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Chapter 11 - Soil Resources

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1 Chapter 11 - Soil Resources
it’s just dirt!

2 I. Soils: Products of Weathering
Soil  loose surface materials composed of weathered rock and mineral materials with variable amounts of organic matter can support growth of plants resting upon bedrock


4 Soils B. Residual vs. Transported Soils
Residual  formed “in situ” via weathering Transported  formed elsewhere & deposited alluvial, glacial, wind deposited Example  loess soils & the Palouse


6 Soils C. Soil Profile  vertical section of soil from surface to bedrock D. Soil Horizons  layers of soil (in profile) distinguished by color, texture, structure & composition

7 Soil Profile & Horizons


9 Soils E. Color & Texture 1. Color  indications of composition
Higher organics  darker color Higher iron  redder color Higher calcium or salts  whitish colors


11 Soils 2. Texture Grain sizes  Sand, silt, clay
often determines physical properties -looseness/compactibility -drainage & moisture retention

12 Soil Texture

13 Soils F. Soil Classification  “a pain in the _____!”
Early attempts  Zonal classification based on climate controls, temp. vs. rainfall

14 Classification “modern” classification  soil science vs. engineering classification Classified by physical characteristics 14,000 soil “series” now recognized! Forgetaboutit!


16 II. Soil Resources & Problems
Soil  a renewable resource? Soil Erosion U.S. farmlands, 1992 = 2 billion tons ~4.8 tons/acre, average annual loss ~1.6 tons/acre, avg. annual formed accumulated side effects!

17 Soil Erosion Styles of erosion Sheet Rill Gullying Wind





22 Global Soil Erosion

23 II. Soil Resources & Erosion
B. Causes Natural Human-related  Overgrazing & bad agriculture techniques Deforestation Recreational activities




27 Case Study: Palouse soil erosion
Palouse region, eastern WA  Go COUGS! Loess soil  wind blown silt

28 Case Study: Palouse soil erosion
Formed during Pleistocene glaciation Several hundred feet thick in places High fertility, important physical properties & agricultural potential Interesting historical ramifications

29 Palouse soil & erosion issues

30 Palouse soil erosion Up to 25 tons/acre/year erosion
Highest rates  200 tons/acre/year!  steeper slopes ~.17 inches/year  8.5 inches/50 years *Farm near Thornton, WA  4.5 feet of soil lost in less than 50 years!

31 Palouse soil erosion 20% + of cropland eroded to subsoils 
Decreased yields Increased fertilizers needed, decreased soil pH (acidifying) Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, 2007, David Montgomery, University of California Press

32 Palouse soil erosion Contributing factors to Palouse erosion?
Intensive mechanized farming  tractor plowing began (1930’s) Plowing on hillsides Rain on freshly plowed land  rilling/gullying Wind storms  age-dated lake cores  4-fold increase in erosion w/modern plowing

33 II. Soil Resources B. Soil Contamination Industrial pollution

34 II. Soil Resources & Problems
C. Expansive Soils expansion upon water saturation shrink when dried out $6 billion/year damages Clay-rich soils Why is clay the culprit?



37 Expansive Soils Mitigation How to deal with expansive soils?
Hire a geoengineering firm & spend lots of $$$$ fixing the problem after, or….. Spend less $$$$$ before 341/


39 II. Soil Resources & Problems
D. Settlement Non-uniform settling and compaction  Differential settlement Soils with strength & cohesion differences READ  Leaning Tower of Pisa

40 II. Soil Resources & Problems
E. Permafrost Permanently frozen ground Northerly, polar latitudes Freezing depth (winter) exceeds thaw depth (summer)



43 Case Study: The Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Prudhoe Bay (North Slope) oil fields Discovered 1968 – “world class field” Remote location, cold water port No oil tankers! How to get the oil to market? 1300 km (~800 mi) pipeline

44 Trans Alaskan Pipeline
B. Pipeline Route Prudhoe Bay to Valdez (Prince William Sound) Inaccessible wilderness 2 mountain ranges, large river crossings LARGE areas of permafrost

45 Trans Alaskan Pipeline
C. Planning Studies, Designs, & Cost Prefeasibility studies  mapping & drilling bedrock vs. permafrost Identified faults  active Denali fault Permafrost dilemma  oil needs to 65oC in 48” pipeline *1/2 of pipeline must be above ground  why?

46 Trans Alaskan Pipeline
Above ground design MUST: Dissipate heat away from ground Allow for fault movements & earthquakes Vertical support members (down to 60’) w/heat exchangers & refrigerant Horizontal beam & jiggle joints for magnitude 8 quake

47 Building on permafrost




51 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake
7.9 magnitude Remote section on Denali fault Movement along fault ~14 feet! Design specifications withstand quake!



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