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Four Interview Tips for the Newly Qualified Librarian

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Presentation on theme: "Four Interview Tips for the Newly Qualified Librarian"— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Interview Tips for the Newly Qualified Librarian
Marie O’Neill Head of Library Services Dublin Business School

2 Newly Qualified Librarians- The Starting Position
Chasing posts (having in many cases acquired the minimum amount of library experience, 3—6 weeks) along side experienced librarians. An uphill battle? Or is it?

3 The Good News! Some recruiters want to recruit newly qualified librarians Not everyone wants to recruit an experienced librarian. If not, why not?

4 Some Working Librarians can Suffer From ‘Career Inertia’
In the same post for a long time Resistant to change/Poor IT skills Poor interpersonal skills Low levels of CPD activity No publishing record Poor networker

5 Newly Qualified Librarians Can Compete with Experienced Librarians:
Positive attitude Strong interpersonal skills Fresh perspectives Change focused Modern skill set Active within the profession Publishing activity May have used the time that they have been job seeking proactively- CPD, presenting etc. Have an interesting story to tell during an interview.

6 Interview Tip 1: Banish Negative Self Talk
Interview Tip 1: Banish Negative Self Talk. Get Across in the Interview your Fresh Skillset/Perspective “That job will go to someone already working there” “No point going to that interview, I have no experience, I haven’t a hope of getting the job” “How can I compete with someone with five years plus experience?’

7 Interview Tip 2: Have an Interesting Story to Tell
Interview Tip 2: Have an Interesting Story to Tell. Leverage Relevant Experience but also Highlight your Unique Selling Points How does your experience (library and non-library) match the job spec and the mission/strategy of the organisation? You can practice this by reviewing the strategic plans of libraries. How do you differ from what they are looking for? Do you have an area of expertise or interest (library and non- library) that may also be of benefit to the organisation - UX, analytics, IT, digital marketing etc.

8 There can be a Day or Two of Interviews
There can be a Day or Two of Interviews. Having a Different Skill or Interest Can Differentiate You. Be memorable!

9 The Immediate Period After Your Library Course
Can Help You to Build Your Own Unique Profile Use any time that you have off before and after graduation wisely. Start closing the gap between you and potential competitors. Think of your post course time as your finishing school! You have your professional qualification, you are now adding the spit and polish to your professional profile!

10 Forming Your Own Unique Professional Identity
Build your CV by participating in voluntary work experience Establish a social media presence e.g. Twitter, Linkedin etc. Participate in professional body activities, LAI Networking evenings etc. Present on your thesis findings at a seminar or conference. Publish in the journal literature (thesis can be distilled down). Up-skill. Free courses such as Momentum, Springboard, MOOCs. Short course in digital marketing or data analytics? Find a mentor. Also when shortlisted for an interview ring equivalent post holders in other academic institutions for some tips. Do mock interviews with friends or mentors. Takes the edge of interviews!

11 Do a MOOC- Consider Non Library MOOCs Too

12 Avail of Free Continuing Professional Development Particularly from Relevant Professional Bodies: LAI, ALA

13 Get Published Publish your thesis on the institutional repository
Publish in the academic literature (distil down thesis etc.) Co-publish with faculty, practitioners or independently. Write a book review for a professional magazine Academic Blogging, e.g. Libfocus/SLIP Publishing Mentors: Helen Fallon, Deputy Librarian Maynooth University


15 Interview Tip 3 Forensic style Research!

16 Researching for the interview
Don’t just look at the website Check out the news literature Check out the professional and academic literature Do a PDF search of the institution re key reports Look up the institution on LinkedIn. Get a feel for the institutional culture, mission, strategic plans, the people the organisation employs etc.

17 Competency Based Interviews
Prepare in advance answers to a variety of library scenarios Dealing with difficult library users Managing change Managing underperformance etc. Report writing Dealing with budget reductions How you increased library engagement Make sure that gaps in your CV are explained. If you don’t know the answers to questions just indicate your willingness to learn/obtain info.

18 Also gives an idea re questions the panel may ask.
Know Your Interview Panel Find out their professional and research interests Refer to conference papers that they have delivered where possible in the interview Refer to papers that they have written Refer to library developments that they have made Also gives an idea re questions the panel may ask.

19 Flattery Always research the achievements of libraries and organisations that you apply to Let the organisation know that this is why you want to apply for the job- staff members that you admire, developments that you admire etc. Have specifics. Organisations like to recruit people that have already bought into their ethos, goals, work culture etc.

20 Interview Tip 4: Better to Ask no Question in an Interview than Dig a Giant Hole.

21 A shut mouth catches... Unless you have an appropriate,
valid question, it’s best to say you have no further questions at the end of the interview. You can say: You provided me with all the necessary information during the Interview. Thank you. I have never asked a question at the end of an interview in a 20 year career!

22 Some Final Tips My personal pet hate – the question: When will I know the outcome of the interview? This question can sound desperate. It’s good to project enthusiasm for the role but not desperation. It’s only a valid question when you have another job offer in hand and may need to get back to the other organisation. Be nice in an interview. Don’t forget to smile occasionally. Organisations want to recruit people who fit into the team. This is another way that you can effectively close the gap on more experienced candidates. Some organisations will select a nicer candidate who can be trained up rather than an experienced candidate with poor interpersonal skills.

23 Recommendations a dedicated jobs fair for library and informational professionals; I am working on this for 2017 an official mentoring network where graduates can find a list of mentors in the library profession and approach a librarian on that list to mentor them for a year during their job search, give them advice for interviews etc. in the way we have pre library course traineeships, we introduce a grade to the library staffing structure- post library graduates traineeship; provide structured paid opportunities for new graduates. we start promoting our skills as a professional to a wider pool of employers so rather than us scrambling for job opportunities, these employers are scrambling for our graduates

24 Good luck with the Interview Process
Good luck with the Interview Process. Please do Feel Free to Contact me if You have Any Questions.

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