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Unit 2 The United Kingdom.

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1 Unit 2 The United Kingdom

2 River Thames London

3 Big Ben 大本钟

4 The London Eye 伦敦眼 (摩天轮)

5 Cambridge University 剑桥大学

6 London Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥

7 Queen Elizabeth the Second

8 Beckham 贝克汉姆

9 Do you know more about UK? Please do the quiz.

10 Let’s have a quiz A Quiz How many countries does the UK consist of ?
A. two B. three C. four Let’s have a quiz Scotland Northern Ireland England Wales

11 2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?
A. About 6 hours B about 10 hours C about 16 hours direct flight London Heathrow Airport

12 Elizabeth Ⅱ David Cameron 3. Who rules the country? A. The Queen
B. The Prime Minister C. both Elizabeth Ⅱ David Cameron

13 The Queen’s position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads from other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain. VS The Prime Minister together with his most important ministers (called Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament make important political decisions and the laws. 点击Blair图片返回到先前的幻灯片.

14 4. what are the provinces called in England?
A. counties B. departments C. states

15 5. Which is the longest river in England?
B. The River Thames A. The River Avon C. The River Severn

16 7.What is the full name of UK?
A. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland B. The United Kingdom C. The United Kingdom of Great Britain

17 8.What about the relationship among the four countries?
A. live in peace B. in conflict C. want to separate

18 Reading Puzzles in Geography

19 Match the main idea of each paragraph.
Fast reading Match the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 A. Explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it came about Para 2 B. Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political center in the UK Para 3 C. States the topic of the passage D. Explains differences in the four countries. Para 4 Para 5 E. The evidence of the invaders can be found in the British countryside. F. Explains how England is divided into three zones. Para 6

20 Divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.
Para 1-3 Part 1: What England includes; about Great Britain; the UK. 分析篇章结构,概括段落大意. 第一部分,通过几幅地图可以演示联合王国的形成过程.

21 Part2: The geographic division of England into zones, their similarities and differences. Para 4

22 Part 3: Para 5-6 The culture of London The invasion of London

23 Careful reading Part 1 How was the UK formed?

24 Wales is usually asumsed (被认为是) to be part of England.
How UK was formed? In the 13th century AD 演示联合王国的形成过程(How UK was formed) England Wales Wales is usually asumsed (被认为是) to be part of England.

25 演示联合王国的形成过程(How UK was formed)

26 Scotland in 17th Century Great Britain 演示联合王国的形成过程(How UK was formed)

27 Get Ireland connected to form the United Kingdom
in the early twentieth 演示联合王国的形成过程(How UK was formed) Get Ireland connected to form the United Kingdom

28 Only Northern Ireland joined with Britain to become the United Kingdom
演示联合王国的形成过程(How UK was formed) Only Northern Ireland joined with Britain to become the United Kingdom

29 the United Kingdom Great Britain England
Later, Great Britain + Northern Ireland England 1603, England + Wales + Scotland the 13th century AD, England + Wales. first only England

30 Comprehending The Union Jack flag unites the flag of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? The country left out is Wales. It is usually assumed to be part of England. COMPREHENDING. Scotland Ireland Union Jack England

31 In what areas do the four countries work together?
In currency and international relations What are the four countries’ differences? They have developed different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup.

32 Now compare British history with Chinese history, can you find both
Discussion Now compare British history with Chinese history, can you find both did the same or differently in the process of the union of the new country?

33 Part 2 England Look at the map of England and Wales in the following page. Divide it into three parts. Draw lines across to show the zones of the South, Midlands and North of England. North Midlands South

34 England is divided into 3 zones.
Most population live in ___________________. Most of the large industrial cities are in ___________________. Many cities have famous ___________________. the South of England the North and the Midlands football teams

35 Part 3-London Why did capital London become the cultural center of England? There are a lot of historical treasure in London. Why are there so many historical treasures in London? London has been influenced by some invaders.

36 What did they leave? Part 3-Invaders
In the England history, there are several invasions. They are: ___________, _______________, __________, ___________. the Romans the Anglo-Saxons the Vikings the Normans What did they leave?

37 Romans: towns and roads Anglo-Saxons: Language and government

38 the Vikings: Influence the vocabulary and place-names of the North the Normans: Castles and words for food

39 Make a comparison of the British and the Chinese views of history.
Discussion Make a comparison of the British and the Chinese views of history. What are their and our attitudes to the invasion?

40 Now let’s read and fill the forms .
The UK contains four countries England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the 13th century _____ was linked to England. England and Wales were joined to Scotland In the early 20th century Southern Ireland __________ and ________ Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland. Thus the _______________ came into being. England the ______ of the four countries, and it __________ the South, the Midlands and the North of England. London the greatest ________________ of all, has museums, ____________, the theatres, parks and buildings. The _____ sets of invaders are the _______, Anglo-Saxons , Vikings and _________. Now let’s read and fill the forms . Wales In the 17th century . broke away Northern United Kingdom largest consists of historical treasure art collections four Romans Normans 40

41 British people Locals: generally considered Celts (凯尔特人), settling there 1000 BC Four invaders: 1 Romans (罗马人) arriving there in 54 BC, retreating in the year 450 AD, no one left 2 Anglo-Saxons (盎格鲁.撒克逊人) from what is now Germany shortly after the Romans left in 450 AD, stayed there and became the majority of British. The word England comes from the name “Anglo-”.

42 3 Vikings (维京人) : The first record of the Vikings to Britain was in AD 789 when a ship full pirates attacked a town and killed one of the king’s men. The Vikings’ homelands were Norway and Denmark. The Normans (诺曼底人) 1066 saw Normans crossing the channel led by Duke William of Normandy (now France) and conquering Britain. William became the king of England, titled William the Conqueror. Now, many French words are still being used in English, like pork, beef, chef, etc.

43 HADRIAN'S WALL The most prominent and important monument(遗迹) left by the Romans in Britain, it spans the width of the country.

44 The highest road built by the Romans in England.

45 The Romans Spring Bath

46 The Romans

47 The Anglo-Saxons church

48 The Vikings

49 Colchester Castle Built by the Normans around 1100, it was the largest Norman keep ever built

50 St. Peter's Cathedral.   It was built by the Normans in the 12th Century

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