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Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Round 4 Grantee Orientation October 20, 2014 2 PM ET.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Round 4 Grantee Orientation October 20, 2014 2 PM ET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Round 4 Grantee Orientation October 20, 2014 2 PM ET

2 Presenters Sharon Leu Workforce Analyst, Division of Strategic Investments Charlotte Harris Kristen Milstead Steve Rietzke Grant Officer, Office of Grants Management Ariam Ferro Grants Management Specialist, Office of Grants Management

3 Special Guests Erika Liliedahl Chief Evaluation Office Jennifer Freeman Project Director, Jobs for the Future (JFF) TACT Technical Assistance Initiative Kim Law Cyber Security Director, Anne Arundel Community College (TACT Round 1)

4 Today’s Agenda Welcome to ETA! Program Overview Communication Plan
Reporting Requirements Grant Package Next Steps Tips and Advice

5 Introductions Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
National Office Program Office – Division of Strategic Investments (DSI) Grant Office – Office of Grants Management (OGM) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) Regional Office Federal Project Officer (FPO)

6 National Office – DSI The Program Office has several functions:
Supports Federal Project Officers (FPOs) Provides Technical Assistance (“TA”) Together with Jobs for the Future Creates peer learning opportunities Collects performance data Reviews some grant modifications Coordinates product submissions and dissemination, with MERLOT Periodically requests additional information about your grant

7 National Office – Jobs for the Future
Jobs for the Future Technical Assistance Initiative TA offered by Jobs for the Future, with partners AACC and Maher & Maher Core Activities – in-person and virtual convenings; peer to peer exchanges; coaching; on-line community of practice; on-line resources Project Director: Jennifer Freeman

8 National Office – OGM The Grant Officer performs official grant duties: Maintains official grant documents such as modifications, no-cost extensions, and other relevant documents Approves all purchases over $5,000 ETA Grant Officer: Steve Rietzke TACT Specialist: Ariam Ferro The Office of Grants Management (OGM) also provides guidance on policy issues and training on fiscal and administrative requirements.

9 National Office – CEO Chief Evaluation Office
Conduct the TAACCCT National Evaluation Oversight of Contractors: Abt Associates with the Urban Institute Main Goals: Identify Potentially Promising Practices Provide technical support to 3rd party evaluations through peer learning, webinars, etc. Conduct National Evaluation DOL Project Officer: Erika Liliedahl

10 Regional Office Role

11 My name is:_______________
Grantees Create a virtual name tag… HELLO! My name is:_______________ I am from (name of your institution) and am a part of the (name of your project) project. If you want to get in touch with me, please me at: (your address) or call me at (your phone number).

12 Is this your first ETA grant?
Grantees Is this your first ETA grant? Yes No

13 Is this your first TACT grant?
Grantees Is this your first TACT grant? Yes, I’m brand new! I am part of a Round 1 grant I am part of a Round 2 grant I am part of a Round 3 grant I am part of more than one round of TACT grant

14 Program Overview Charlotte Harris Division of Strategic Investments
ETA Office of Workforce Investments

15 Program Overview $450 million in FY14 grant funds Six Core Elements
To expand and improve the ability of eligible institutions to deliver education and career training programs Capacity Building + Training Six Core Elements Evidence Based Design Career Pathways Advanced Online and Technology-Enabled Learning Strategic Alignment with the Workforce System and Other Stakeholders Alignment with Previously Funded TACT Projects Sector Strategies and Employer Engagement

16 Program Overview - Distinctives
State-wide and Regional Consortium Enforce geographic and industry sector collaboration, share resources and best practices Exceeding the Funding Cap Option 1: Advance State Career Pathway Systems Option 2: Improve Statewide Data Integration, and Use Option 3: Create Nationally-Recognized Competencies and Credentials

17 Program Overview Awards to institutions of higher education and consortia of three or more individual eligible institutions Includes public, proprietary, or other non-profit educational institutions 27 Consortium Awards, 39 Single Institutions, 5 State Selected Awardees Period of performance is 48 months Years 1 to 3: Program Development and Implementation Year 4: Data gathering, reporting, evaluation ONLY

18 Overview of Grantees

19 Industry Focus: “Other”
Overview of Grantees Industry Focus: “Other”

20 Target Population Focus: Rural Areas
Overview of Grantees Target Population Focus: Rural Areas

21 Communication Plan Sharon Leu Division of Strategic Investments
ETA Office of Workforce Investments

22 Communication plan From: ETA, To: You
Usually through your FPO for specific requests and information TACT mailbox for general requests and information Grantee Community of Practice ETA Website: From: You, To: ETA (National Office) Contact your FPO first Copy the TACT Mailbox: if appropriate Remember Include your grant number, round number and grant name Describe your question/issue as specifically as possible Please be patient!

