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Advanced Detector Status Report and Future Scenarios

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1 Advanced Detector Status Report and Future Scenarios
Giles Hammond, University of Glasgow on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the VIRGO Collaboration 3rd October 2012 LIGO-G 1

2 Overview of the presentation
Worldwide network of detectors Astrophysics with Advanced detectors Overview of the ongoing detector upgrades GEO-HF Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) Advanced VIRGO (AdV) Incremental upgrades to the Advanced detectors Summary and future prospects

3 Worldwide Detector Network

4 Astrophysics with Advanced Detectors
The worldwide network is being upgraded to 2nd generation or “Advanced” status A network allows source location for follow up observations =>Multimessenger astronomy The advanced detectors will provide the first detections of gravitational waves and open up a new, non-electromagnetic, window on the universe Multimessenger astronomy (e.g. EM/neutrino observation) will increase detection confidence and provide complementary information Expected event rates of several ten’s of neutron stars coalescences per year INDIA/KAGRA/LIGO/VIRGO LIGO G

5 Astrophysics with Advanced Detectors
Fundamental test of general relativity=> measure the “speed of gravity” and the polarisation of gravitational waves Confirm or rule out that the fireballs of gamma-ray burst events are powered by merging neutron star binaries Detect, for the first time, binary black holes and possibly provide the clue to the missing population of intermediate-mass black holes Measure the equation-of-state of ultra dense matter in neutron star cores and thereby help understand extremes of nuclear physics Accurately measure the masses and spins of a number of neutron stars and black holes Provide new tests of strong field gravity Accurately measure the Hubble constant

6 Worldwide Detector Network >2010
LIGO India aLIGO eLIGO LIGO Advanced LIGO and Advanced VIRGO will result in a 10 distance increase => 1000 increase in volume GEO-HF features a high frequency upgrade (>500Hz) KAGRA (LCGT) will be the first cryogenic detectors LIGO India (2018) will significantly improve source location

7 Laser Interferometric Detectors
seismic noise mirror thermal noise shot noise Need to measure length changes 10-18m over 4km baselines Suspended optics (to reduce seismic noise) Ultra-high purity materials (to reduce thermal noise) High power solid state lasers (to reduce shot noise) Technologies required =>

8 GEO monolithic suspension
GEO-HF GEO600: the first detector to pioneer monolithic fused silica suspensions and advanced interferometric techniques (signal recycling) GEO-HF upgrade will bridge the gap until longer baseline detectors will reach better sensitivities in the kHz range => ensuring continued network operation Pioneering techniques such as squeezed light Squeezed light 30 W laser Improved thermal compensation MSR GEO monolithic suspension Class. Quantum Grav., 29, ,2012 LIGO G

9 GEO-HF Hardware GEO squeezed light source Squeezed light (laser
appears 1.5x more powerful) Light entering interferometer through the output port Improved thermal compensation at beamsplitter LIGO G , H. Wittel, PhD thesis

10 GEO-HF Hardware GEO squeezed light source Squeezed light (laser
appears 1.5x more powerful) Light entering interferometer through the output port Improved thermal compensation at beamsplitter LIGO G , H. Wittel, PhD thesis

11 GEO-HF Hardware Squeezed light (laser appears 1.5x more powerful)
Light entering interferometer through the output port Nature Physics, Vol. 7, p. 962–965, 2011

12 Power and Signal recycling Cavities
Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) Dual (Signal and Power) recycled Fabry-Perot interferometer 40kg test mass Seismic isolation LIGO lab aLIGO ring heater 180 W laser 4km Suspension Active seismic isolation QUAD suspension Fused silica lower stage Thermal compensation (ring heater and CO2 laser) Power and Signal recycling Cavities LIGO M060056

13 Active seismic isolation
aLIGO Hardware Active seismic isolation 10 isolation at 0.16mHz 1 000 isolation at 10Hz Actuate b k 180W aLIGO laser (97% in TEM00) LIGO G

14 aLIGO Hardware Initial LIGO (10.7kg) aLIGO lower glass stage (40kg)
Hydroxide catalysis bonding Initial LIGO (10.7kg) aLIGO lower glass stage (40kg) Ultra-low loss final stage for lowering thermal noise test mass (34cm) CO2 laser welding Mirrors are suspended from 7 isolation stages: 1 external hydraulic actuator 2 active isolation QUAD (x4) pendulum Class. Quantum Grav., 29, , 2012 Rev. Sci Instrum., 82, , 2011 Fibre pulling with a CO2 laser

