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Triage Notes President’s Message Chris Baker, RN, MSN, CEN Fall 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Triage Notes President’s Message Chris Baker, RN, MSN, CEN Fall 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Triage Notes President’s Message Chris Baker, RN, MSN, CEN Fall 2016
Fall Review Holy cow October is almost over!! I decided to share with you why I chose Emergency Nursing as my passion. I chose this nursing specialty because I love the thrill of never knowing what is coming through those doors. I love the pace and the variety of problems that patients present with. I also have considered it a privilege to be with someone at what is possibly the worst moment of his of her life. I am also very lucky to be working for a facility that I consider my work family and they are constantly teaching me something. I am very privileged to have been serving you as your MENA President. I feel it is important to thank all of you for allowing me to continue my emergency nursing journey with you. MENA and ENA have always pushed me to be a better emergency nurse and a better person, so thank you. I also want to also share with you some reasons to celebrate with me. Several of our MENA members have received grants and scholarships. Please help me to congratulate them: Hilda Vivo and Brenden Franklin for receiving ENA Annual conference scholarships. They were able to attend the conference this year in Los Angeles California with the help of this funds. Meri Trajkovski was also a recipient of a generous scholarship to continue her academic adventure of achieving a Masters degree. I am proud to also inform you that MENA is offering a significant discount for membership to celebrate Emergency Nurses Week. October 1st through 15th instead of paying for a yearly membership, members will be able to take advantage of a $30.00 discount. This again is being offered for the first two weeks of October. Please go to the our MENA website and go to the home page and follow the instructions on the flier to take advantage of this special offer. Some people ask me why join ENA. I want you to know there are many reasons why and here are a few: free on line education, access to ENA connect, free practice resources, grants and scholarships, employment resources and resume tools as well as member discounts. So please help me to pass the word and celebrate being an Emergency Room nurse. By the way save the date for the National Emergency nursing conference in St. Louis Missouri September Attending the National ENA this year was an opportunity to renew and rejuvenate. This year I was not disappointed by this opportunity and we had delegates from all over the state to represent Michigan. All had good times and memories. I even had the privilege of meeting ZDOGG and having him take several selfies with us in the airport terminal on the way home. What a wonderful advocate for nursing and a nice guy for us to interrupte his lunch. Happy Emergency Nurses Month! I hope you all have wonderful celebrations where you work and know that the Michigan State Council is proud of you for the care and compassion that you give your patients and their families every day. Please give yourself a hug for all you do and for who you are and never forget how proud and privileged you are to be an Emergency Nurse! 2015 Board of Directors President Chris Baker President Elect Mary Berri Bovia Secretary Eileen Negri Treasurer Kim Johnson Director Deb Wodarek Director Marilyn Sprague President’s Message Chris Baker Page 1 2017 Pictures Page 2 Conference information Page 3 Considering ENA Page 4 Spiritual Leader Mark Goldstein Page 5 Scholarship Recipient Meri Trajkovski Page 6 TNCC and ENPC updates Gerri Muller Page 7 2016 MENA Meetings Nov 11 MENA Website

2 MENA President Chris Baker with Z Dogg and Dianne Wren
Triage Notes Page 2 2016 MENA Delegates MENA President Chris Baker with Z Dogg and Dianne Wren

3 2017 MENA CONFERENCE Triage Notes Page 3
We are looking for chapter updates, clinical articles, case reviews or policy updates. Asking each chapter to submit an article throughout the year, and each committee to submit an article Please submit to MENA Secretary, Eileen Negri at Deadline is November 15

4 Considering Joining ENA?
Triage Notes Page 4 Considering Joining ENA? Are you considering joining the Emergency Nurses Association? Are you currently a member, but not sure if you should renew? Here is a highlight of some of the many benefits that ENA offers its members: Networking opportunities at local, state, national, and international meetings, conferences, and events Subscriptions to ENA Connection, Journal of Emergency Nursing, and ENA Newsline Discounted pricing on CEN, CPEN, CFRN, CTRN, and TCRN certification exams Discounted registration fees to attend the Annual Michigan ENA Spring Conference Discounted registration fees to attend the ENA Annual Scientific Assembly, being held September 14-17, 2016 in Los Angeles, CA (visit for more details) Discounted shopping at the ENA Marketplace (online merchandise) Many FREE online continuing education programs ($25 each for non-members) Numerous grant and scholarship opportunities Access to emergency nursing resources, Listserv communities, EN411 Legislative Networks, ENA Position Statements, and more Discounted opportunities for nationally recognized services such as MetLife and Nurses Services Organization (NSO) Emergency nursing employment opportunities at the ENA Career Center And much, much more! Pricing: Discounted memberships are also available for military personnel, senior members, and group memberships/renewals. Visit or for more details. Renew or join our internationally recognized association, over 40,000 members strong, and take advantage of the many benefits available as an ENA member today! Remember to "Like" us on Facebook—Michigan Emergency Nurses Association MENA and follow us on Stephanie Wilson, RN, BSN, CEN MENA Membership Committee Chair 1 year $115 3 years $288 5 years $432 Lifetime $1438

5 Triage Notes Page 5

6 ENA Scholarship Recipient
Triage Notes Page 6 ENA Scholarship Recipient

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