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Elements of Instruction

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1 Elements of Instruction
Madeline Hunter “Teaching is a stream of decisions, the implementation of which increases the probability that learning will take place.”

2 Teacher Responsibilities
1. Instructional Skills 2. Knowledge of Child Development 3. Classroom Management Skills 4. Knowledge and Use of Materials 5. Planning skills 6. Content knowledge 7. Human relation skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3 Teacher Behaviors Teach to an objective
Teach to correct level of difficulty Monitor student behavior and adjust teaching

4 Teach to an Objective What do you want students to learn?
Formulate an objective Provide relevant information, questions and activities Bloom’s Taxonomy - LOTS/HOTS Respond to the efforts of the learner

5 Teach to Correct Level of Difficulty
Push students to operate one step beyond current level of understanding Identify essential information/skills needed to achieve objective Develop appropriate sequence Examine student understanding to determine appropriate instructional level Formal/Informal/Inferential assessment of learning

6 Monitor Student Behavior and Adjust
Check student progress and make instructional decisions Monitor - Check response of learners Adjust - Interpret responses move on, re-teach, practice or abandon

7 Principles of Learning
Motivation Retention Transfer Reinforcement Active Participation

8 Motivation Increases the probability that students will focus on task with intent to learn Level of Concern - Manipulate proximity, time, materials, visibility Feeling Tone - pleasant, unpleasant, neutral Success - Determined by difficulty Interest - Vivid, novel, relevant to self Knowledge of Results - Specific and immediate

9 Retention Ability of students to remember and learn
Meaning - relevant to the learner, structure the task, use mnemonic devices Modeling -product, performance, practice (how long?, how much?) Barney Fife

10 Transfer 6th Grade Prevention Curriculum Life Skills
Ability of students to learn in one situation and use that learning in a modified form Teacher needs to plan for transfer at key points in the lesson 6th Grade Prevention Curriculum Life Skills

11 Reinforcement Interaction of a behavior and a response to that behavior - Always a factor in behavior Use reinforcement consciously and effectively - reduces student misbehavior and increases time on task for learning! Positive - Response that the learner wants or desires regularly at the beginning to strengthen and then intermittently to retain desired behavior Negative - Response that the learner does not want or desire following each undesired behavior Extinction - no response to a behavior “Praise in public - punish in private”

12 Active Participation Consistent and ongoing engagement of the learner’s mind on the learning Students learn more and faster! Overt - observable Covert - non-observable Use a combination of overt and covert throughout lesson

13 Active Participation Active Participation Game Show
Jon reads aloud; rest read along and be ready to answer questions. 1 overt - rest covert We will all sing; Michelle listens to give us feedback on whether she can understand the words All overt - 1 covert. All read the first two pages of the Hunter article silently. All covert I will say a term from elements of instruction and then you hold up the correct term card. All covert - all overt All read directions to self; then pair and explain to each other. All covert-all overt

14 Lesson Design Objectives - What do you want students to learn
Anticipatory Set - Attention Getter! Designed to focus students on the new learning Establishes the environment Instructional Input - Body of Lesson Modeling - What do want students to do You set the example! Check for Understanding - Evaluation Guided Practice - Working with the material Closure Designed to provide students an opportunity to summarize the learning

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