23 Team Communications & Support
Main Point of Contact (POC) Receives communication from ETA Responsible for sharing information with project team and consortium members Any time the main point of contact for your grant changes, please remember to alert your Federal Project Officer (FPO) and National Office staff Note: Changing signature authority requires a formal grant modification

24 Consortium Communications
Consortium Lead Communicates with ETA on behalf of the consortium Disseminating information from ETA to consortium members Submitting requests and questions to ETA on behalf of consortium members Responsible for submitting PERFORMANCE reports to ETA on behalf of consortium members Consortium Members Communicates with consortium lead first Consortium Develop communication plan early

25 TAACCCT Webpage TAACCCT webpage:
SGA and Amendments Abstracts Redacted copy of Technical proposal is due to ETA Nov 1, 2014

26 Community of Practice TAACCCT Community of Practice:
Resources Technical Assistance Materials, training modules, FAQs TAACCCTitioners Quarterly Round 4 Grantee Orientation Series posted!

27 Always contact your FPO first if you have questions!
Communication Plan Always contact your FPO first if you have questions! If you… Contact: Are the lead of a consortium or an individual grantee FPO Are a member of a consortium The lead of your consortium Have questions or difficulty accessing the performance reporting system with a copy to your FPO Have questions or difficulty accessing the financial reporting system with a copy to your FPO and Have questions about evaluations with a copy to your FPO and Have questions about Creative Commons licensing and OER with a copy to your FPO and

28 Reporting Requirements
Kristen Milstead Division of Strategic Investments ETA Office of Workforce Investments

29 The Value of Reporting Reporting successes of high profile programs to Congress, Administration, OMB, GAO, etc. Demonstrating Grant Outcomes to investors and partners Illustrating Return on Investment (ROI) to employer partners Building additional strategic partnerships and leveraging resources Sustainability of the project and partnership Continuously improving program to meet the needs of participants

30 Reporting Requirements
TAACCCT grantees are required to submit reports Quarterly and Annually to ETA These reports are: Quarterly Narrative Progress Reports (QNPR) Annual Performance Reports (APR) Quarterly Financial Report (ETA-9130)

31 Quarterly Progress Report
Each grantee must submit a Quarterly Progress Report (QNPR) Due no later than 45 days after the end of a quarter For Consortia: Consortium leads submit one report, which aggregates the activities of all consortium members More information and training will be provided Quarter End Dates QNPR Due Date Report Activities Occurring Between December 31, 2014 February 14, 2015 October 1 – December 31, 2014 March 31, 2015 May 15, 2015 January 1 – March 31, 2015 June 30, 2015 August 14, 2015 April 1 – June 30, 2015

32 Annual Performance Report
Each grantee must submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) that reflects the longer-term outcomes of program participants Collects aggregate year-by-year information on all participants For Consortia: Consortium leads submit one report, which aggregates the activities of all consortium members More information and training will be provided Year End Dates APR Due Date Report Activities Occurring Between September 30, 2015 November 14, 2015 October – Sept 30, 2015 September 30, 2016 November 16, 2016 October – Sept 30, 2016 September 30, 2017 November 14, 2017 October – Sept 30, 2017

33 Quarterly Financial Report
Each grantee must submit a Quarterly Financial Report (ETA 9130) Due no later than 45 days after the end of a quarter Financial reporting system different than performance reporting system Consortium member must submit separate reports More information and training will be provided Quarter End Dates 9130 Due Date Report Fiscal Activities Occurring December 31, 2014 February 14, 2015 October 1 – December 31, 2014 March 31, 2015 May 15, 2015 January 1 – March 31, 2015 June 30, 2015 August 14, 2015 April 1 – June 30, 2015

34 Key Dates Grant Start Date: October 1, st QNPR Due Date : February 14, st ETA 9130 Due Date: February 14, st APR Due: November 14, 2015 Grant End Date: September 30, 2018

35 Grant Award Package Steve Rietzke and Ariam Ferro
ETA Office of Grants Management

36 The Grant Award Grant Award Letter Grant Agreement -
Signature Page / Notice of Obligation (NOO) Condition of Award Page Terms and Conditions Application for Federal Assistance Budget Statement of Work (SOW) Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable)

37 Once you receive this please DO NOT LOSE IT!
Grant Award Letter Acknowledgements of Award Payment Management System Information and forms on under Payment Information ETA’s on-line Grantee Fiscal Reporting System ETA 9130 Information to access system on under Financial Reporting Passwords/PINs are sent separately after supplying the necessary information Once you receive this please DO NOT LOSE IT!

