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ASTR 1040 – September 28 { } O B A F G K M . Second Homework Due Today

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1 ASTR 1040 – September 28 { } O B A F G K M . Second Homework Due Today
First Exam: Thursday October 5 Material through today’s lecture O B A F G K M Oh Be A Fine Gal Guy Kiss Me Coolest Hottest { } Website

2 Stellar Classification
Full range of surface temperatures from 2000 to 40,000K Spectral Classification is Based on Surface Temperature O B A F G K M Oh Be A Fine Gal Guy Kiss Me Coolest Hottest { } Each Letter has ten subdivisions from 0 to 9 0 is hottest, 9 is coolest

3 The Spectral Types O Stars of Orion's Belt >30,000 K
Lines of ionized helium, weak hydrogen lines <97 nm (ultraviolet)* B Rigel 30,000 K-10,000 K Lines of neutral helium, moderate hydrogen lines nm (ultraviolet)* A Sirius 10,000 K-7,500 K Very strong hydrogen lines nm (violet)* F Polaris 7,500 K-6,000 K Moderate hydrogen lines, moderate lines of ionized calcium nm (blue)* G Sun, Alpha Centauri A 6,000 K-5,000 K Weak hydrogen lines, strong lines of ionized calcium nm (yellow) K Arcturus 5,000 K-3,500 K Lines of neutral and singly ionized metals, some molecules nm (red) M Betelgeuse, Proxima Centauri <3,500 K Molecular lines strong >830 nm (infrared) *All stars above 6,000 K look more or less white to the human eye because they emit plenty of radiation at all visible wavelengths.

4 Stellar Classification (2)
Sun G2 a Cen G2 + K5 Sirius A1 Antares M1 Rigel B8 O5 40,000K B5 15,500 A5 8500 F5 6580 G5 5520 K5 4130 M5 2800 Letters are odd due to confusion in sorting out temperature scale between 1900 and 1920

5 Question Bellatrix (g Orionis) has a "surface" temperature of about 22,000K. What color do we expect it to be? A: Yellow B: White C: Blue D: Green

6 The Doppler Shift Another Powerful Tool
Frequency of light changes depending on velocity of source. Similar to sound wave effect Higher pitch when vehicle approaches Lower when it recedes.

7 Spectral Shifts Spectrum is identifiable as
known element, but lines appear shifted. Measure the shift, and we get velocity information! Shift to blueward implies approach Shift to redward implies departure

8 The Doppler Shift vt ct Observer D
During t seconds, source emits n waves of wavelength l. They move ct during that time. But source also moves vt during that time. So the n waves are scrunched into ct-vt instead of the usual ct Thus the wavelength is reduced from l to

9 The Doppler Formula v is positive if coming toward us
Wavelength l decreases from lab value Frequency shifts up as source approaches

10 Doppler Examples I run toward you with laser at 3m/s
c = 3x108m/s, l = 6328Å v/c = 10-8 So dl = l x v/c = 6328 x 10-8 = 6.3x10-5 l = Å That’s why we can’t sense a change Shuttle orbits at 6km/s v/c = 6/300,000 = 2x10-5 100MHz becomes 100MHz x 2x10-5 = 100,002,000Hz if coming at you.

11 Another Doppler Example
Star has known hydrogen line at 6563Å Detect line at 6963Å dl = 400Å Star is receding at 18,000km/s !! In some cases astronomers can detect shifts as small as one part in a million. That implies detection of motion as small as 300m/s.

12 What about that #@&! radar gun?
Cop uses radar which typically operates near l = 1cm If you are going 65mph = 65 mi/hr x 1600m/mi / (3600 s/hr) = 30m/s This creates a shift of dl = 30/3x108 = 10-7 in the wavelength 1cm shifts to cm. Not much. To say you were 5mph over the limit needs to measure one part in 100million!

13 Example of How Its Used in Astronomy
Stellar lines are broadened by star’s rotation.

14 Stellar Luminosity The H-R Diagram
By 1915 had lots of spectra and classifications Had a few distances from parallax Once distance was available, luminosity and Absolute Magnitude could be calculated. Herzsprung and Russel, working independently both plotted absolute magnitude (luminosity) vs classification (temperature) The H-R Diagram

15 The H-R Diagram Plot of Brightness vs Temperature
-5 Rigel Giants Capella Sirius Brightness Procyon Sun Main Sequence +5 a Cen B White Dwarfs +10 Sirius B Prox Cen +15 O B A F G K M Spectral Type

16 The H-R Diagram

17 The Main Sequence Stars Differ By: Mass Age Composition Nothing else!
And composition doesn’t vary Age and Mass only. Those on main sequence are all burning H so age drops out. MS is function of MASS only!!!

18 Full, Artistic H-R As mass of MS star increases, both R and T increase
increasing size sAT4 T constant on any vertical line

19 Newly Formed Star M Spectral Type O +10 +5 -5 +15 B A F G K Protostar
+15 B A F G K Sun Sirius a Cen B Prox Cen Procyon Rigel Capella Sirius B Main Sequence Giants White Dwarfs Protostar Large, Low T. Settles down to MS Then sits while burning H

20 MS Lifetime What determines amount of time a star stays on Main Sequence? Just like a kerosene heater: Amount of fuel and rate of burn. More Mass = More Fuel More Luminosity = Greater Burn Rate We can scale from the Sun: M = 1M L = 1L Sun lasts 1010 years M in solar masses L in solar luminosities

21 Some Lifetimes Mass Luminosity Lifetime in Billion Years Sun 1 1 10
Sirius Prox Cen Rigel 8 10, Dinky little stars like Prox Cen will last trillions of years Huge stars like Rigel are gone in a few million There aren’t many large stars out there, because they don’t last. 10,000 O stars of the 100,000,000,000 Milky Way stars

22 Estimate the main sequence lifetime of a 10 solar-mass star.
A. 100 billion years B. 10 billion years C. 10 million years D. 1 million years

23 Estimate the main sequence lifetime of a 10 solar-mass star.
A. 100 billion years B. 10 billion years C. 10 million years D. 1 million years

24 Chemical Energy for Sun?
Chemical Energy Generates 2eV per atom in forming molecule (burning) 2eV = 3x10-19 Joules Number of Atoms in Sun: Available Energy Time it can run:

25 Gravitational Energy? Available Gravity Energy: Time it can run:
Sun can only run 30million years on gravity. It does this during formation Best understanding of Sun until Einstein.

26 Nuclear Energy for Sun? Nuclear Energy Generates 2MeV per atom in forming molecule (burning) 2MeV = 3x10-13 Joules Number of Atoms in Sun: Available Energy Time it can run: Sun can run 20 Billion years on nuclear energy Which is what it does.

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