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1 Reading

2 Aims Aims: Share the expectations of reading
Share strategies to enable you to effectively support your child at home Complete library forms. Discuss data and drop in reading across LA. Clarify reading comprehension issues with written responses SM to talk about writing up projects

3 What happened at KS2? KS2 Sample paper did not reflect actual test
The reading age was high Language within the question e.g. What impression does this give? Given up reading the final passage and guessing answers Stamina to complete paper Requires pupils to be fast readers as well as experienced

4 Content Domain KS2 Content Domain KS2 2a
Give / explain the meaning of words in context 2b Retrieve and recorded information/ identify key details from fiction and non- fiction 2c Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph 2d Make inference s from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the test 2e Predict what might happen from details stated and implied 2f Identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole 2g Identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases 2h Make comparisons within the text SM


6 Who got the mark? Q23: What does the word ‘spat’ suggest about how the island of Mauritius was formed? 1 mark ‘It was formed by a volcano’ ‘It was risen from the ocean floor’ ‘The island might’ve used to have been under water and then it suddenly come up in the same form’ It means that it was not designed properly.

7 ‘It was formed by a volcano’
2016 English Reading Test Analysis Q23 Evidence and Issue  2a The child has misunderstood the word ‘suggest’ and has given a factual/scientific answer rather than a literary answer He has not appreciated the connotations of the metaphor ‘spat’ He has not understood the context in which the word has been used 10 Mins MS Give out grid A3 versions x per pair Vocabulary - understanding of words that convey feelings Background knowledge - understanding of how circumstances impact on feelings

8 Question: Explain what is suggested by the sentence ‘No stone was left unturned’?
Virginia set off for France in March This time there was no thought of an American cover. She was to be an elderly French peasant, unrecognisable from the sophisticated journalist of her previous visit. Layers and layers of thick clothing filled out her figure, explaining the slow shuffling walk that helped to disguise her limp. Her brown hair was dyed grey and pulled back into a bun, over which a headscarf was tied, She even underwent dental treatment to remove her fillings and replace them with typically French ones. No stone was left unturned. The German army was on the lookout for a tall, good-looking, intelligent, limping American journalist. They would hardly confuse her with the stooping, dirty, overweight peasant woman that would shortly arrive in their midst. LD and SM Goldfish It means they left nothing out to disguise her

9 Example Reading Comprehension Questions for Virginia Hall- continued
Award 1 mark for reference to measures taken to transform Virginia and why They did everything they could think of to disguise her It means they left nothing out to disguise her She missed nothing out to make sure she wasn’t recognised She had to change everything about her appearance because the German army would be looking for her Do not accept answers that describe Virginia’s disguise e.g. She wore layers of thick clothing Her brown hair was dyed grey She even had dental treatment to change her looks MS and SM 10 mins Explain why we wouldn’t accept certain answers – eg a list doesn’t explain it.

10 Question openers What is suggested by…?
What is revealed through the phrase…? Choose a word or phrase which suggests that..? How do you know that..?

11 Library applications

12 Questions ?

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