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Dynamic Storage Federation based on open protocols

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1 Dynamic Storage Federation based on open protocols
EGI Community Forum 2013 Dynamic Storage Federation based on open protocols Adrien Devresse (presenter) Fabrizio Furano Patrick Fuhrmann Paul Millar Daniel Becker Oliver Keeble Ricardo Brito da Rocha Alejandro Alvarez Credits to ShuTing Liao (ASGC)

2 Motivations for Federations (1)
Current situation: → Data are in groups of distributed of Storage Systems at differents places → The location of data is managed by → Experiment framework → Meta-data catalogs → Jobs are ( supposed to be ) placed close to the data Dynamic Storage Federation- 2

3 Motivations for Federations (2)
Can be improved ! → What happens to your workflow if  → A storage system is offline ? → A file is missing ? → The meta-data catalog is overloaded ? → Listing and/or browsing are expensive/slow operations → The file access pattern is clearly not optimal Dynamic Storage Federation- 3

4 Dynamic Federation Goal ?
Simple Idea : Federate on the fly  Grid Distributed Storage, Cloud Storage, Any Existing meta-data Catalog, In a unique namespace Dynamic Storage Federation- 4

5 Basic Idea of the federation
This is what we want to see as users Sites remain independent and participate to a global view All the metadata interactions are hidden and done on the fly Aggregation /dir1 /dir1/file1 /dir1/file2 /dir1/ With 2 replicas /dir1/file1 /dir1/file2 Storage/MD endpoint 1 /dir1/file2 /dir1/file3 Storage/MD endpoint 2 EMI INFSO-RI Dynamic Storage Federation- 5

6 Open a lot of new possibilities !
→ Reliability, failover → Detect offline storage element → Detect network problems → World wide replica discovery → Smart Redirection  → Geographical redirection → Network optimizations → Transparent caching Dynamic Storage Federation- 6

7 →Transparent data migration → Scalability → Aggressive caching
New possibilities (2) → Easy data Migration →Transparent data migration →Merge Grid and Cloud Storage namespace → Scalability → Aggressive caching → Protection of your name servers → Allow horizontal deployement → Load balancing Dynamic Storage Federation- 7

8 → Multi-stream download ( metalink )
New possibilities (3) → Performance → Multi-stream download ( metalink ) → Reduce latency ( GeoIP, local Fed ) → Low response time ( in memory ) → Flexibility → Algorithmic filename translation → Merge any type of Storage ( Grid, Cloud ) → Use / integrate your own catalog → Allow local federations Dynamic Storage Federation- 8

10 How is it working ? → No Database
→ Fetch the meta-data on demand from the Storage endpoints ( SE ) → Aggregate the meta-data on the fly → Distributed System Dynamic Storage Federation- 10

11 Scalable Architecture
Dynamic Federation Architecture Front-end ( Dmlite + Webdav ) → In Memory Only → several layer of cache → No Database → Meta-data fetched dynamically from the Storage Elements. ( Entry point ) Descision process plugin 1 plugin 2 1st layer cache ( RAM process ) 2nd layer cache ( Memcached ) Plugin layer Dav plugin LFC plugin S3 plugin Http plugin Storage Elements Dynamic Storage Federation- 11

12 Deployement possibilities
Global federation Dynamic federation 1 Dynamic federation 3 LHCb LFC Dynamic federation 2 Meta-data catalog GPFS EOS Dynamic Storage Federation- 12

13 Performances test Two storage endpoints: DESY and CERN (poor VM)
One UGR federator at DESY, clients at CERN 10K files are interleaved in a 4-levels deep directory Oddly-numbered files are at CERN Evenly-numbered files are at Desy The test (written in C++) invokes Stat only once per file, using many parallel clients doing stat() at the maximum pace from 3 machines Dynamic Storage Federation- 13

14 Performances results Dynamic Storage Federation- 14

15 Dynamic Storage Federation Status
Currently available! Technically TODAY we can dynamically aggregate: dCache DAV/HTTP instances DPM DAV/HTTP instances LFC DAV/HTTP and old Cns API instances Cloud DAV/HTTP services Anything that can be plugged into DMLite (the new architecture for DPM/LFC) Can be extended to other metadata sources Dynamic Storage Federation- 15

16 Dynamic Storage Federation Status
→ The system also can load a “Geo” plugin → Gives a geographical location to replicas and clients → Allows the core to choose the replica that is closer to the client → The one that’s available uses GeoIP (free) Dynamic Storage Federation- 16

17 We have a stable demo testbed, using HTTP/DAV
Dynamic Storage Federation Demo We have a stable demo testbed, using HTTP/DAV Dynamic Storage Federation- 17

18 Dynamic Storage Federation Demo
It is actually 2 demos in one An ATLAS demo, federating 8 sites, plus LFC as name translator Note that this is not the full ATLAS repo, it’s just 8 sites. DESY, KIT, SARA, WUPPERTAL, NDGF, Muenchen, Prague, ASGC A fully dynamic catalogue-free demo with the EMI testbed Federating three endpoints. a DPM instance at CERN a dCache instance in DESY one endpoint in LBNL Dynamic Storage Federation- 18

19 Dynamic Storage Federation News
Very stable, installable from the wiki Recent improvement: in the case we federate catalogues, the replicas they give can be checked on the fly Use the catalogue as name translator Use the catalogue as source of file listings Check the replicas in the moment they are requested Next item: ATLAS and Rucio We have a nice testbed, federating many ATLAS SEs We want to federate the Rucio services and the LFC(s) seamlessly together Dynamic Storage Federation- 19

20 Dynamic Storage Federation Links
Documentation and source code Description of the demo ederations.htm Power users wanted Helping in getting the best out of the system. Your cooperation is very appreciated. Dynamic Storage Federation- 20

21 Questions ? Dynamic Storage Federation- 21

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