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Integrating Product and Process Engineering Activities

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1 Integrating Product and Process Engineering Activities
Dr. Richard A. Wysk Leonhard Chair in Engineering The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802

Specification Raw Materials Parts Assemblies Function, Cost, weight User, etc. PLANNING CONTROL DESIGN Manufacturability Performance Capabilities PRODUCT ENGINEERING PROCESS ENGINEERING PRODUCTION ENGINEERING

3 A Vision of Integrated Engineering Systems (cont.)
INTEGRATION ENGINEERING tools and techniques that can be used to assist in combining planning, design, construction and management of a product.

4 Product, Process and Production Models
Product Engineering Library of features Feature interactions Process Engineering Process / Feature links Inter-feature linkages Inter-process linkages Production Engineering System Specifics Machine Specifics Fixture Specifics Tool Specifics

5 A Simple IPPD Illustration

6 Integrating Design and Manufacturing
Process Tolerance Chart -- limiting conditions Process Dimensional Accuracy Positional Accuracy Drill (twist) + .008 .005 Reaming .0025 Bore (semi-finish) .0035 Bore (Finish) .002

7 Generative Process Planning
Find the most efficient process capable of obtaining the design specification. Order the plans in an efficient manner. Get parameters from a handbook. Modify as required.

8 A Traditional Process Plan
Table 2 Process Plan #1 for Case Study Bracket Operation Description Tooling V (ft/min) F (in) d Time (min) 10 load part into fixture .5 20 Drill large hole .750 300 .010 .21 30 Drill small hole (8) .500 250 .008 1.70 40 Unload and visually inspect 1.00 Total time min t m = fv Dl 12 p <large hole> = . 60 * 010 650 750 = .21min = 12.75sec <small hole> = 008 50 5 = .2125min = 11.75sec each

9 Process Tolerance Chart is really a Statistically-based Entity
Process Tolerance Chart -- limiting conditions Process Dimensional Accuracy ( + 3 s ) Positional Accuracy Drill (twist) .008 .005 Reaming .0025 Bore (semi-finish) .0035 Bore (Finish) .002

10 Can we make some statistical inferences? (Size first)
The likelihood that each hole size dimension is good is + 3 s (from Process tolerance chart). If all holes are normally distributed and independent, then P{>1 Bad hole dimension} = 1 - [P(good hole dimension)]no. of holes P{>1 Bad hole dimension} = = = 2.4%

11 How about location? All locations were specified RFS.
What does this mean? Location requirements are independent of feature size

12 The likelihood of having a location out of spec becomes
For RFS Features The likelihood of having a location out of spec becomes P[x < ] + P[x> ] = P P = P[z < -4.82] + P[z > +4.82] = 2*[1 - F(4.82)] =2*[ ] =

13 For all 9 holes P{Bad location} = 1 - ( )9 = = .0004

14 The Expected Part Cost Cp = cost to produce + warranty cost
= $ P{defect} Cost of defect Assuming that the dimensional and location probabilities are independent we get P{good part} = [P{good dimension L good location}]no. of holes P{defective part} = 1 - P{good part} = 1 - [P{good dimension L good location}] no. of holes = 1 - [ * ( )]9 = .0244, and Cp = $ ($50) = $2.92 per part

15 Does the Process planning process end here? An Alternative Process Plan
Table 3 Process Plan #2 for Case Study Bracket Operation Description Tooling V f d Time (min) 10 Load part into fixture 47/64 0.5 20 Drill large hole .750 .010 1.70 30 Ream large hole 31/64 300 .008 0.21 40 Drill small holes (8) .500 50 Ream small holes (8) 250 Unload and visually inspect 1.00 Total time min

16 From the Process Tolerance Chart
Process Tolerance Chart -- limiting conditions Process Dimensional Accuracy ( + 3 s ) Positional Accuracy Drill (twist) .008 .005 Reaming .0025 Bore (semi-finish) .0035 Bore (Finish) .002 Choose either Reaming or boring to improve the quality of the product. Since reaming is a more efficient process, we will first look at it.

17 Calculating the percent defective

18 Computing the likelihood of a bad part

19 What can we say about tradition Process planning procedures?
They do not take defects into account (based on costs). Alternatives should be considered. Procedure is easy to implement.

20 What if Position was specified as Maximum Material Condition?

21 What if the holes were specified as MMC?
Size dimension will be the same. How about position? Position is not independent of size.

22 Why is MMC important? Dm Interchangeable fit and
assembly is based on it. Dm LMC

23 Calculating Positional Defects
It should be obvious that this value will be less than the RFS case.

24 Calculating proportion defective due to location

25 Proportion defective and cost

26 Is this the best plan? Still don’t know
What about secondary processing activities? Cost [additional processes] < Cost [warranty problems/piece]

Design for manufacturing is not well understood In many cases, the devil is in the detail. Statistical information is becoming more available and should be used as part of the design and planning process.

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