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Light and Shadows Science - Year 3 Light – Block 3L Session 2

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Presentation on theme: "Light and Shadows Science - Year 3 Light – Block 3L Session 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Light and Shadows Science - Year 3 Light – Block 3L Session 2
Task PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Our eyes need light to see but they can adapt to see things in a very small amount of light. To investigate which colours and materials show up best in the dark, a dark cave has been made for you by draping thick cloths over tables. Around the inside of the cave, squares of card have been pinned, just like these ones we used for our predictions, so we can test out our ideas. We will go into the cave a few at a time through the flap opening and find a place to sit in the middle. Try not to touch the sides of the cave. There are also a few objects around the outside. Try not to touch them either.

3 Remember, darkness is just the absence of light so there is nothing to be afraid of. When you first get into the cave and have found a quiet, comfortable sitting position in the middle, your adult will close the flap behind you. At first you may not be able to see anything at all but be patient. Your eyes are very clever at adjusting to low light levels. Keep looking around you. As you begin to see some of the squares, try to remember which were the first ones you could see and which ones took a bit longer.

4 When you can no longer see any new ones, ask for the flap to be opened
When you can no longer see any new ones, ask for the flap to be opened. Discuss your findings with the group. Which were the first ones you noticed? Which could you see after a little while? Did the colours look the same in the darkness? Which did you not see at all until the flap opened to let more light in?

5 Next you will need to take a torch into the cave
Next you will need to take a torch into the cave. Wait for your adult to close the flap again behind you and take turns to shine the beam around inside. Look for the different objects placed around the edge How do they look in the torchlight? Which were easy to see and which were hard? Why?

6 Now it’s time to record your observations on your task sheet
Colours that are easy to see in the dark Those that are neither easy or hard to see Colours that are hard to see in the dark Sort and stick down your sample squares to show your findings

7 Scientists are always asking the question “Why?”
Think about everything you noticed in the cave. Did you make any discoveries? Were your predictions correct? Did anything surprise you? Why? What happened in the torchlight? Why? Note down all your observations and discoveries on the task sheet. If you don’t have enough space continue on the back of the sheet.

8 Not everyone can go into the cave at the same time so you can take turns whilst getting on with the job of painting your shadow puppet theatre.

9 Theatre Stages These are often very grand and beautifully decorated to make them exciting to audiences.

10 Choose rich, dark velvety colours to give your theatre a grand traditional look!

11 First prepare your theatre box
1. If your box has any holes in it, cover them with large sticky labels or with a sheet of paper which you have glued and pressed down. 2. It is also a good idea to cover over any writing on the box as it may show through the paint and any sticky tape that may stop the paint from covering.

12 3. Paint your theatre box in a rich colour making sure you cover all the outside sections.

13 4. If you have time, once your box is dry you could use a thick marker pen to draw curtains and decorations on the front of your theatre.

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