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Postgraduate research – a true experiential learning journey

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1 Postgraduate research – a true experiential learning journey
Dr David Thorpe, University of Southern Queensland

2 Presentation Outline Introduction The postgraduate research journey
What is experiential learning? Postgraduate research and experiential learning Potential for development of synergy between researcher and research outcomes Discussion Conclusion

3 Introduction The postgraduate research journey is challenging and interesting A voyage of discovery that can be both frustrating and rewarding Experiential learning can play a significant role in the journey A potential further result is embodied learning This combination of experiential and embodied learning can help to develop a synergy between researcher and research outcomes

4 Defining the postgraduate researcher
Normally undertaking a Master by Research, Professional Doctorate or PhD Goal is to receive a qualification at the end of their period of research Focus on a particular field of research Most postgraduate researchers go through a fairly well defined set of steps Workload can be quite high Goal is to achieving a positive research outcome

5 The postgraduate research journey
Research project submission Appointment of supervisory team Literature review (does not really stops) Development of research methodology Confirmation of candidature Gathering and analysing data Discussion of results Developing conclusion Writing up (often occurs throughout research)

6 Challenges in the journey
All steps can be quite challenging Time pressures, particularly for confirmation and thesis submission Regular progress reporting Challenges in defining research question and conceptual framework Gathering and analysing data can be frustrating as well as rewarding Drop-out rate can be high (over 50% in USA)

7 Rewards in the journey Successful completion of targets is positive
Success in a component of the journey gives a sense of achievement Success at the end is the best reward of all This often comes at the end of a period of considerable thought, experimentation, obtaining results, reflection, learning, further trials and reshaping of the research This journey has a close relationship with the steps in experiential learning

8 What is experiential learning?
Can be called “learning by experience” Dewey an early pioneer Kolb (1984) developed a experiential learning cycle consisting of: Concrete experience CE (feeling) Reflective observation RO (watching) Abstract conceptualisation AC (thinking) Active experimentation AE (doing) (James Cook University)

9 Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle
Concrete Experience CE Reflective Observation RO Abstract Conceptualisation AC Active Experimentation AE

10 Experiential learning in research
The research process may include the following aligned with experiential learning: experimentation (for example, data gathering) experience resulting from experimentation reflective observation (e.g., about methodology) conceptualising a new direction further experimentation using the new approach This further experimentation may result in a changed experience The process may be repeated several times.

11 A further dimension – embodied learning
Commonly used in the performing arts Constantly developing nexus of body, mind and experience (Dewey) Can be applied to all types of learning – physical, social-based, spatial (e.g., maths) A range of embodied pedagogies Works well in constructivist approaches Computer simulation and gaming being explored

12 Connection – embodied and experiential learning in research
Experiential learning is based on experience, learning from that experience and application of that learning to another cycle Embodied learning links physical and cognitive All activities in postgraduate research require activities - thought, experimentation, reflection, learning, revision and further work. We learn from these experiences, and in the process have the potential to more closely link with our research

13 Development of synergy between researcher and outcomes
Through the embodiment of our experiences throughout the postgraduate research experience, the research topic has the potential to become part of us At the same time, we grow to own the research and make its results an expression of our own thoughts Thus over the period of the research a synergy is likely to develop between the researcher and the research outcomes

14 The result

15 Reflections The research journey is intensive, and both rewarding and frustrating, with many dry gullies balanced by many climbed mountains The process is one of successive cycles of experiential learning This in turn can lead, through embodiment of the experiences, to a synergy between to researcher and the outcome Supervisors, through encouraging the researcher to experiment, have a role in this process

16 Conclusions Experiential learning often takes place in the postgraduate research journey through the research process This is the result of repeated cycles of experimentation, reflecting, learning, modification and revised experimentation Consequently, the research journey has the potential to provide to the researcher an embodied learning experience, with a resulting positive synergy between the researcher and the research outcomes

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