15 aLIGO Installation Seismic isolation system Cartridge installation
at LIGO Hanford Chamber cleaning QUAD Suspension at LIGO Hanford LIGO G

16 aLIGO design curves (LIGO G1200982)
aLIGO Timeline aLIGO design curves (LIGO G ) LIGO G There is significant ongoing activity at the Hanford and Livingston sites Currently conducting: a 4km long single arm at LHO (Hanford) a vertex test at LLO (Livingston) comprising everything except end test masses Installation complete date: LLO (May 2013) and LHO (September 2013) Acceptance (2-hour lock) date: LLO (April 2014) and LHO (May 2014)

17 aLIGO Timeline aLIGO layout
LIGO M060056 aLIGO layout LIGO G There is significant ongoing activity at the Hanford and Livingston sites Currently conducting: a 4km long single arm at LHO (Hanford) a vertex test at LLO (Livingston) comprising everything except end test masses Installation complete date: LLO (May 2013) and LHO (September 2013) Acceptance (2-hour lock) date: LLO (April 2014) and LHO (May 2014)

18 Power and Signal recycling Cavities
Advanced VIRGO Dual (Signal and Power) recycled Fabry-Perot interferometer 40 kg test masses VIRGO test mass Bizouard, MG 11, Berlin 2100 W laser Vacuum system Multi-stage nested pendulums for low seismic attenuation Fused silica lower stage Thermal compensation (ring heater and CO2 laser) Power and Signal recycling Cavities (VIR–0128A–12) Fig 1.1

19 Advanced VIRGO Hardware
100W rod amplifiers under test (NICE) 20kg mirror for VIRGO (AdV is twice as thick) Fused silica fibre pulling VIR-0312A-12/LIGO-G Fused silica fibre puller/welder

20 Advanced VIRGO Hardware
Compact 2-stage isolator for auxiliary optics aVIRGO mirror test stand 6 stage “super attenuator” VIR-0312A-12/LIGO-G

21 Advanced VIRGO Timeline
Flaminio, MG12 LIGO G The Advanced Virgo Technical Design Report was released in April 2012 There is significant ongoing activity at the Cascina site Installation/integration will be completed in the first half of 2015 Commissioning will begin before the end of the installation laser and input optics 3km cavity

22 Upgrades to Advanced detectors
In 2011 the LIGO Scientific Collaboration initiated a study of upgrade scenarios: What R&D is needed over the next few years? When do we need to be ready for the upgrades Can we do the upgrades in an incremental way? How much improvement is possible? Three design teams (Red/Green/Blue) working on: Room temperature upgrades Cryogenic upgrades Heavier (150kg) test masses New optical coatings Low frequency subtraction of gravity Alternative operating wavelengths (1064nm vs 1550nm) Combined low/high frequency cold/warm interferometers: Xylophone configuration

23 Upgrades to Advanced detectors

24 Upgrades to Advanced detectors
LIGO-G LIGO-G LIGO-G For more details on KAGRA and ET please see the talks: 12:10-12:40: KAGRA project: status report (T. Kajita) 14:00-14:30 Einstein Telescope (ET) project (H. Lueck) 14:30-15:00 KAGRA and ET (K. Somiya) Workpackage meetings 3rd/4th October

25 Summary There is a significant worldwide effort to install and commission the hardware necessary for Advanced gravitational wave detectors Fused silica suspension, active seismic isolation and squeezed light are being used to improve sensitivity by a factor of 10 over the observing band of 10Hz-10kHz Advanced network will be operational in 2014/2015 Observing schedule for LSC detectors: 2015: 3 month run with LLO/LHO at 60Mpc range. Advanced VIRGO in commissioning at 40Mpc with the opportunity to join the data run : 6 month run with LLO/LHO at 100Mpc and Advanced VIRGO at 40Mpc : 6 month run with LLO/LHO at 140Mpc and Advanced VIRGO at 70Mpc 2019+: LLO/LHO at full sensitivity (200Mpc) and Advanced VIRGO at 100Mpc 2022+: LLO/LHO, Advanced VIRGO and LIGO India at full sensitivity From 2015 there is the opportunity for the Advanced detectors to open the gravitational wave window on the Universe. LIGO G

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