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NHS Scotland Journals@Ovid Robert Kimberley.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Scotland Journals@Ovid Robert Kimberley."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Scotland Journals@Ovid
Robert Kimberley

2 Journals@Ovid Sample Searches Browse Journals
How many journals are there in Gastroenterology and Hepatology? From the main search page, click on then, click on You will see that there are 37 journals for this subject. Click on the “Journal List” link to access the full list of journals. Click on “Table of Contents” to access of articles in one of the journal issues. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

3 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Find review articles that talk about vaccination against “avian flu” First we identify the terms that we are looking for: Avian flu or Avian influenza Vaccine H5N1 virus Now we select the operators we will be using to connect these terms: AND = avian and flu finds both terms in the selected field, e.g. abstract. OR = avian or flu finds either term in the selected field. ADJn = finds one term within “n” words of the other, where “n” equals the maximum number of words between them. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

4 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Find review articles that talk about vaccination against “avian flu” (continued) Let’s build our search strategy: avian adj3 (flu or influenza) = either flu or influenza within 3 words of each other H5N1 Combine Searches 1 and 2 above with the operator OR, i.e. (avian adj3 (flu or influenza)) or H5N1 Vaccin$ = the $ substitutes any possible ending of the word, i.e. we will include “vaccination”, “vaccinated”, “vaccines” Combine Searches 3 and 4 with the operator AND Limit to “Review Articles” NHS Scotland eJournals training day

5 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Find review articles that talk about vaccination against “avian flu” (continued). Let’s have a look at the results: NHS Scotland eJournals training day

6 Your Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Find articles whose authors are affiliated to NHS Scotland For this search we will use the “Institution” field, which is located in the “More Fields” screen Click on and enter “NHS Scotland” in the search box, then tick the box by the “Institution” field and click on “Perform Search” Alternatively, we could have written “NHS Scotland”.in directly in the search box The inverted commas ensure that the phrase is searched exactly as we have written it, and the .in means that we are just searching in the institution (.in) field NHS Scotland eJournals training day

7 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Let’s have a look at the results now, including a sample record Note that if what we are looking for is the organisation that is funding a study – rather than simply the author’s affiliation – the field to use is the “Byline” field. Therefore the same search on the “Byline” field would retrieve studies funded by the NHS Scotland. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

8 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Find all articles that contain X-rays, photographs or graphs that illustrate calcification of any of the joints For this search, we will use the field “Caption Text”, which we can access from the “More Fields” screen. Alternatively, as we have seen before, we can search directly in this field by entering its two letter label “.ct” after our search in the main search box. Let’s build our search: hip$ or wrist$ or knee$ or elbow$ or joint$ = $ also finds “hips” calcif$ = finds calcification, calcify, calcified. Combine searches 1 and 2 with the operator ADJn at a maximum of 10 words of each other, i.e. (hip$ or wrist$ or knee$ or elbow$ or joint$) adj10 calcif$.ct NHS Scotland eJournals training day

9 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
Let’s have a look at the results: and a sample record: NHS Scotland eJournals training day

10 Journals@Ovid Search Examples
And this is an X-ray we found as part of the Full Text of the record shown in the previous page. We can see clearly that the words calcification and hip are both in the caption text and within 10 words of each other. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

11 Publish Ahead of Print The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of the Publish Ahead of Print functionality. Ovid’s PAP Full Text provide users with online access to critical content as soon as the material is ready for release and before it appears in a printed journal issue. All PAP Full Text has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. All PAP articles are in any pre-publication stage. This means that their content can change significantly before final publication. This is - however - not very likely. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

12 Publish Ahead of Print: Definition
Access to Valuable Content Available in Pre-Publication Stage, i.e. before publication in printed journal Peer-Reviewed Accepted for Publication Could change before final publication in printed journal The aim of this presentation is to give an overview of the Publish Ahead of Print functionality. Ovid’s PAP Full Text provide users with online access to critical content as soon as the material is ready for release and before it appears in a printed journal issue. All PAP Full Text has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. All PAP articles are in any pre-publication stage. This means that their content can change significantly before final publication. This is - however - not very likely. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