38 Grant Agreement Notice of Award Obligation
Project Title – Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program (TAACCCT) Grant Awardees' Identifying Information DOL Identifying Information Agreement # TC-2XXXX A-XX Period of Performance Award Amount Regulations and Cost Principles Signatures

39 Notice of Award Obligation Regulations & Cost Principles
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) can be found at: Uniform Administrative Requirements 29 CFR Part 95 - Institutions for Higher Education 29 CFR Part 97 - State/Local Governments and Indian Tribes Cost Principles 2 CFR 220 (OMB Circular A-21) – Educational Institutions 2 CFR 225 (OMB Circular A-87) – State/Local Government, Indian Tribes 2 CFR 230 (OMB Circular A-122) – Non-profit Organizations

40 Grant Agreement Condition of Award & Terms and Conditions
All have first 3 conditions with additional conditions as needed Terms and Conditions Order of Precedence Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) and Amendments (incorporated by reference)

41 Grant Agreement Terms and Conditions
Indirect Cost Rates FPO Contact Information Equipment Requirements Pre-Award Costs Reporting Requirements Consultant Fees Publicity Procurement Audit Requirements Intellectual Property

42 Grant Agreement Attachments
Attachment A: SF-424 Attachment B: SF-424A Attachment C: Budget Narrative Attachment D: Statement of Work Attachment E: Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable)

43 Terms and Conditions – Equipment Purchases
Equipment purchases with a per unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, and a useful life of more than one year need prior approval from Grant Officer. Submit a detailed equipment purchase list with descriptions of each item to your Federal Project Officer (FPO) for review. We encourage you to submit this request as early as possible in the period of performance, with as many planned pieces of equipment as possible. Your FPO will review the items and submit the list for approval. A modification to your grant will be processed approving the equipment purchases.

44 Budget and Statement of Work
Budget Information SF-424A Budget Narrative and Evaluation Budget Narrative Grantee’s original proposal Technical Proposal Abstract Consortium Agreement (Consortium only) Documentation of Employer commitment Documentation of Workforce System commitment Organization Chart Employment Results Scorecard/Continuous Improvement Plan (Consortium only) Program Evaluation Plan Site Location Form

45 Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
Only applicable to those claiming indirect costs If grantee is claiming indirect costs but did not provide agreement, placed on 90-day temporary rate Indirect cost spending limited to lesser of either 10% of total Personnel budget or total claimed indirect costs

46 SOW Review Round 4 grantees Review of SOW, budgets, other attachments
Letters detailing potential issues in your SOW will be sent in December Review of SOW, budgets, other attachments 30 days to respond Assistance from FPO, DSI, and OGM Review of Program Outcomes Mathematical accuracy Assistance from FPO and DSI

47 State-Designated Eligible Institutions
For 5 State Selected Awardees Only (“TACT 5”) Project Narrative, Abstract and Project Site Location Form due by early December (60 days after receipt of grant package) Budget Narrative also due If changes to original budget are necessary, also submit a revised SF-424A Evaluation Contractor procured by December 31, 2014 All items are due to and your FPO

48 Next Steps Sharon Leu Division of Strategic Investments
ETA Office of Workforce Investments

49 Immediate Next Steps For the 66 Awardees
SOW Review (December 2014) – cost and compliance items Performance Review – outcomes items Equipment purchase list For the 5 State Selected Awardees: Develop SOW Develop Project Evaluation Plan

50 Next Steps – Upcoming TA
Training Series Fiscal/Admin Online Training Series Online training due December 5, 2014 Live Q&A December 2014 Evaluation Orientation: November 2014

51 What did I get myself into? Some Advice
Kim Law Cyber Technology Coordinator National STEM Consortium ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE (ROUND 1)

52 The National STEM Consortium (NSC)
Design and deliver Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs that are: NSC Industries Composite Materials Cyber Technology Electric Vehicle Development and Repair Environmental Technology Mechatronics Nationally portable High-quality certificate-level Responsive to labor market needs Build a national model for multi-college cooperation

53 What is the STEM Bridge? Grant deliverable
Programmatically consistent across all pathways Integration of basic, workforce, computer skills and job readiness training Contextualized within the five pathways Delivered along with technical curriculum

54 Advice – Get Moving! Be ready to start immediately Personnel Equipment
Create Implement Refine Outcomes Assessment Personnel Equipment Outsourcing

55 Advice – Student Recruitment
Scope of Work Recruiting is NOT easy Takes time Word of mouth spreads slowly Marketing Brochures, websites, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Free – blasts, local media

56 Advice – Be Proactive Guidance Memos – reactive
Determine the policies that you need, and set them Fiscal Reporting Eligibility, Registration, Documentation Outreach Intellectual Property Tuition/Fees Curriculum Development

57 Advice – Industry Partners
Employer Advisory Board Resource and validation Shape and design curriculum Want to use curriculum as business training

58 Advice – Collaboration
Compromise Designate a Collaborative Lead Find your “North Star”

59 Advice – Student Population
Grant student Computer skills Not new population to the college New population to credit faculty Developmental students are remediated prior to reaching credit faculty Professional Development for working with developmental students Open-enrollment vs. Grant course sections Challenge

60 Access STEM Readiness Course
Open Learning Initiative (OLI) website: Sign Up on main page STEM Readiness use Course Key:  ALL-STEM3 STEM Foundations use Course Key: STEMBASIC Questions? Kim Law;

61 For More Information Kim Law Sue Gallagher National STEM Consortium Project Director, NSC Cyber Tech Coordinator Anne Arundel Community College

62 Questions? How do you feel after today’s webinar? A. Geronimo!!! B. Uh… T-A-C-what ? C. A little overwhelmed, but excited!


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