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Aaron Copland Born in Brooklyn, New York to a Jewish family

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1 Aaron Copland 1900-1990 Born in Brooklyn, New York to a Jewish family
Mother supported her 5 children’s music education Most musical exposure was at Jewish ceremonial events. Age 11-First opera scenario Age 13-began formal composition lessons The cultural environment of New York allowed for eclectic style.

2 Aaron Copland 1900-1990 1917-1921- Paris 1925-Returned to America
Compositions of this time reflected ‘modern’ trends Began “Young Composers Group” Introduced to Alfred Steiglitz’s artistic circle the American artist should reflect “the ideas of American Democracy” Joined together with other young composers to attempt to achieve ‘American’ sound


4 Aaron Copland 1900-1990 During the Great Depression; “music for use”
Wide appeal Easily learned Film music 1939-Billy the Kid 1940’s: Much success and world-wide fame Rodeo Appalachian Spring Fanfare for the Common Man Of mice and men, our town. Highly successful, established him. Excellent timing-American choreographers. (1942-Rodeo) (1943-AS)

5 Aaron Copland 1900-1990 1950’s: experimentation
and advocacy of alternative methods Influence on Bernstein Late life: conducting Died of Alzheimer's Calm, modest, shy, private. RODEO, APPALACIAN, FANFARE

6 Fanfare for the Common Man
Appalachian Spring 1944- for Martha Graham 1945-Pulitzer Prize American Pioneers of the 1800’s Employs Shaker tune ‘Simple Gifts’ Fanfare for the Common Man Commissioned by Cincinnati Symphony Celeberatign building a farm house Among the central characters are a newlywed couple, a neighbor, a revivalist preacher and his followers. . (fanfare)

7 Leonard Bernstein 1918-1990 Born Lawrence, MA to a family of
Russian Jews Father opposed interest in music 1934-Attended Harvard University, Curtis Institute for conducting Post graduation: moved to New York 1940: Tanglewood Music Center Studies with Koussevitzky 1951-Marriage to actress Felicia Montealegre Cohn Piano at young age, sociacy active On the town:

8 Leonard Bernstein 1918-1990 1943-Replaced Bruno Walter Instant fame
advocate of new music 1957-Music Director NY Phil Young People’s Concerts 1960’s revived interest in Mahler’s music 1970’s- Vienna Philharmonic 1973-Norton Lectures 1989-Beethoven 9 at fall of Berlin Wall Young People’s ( Prelude F_R (

9 Candide Words by Stephen Sondheim Opera vs Musical argument
Based on book by Voltaire Initial failure, revived success Candide (bastard) loves cunegonde (cousin) banished. Into army, heresy, whipped.reunited with cunegonde, her lovers arrive, candide stabs to death. Escape to South America, but on the way they’re attacked by pirates. Women carried off.Finds gold. Candide finds out Pirates have taken Cunegonde to constannople. Bribes for cunegonde with gold. Live a simple life as farmers. (Glitter)

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