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Course Information and Introductions

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1 Course Information and Introductions
Intro to Computer Science CS1510 Dr. Sarah Diesburg University of Northern Iowa

2 University of Northern Iowa
Instructor Sarah Diesburg Office: 311 ITTC Office hours: Mon 2:00–5:00pm Wed 2:00– 4:00pm, Fri 2:00–3:00pm, and by appt. Class website: 1510_fa16/index.htm UNI eLearning University of Northern Iowa

3 University of Northern Iowa
Other Faces Prof. Mark Jacobson Lab Instructor Office WRT 338a Office Hours: TBD University of Northern Iowa

4 University of Northern Iowa
Class Schedule Lecture in 328 ITTC Mandatory Three lectures/activities per week Will sometimes have points opportunities Lab Three sections Also mandatory Hands-on work on projects for points TA and lab instructor available for help University of Northern Iowa

5 University of Northern Iowa
Today Passing along attendance sheet Class objectives What is computer science? Logistics University of Northern Iowa

6 What is computer science??
Computer science is a discipline that involves the understanding and design of computers and computational processes And it’s a REALLY diverse discipline University of Northern Iowa

7 University of Northern Iowa
Graphics Ubiquitous Computing Wearable Computing Robotics Virtual Environments Bioinformatics University of Northern Iowa

8 University of Northern Iowa
Digital Special Effects High Performance Simulation Databases Information Security Human Computer Interface Design Game Development University of Northern Iowa

9 What do these things have in common?
They all treat the computer as only part of a bigger picture They all treat the computer as a tool! University of Northern Iowa

10 University of Northern Iowa
Programming! Programming is the process of writing, testing, and maintaining the source code of computer programs Collection of instructions that describe a task, or set of tasks, to be carried out by a computer While this course is an introduction to computer science, it focuses on how we can program the computer to be the tool we need! University of Northern Iowa

11 Our Goals This Semester
Increase our problem solving skills Design good solutions to problems Test how well they are indeed solutions to the problem Provide the solution as a readable document University of Northern Iowa

12 A brief look at course logistics
Take the time outside of class to thoroughly read the course syllabus. Some highlights… University of Northern Iowa

13 University of Northern Iowa
Why two websites? eLearning is for interaction Submit assignments and labs, view your grades Traditional website is for notes, labs, and other downloads Demo… University of Northern Iowa

14 University of Northern Iowa
Prerequisites None Some of you may have programming experience, others may not Either way is fine University of Northern Iowa

15 University of Northern Iowa
Required Skills Time and patience University of Northern Iowa

16 University of Northern Iowa
Course Material Lecture notes (posted at the class website) Textbook: The Practice of Computing Using Python (3rd edition), by William Punch and Richard Enbody University of Northern Iowa

17 University of Northern Iowa
Class Grading Activity Quantity Points Lab Work pts each 195 Individual Homework pts each 275 Concepts Exams 125 and 150 points Programming Exams pts each 250 Misc. Points (Lectures) At least 5+ 5 Total 1000 University of Northern Iowa

18 University of Northern Iowa
Grading Scale 100 – 92 A 91.9 – 90 A- 89.9 – 88 B+ 87.9 – 82 B 81.9 – 80 B- 79.9 – 78 C+ 77.9 – 72 C 71.9 – 70 C- 69.9 – 68 D+ 67.9 – 62 D 61.9 – 60 D- 59.9 – 0 F University of Northern Iowa

19 University of Northern Iowa
Assignments Generally one a week Typically follow skills demonstrated in the lab Due on the due date! No late work accepted Turn in what you have for partial credit – it’s worth it! 10% bonus score if turned in early One class period before due date 10% bonus is on top of what you earn University of Northern Iowa

20 Your Responsibilities
Understand lecture and reading materials Attend office hours for extra help, as needed Uphold academic honesty Turn in your assignments on time Check class web page and your UNI account and regularly University of Northern Iowa

21 University of Northern Iowa
Dos and Don’ts Do share debugging experiences Do share knowledge of tools Do acknowledge help from others Do acknowledge sources of information from books and web pages University of Northern Iowa

22 University of Northern Iowa
Dos and Don’ts Don’t cheat Don’t copy code from other people or websites Don’t paraphrase code from others either E.g., changing variable names & indentations Will be using sophisticated plagiarism checker Don’t post code to the discussion board University of Northern Iowa

23 University of Northern Iowa
Course Policies Attendance mandatory There are no make-up exams for missed exams… Honor code: read your student handbook Students with disabilities Report to Student Disability Resource Center Bring me a letter within the first week of class University of Northern Iowa

24 University of Northern Iowa
When to ask for help We are not psychics Please let us know if… Class is too hard You don’t have the background Class can be improved in certain ways When in doubt, us… University of Northern Iowa

25 Programming Environment
Python freely available online ( But get version 3.x Do NOT get version 2 University of Northern Iowa

26 Guidelines for Success in this Course
Prepare for lecture! Read the text selections before the start of lecture and complete any class prep assignment On previous course evaluations, the NUMBER ONE answer to the question “I could have improved my learning in this course by…” was some variation of “read the textbook” University of Northern Iowa

27 Guidelines for Success in this Course
Start assignments early so you have time to ask questions. Face to face questions are better than questions. If you me the night before something is due you shouldn’t get mad if I don’t respond. If you spend more than 15 minutes staring at the computer stuck on something, ask for help!  Make use of the office hours early! Don't wait until late in the term to seek help. University of Northern Iowa

28 Guidelines for Success in this Course
Finally, remember, programming takes practice. You may not get it the first time, but keep trying, asking for help, and caring. Eventually, you might find out that you are pretty good at this whole process! University of Northern Iowa

29 University of Northern Iowa
Rooms you should know! ITTC 328 – Lectures ITTC 305 – The departmental office ITTC 311 – My office ITTC 335 – Student Lounge Wright 112 – Lab. Can also work in here outside of lab times. Wright 339 – Can also work in here outside of lab times. University of Northern Iowa

30 University of Northern Iowa
To Do You will want to save your work somehow before lab on Thursday Buy a class thumb drive Save your work on your UNI Google drive Dropbox Any others? University of Northern Iowa

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