excessively or foolishly sentimental
Unit According to Greek mythology, the goddess Nemesis avenged all injustices. Her justice was swift and certain. Today, when people meet their nemesis, they encounter… (n) Something that causes one’s defeat or failure; one that punishes wrong doing
Unit Don Quixote, a character in a novel by Miguel de Cervantes, saw himself as a romantic knight. But he frequently rescued women who did not need rescuing and mistook windmills for evil giants. So when we call someone quixotic, we mean he or she is… (adj) extravagantly chivalrous or too romantically idealistic
Unit Franz Mesmer was an 18th-century doctor who used hypnotic techniques to cause sleep-like reactions in his patients. Before long, the term mesmerize came to mean… (v) To hypnotize; to spellbind or fascinate
Unit Samuel Maverick was a rancher, but unlike other ranchers, he never branded his cattle. So naturally, when ranchers saw unbranded cattle roaming the range, they called them “mavericks.” Today, a maverick is also… (n) An unbranded animal; a person who thinks and acts independently of others in his or her group
Unit Hercules is a character from Greek mythology who gained immortality by performing twelve tasks requiring remarkable strength. Now, when a task is called herculean, it is thought to be… (adj) requiring great strength or exertion; of great strength, courage, or size
Unit According to a popular Greek story, Procrustes invited people to lie in his bed. If they were too short for the bed, he stretched them to fit the bed. If they were to tall for the bed, he cut off their feet. Now someone who is procrustean will … (adj) exhibiting ruthless disregard for individual differences
Unit Mentor was a trusted friend of the mythical Greek hero Odysseus. He was also the teacher of Odysseus's son and the manager of the house when Odysseus was gone. If a person is called your mentor, he or she is… (n) A wise and trusted advisor or teacher
Vocab 10 quixotic nemesis herculean procrustean boycott maudlin
maverick bedlam mesmerize mentor (adj) extravagantly chivalrous or too romantically idealistic (noun) something that causes one’s defeat or failure; one that punishes wrong doing 3. (adj) requiring great strength or exertion; of great strength, courage, or size 4. (adj) exhibiting ruthless disregard for individual differences 5.(v) to refuse to use, buy, or sell (n) an organized refusal to do buisness with a person or group 6. (adj) excessively or foolishly sentimental 7. (n) an unbranded animal; a person who thinks and acts independently of others in his or her group 8. (n) a place or condition of uproar and confusion 9. (v) to hypnotize; to spellbind or fascinate 10. (n) a wise and trusted advisor or teacher Tricks and Teach: With partner, create a trick for assigned word to teach to class, - prefix/suffix/root word - hints in word - silly sentence/rhyme - pictograph
Now write your word on the post it
New Year Resolutions Ponder things you would like to change for the better in 2016 Now brainstorm a list of words that you can focus on and live by to help accomplish your goals. What will you dedicate your year to? Love, joy, patience, focus, dedication? Now write your word on the post it LARGE and PROUD
Crossword Add any terms missed on V9 quiz to “Words to Work On” sheet
Use the crossword to assess “Words to Work On” Work on OWN – book closed next to you If you have to open your book to check/look up a word add it to your “Words to Work On” sheet
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