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High and Late Middle Ages

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1 High and Late Middle Ages
Ch. 8 1050 – 1450 AD

2 Chapter 8, Section 5 A Time of Crisis

3 The Black Death Europe was already weak Effects Great Famine 1315-1317
Plague Comes From Asia 1347 Trade brings goods, ideas, and unfortunately rats! Moves from Southern to Northern Europe Effects God’s Punishment? Jews Blamed Labor Shortages Demand For Higher Wages Inflation

4 Upheaval in the Church The Church In Trouble
The Plague kills many priests and monks Church is unable to explain the Plague The Schism 1309 Pope Clement V moves papal court to Avignon, France-weakens the church France controls papacy for next 70 years Popes live in luxury Criticism leads to new Pope elected for Rome 1417 Council at Constance ends schism Pope Martin V moves papacy to Rome permanently

5 Upheaval in the Church The Church Challenged
Corruption, Plague, Schism, and Skeptics weaken the Church authority John Wycliffe of England Calls for end of corruption Translation of Bible to English Calls for return to Biblical Truth Burned at the stake Laid the formation for the Protestant Reformation of the Church a hundred years from now

6 The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 The Cause
English claimed French lands, remember William the Conqueror? Edward III of England starts conflict when he claims the French crown and tries to claim the Channel for France

7 The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 The Course
At first, England was winning Better weapons; longbows 1429- THE MIRACLE OF JOAN OF ARC Uncrowned French King Charles V believes Joan is sent by God Many battles are won with her leading the army Joan captured and burned at stake Joan now a martyr leads to French rally to defeat the English


9 More Crisis, Almost Done!
The Consequences of Hundred Years War France expands its power French nationalism grows English Parliament becomes more powerful than the king Monarchs had to turn to them for money during the war English turn to overseas trade Castles and Knights Fall Out of Fashion Can’t hold up to cannon fire and long bows Vassals Replaced by Large Paid Armies Medieval Age is Ending Western Europe Recovers and Embraces a new age…………RENAISSANCE

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