13 Publish Ahead of Print: Browsing
From the Ovid Main Search Page click on Click on or depending on whether you would like to browse alphabetically or by subject. When you browse from the Main Search Page, PAP records can be among your journal issues lists and table of contents displays. Click the Browse Journals Icon on the Main Search Page, and Ovid offers you two ways to navigate through the journal titles to which your site subscribes: by journal name or by journal subject. Either mode lets you set up a journal issue list that best suits your needs. A-Z Creates an alphabetical list of journals. Choose this option if you know the name of the journal you need or want to browse an alphabetical list of journal titles. Subject Creates a list of journals by subject to which they apply. Choose this option if you know that the articles you need belong to a specific subject area or if you want to browse journal titles by subject matter. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

14 Publish Ahead of Print: Browsing Journals by Subject
When browsing journals by subject, a yellow square symbol appears by the side of the name of the publication. This means that PAP is available for that journal. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

15 Publish Ahead of Print: Browsing Journals A-Z
A special PAP issue displays at the top of the issue list for participating journals. Users click the Table of Contents link for the PAP issue, review entries in the TOC display, and access PAP Full Text available for that journal. When PAP Full Text becomes available in print, Ovid removes the record from the PAP issue. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

16 Publish Ahead of Print: Table of Contents Display
In contrast with a Table of Contents for a regular journal, the table of contents for a PAP journal will not have a publication date or page numbers. These will be allocated once the article passes to be part of a printed journal, and therefore will no longer be displayed under the PAP Table of Contents. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

17 Publish Ahead of Print: Full Text
PDF Format Only Fully searchable PDF Watermark (some journals only) Also to be noticed is that PAP articles are available in PDF format only. This PDF is fully searchable, however. This means that any searches run in from the search box in the Main Search Page will also find the search terms in PAP journal articles. Once the PAP article is allocated to a print issue of the journal it is coded in HTML, which enables you to use Full Text only search fields, i.e. caption text and byline, as well as the rest of the article field, as well as all the functionality available from the HTML visualisation for Full Text articles, e.g. jumpstarts, save article text, etc. Some journals carry a watermark that reads “Publish Ahead of Print” or “Proof Copy Only”, although most do not. PLEASE NOTE: That searches run from Databases, e.g. Medline, will not retrieve PAP articles. The reason is that only articles that have appeared in print issues of a journal are actually indexed by Database producers. You will only be retrieving articles from journals for which PAP is available, but only from their print issues. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

18 Publish Ahead of Print: Full List of Journals
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Circulation Research Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research (CORR) Critical Care Medicine Epidemiology Hypertension JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Laryngoscope Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise Menopause Neurology Neurosurgery Otology & Neurotology Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Research Retina Sexually Transmitted Diseases Stroke The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Publish Ahead of Print is only available for select journals. This is the full list of journals that offer this functionality at present. Ovid is working to increase the number of publications that offer PAP with a view to have it available for all Lippincott William Wilkins journals in the future. IMPORTANT NOTE: Because Ovid’s PAP articles present data that is in-process toward final publication, their statements, opinions, and information may contain errors in facts, figures, or interpretation. With this in mind, apply responsibly any information gained from PAP articles. Accordingly, the publisher, editors, authors of PAP articles, and their respective employees accept no liability for consequences of any inaccurate or misleading data, opinion, or statement. NHS Scotland eJournals training day

19 Journals@Ovid Technical Support and Help Desk: Training information:
Training information: Creation Integration into workflow Embedded Two-dimensional view? Knowledge is highly situated; rapidly changing; more diverse than ever before (Australian Council of Deans of Education, 2001) ”good learners will be broadly knowledgeable, and in particular able to engage with the different interpretive frameworks and contexts of specific information” (Kalantzis et al, 2003 ) Interact - with information/knowledge, and with others (social network) NHS Scotland eJournals training day

20 NHS Scotland eJournals training day

21 + + content content tools tools services services
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