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The Beginning Of The School Journey

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Presentation on theme: "The Beginning Of The School Journey"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Beginning Of The School Journey

2 Welcome Emily Binding Class Teacher Stuart Secker Governor
Katie Butler The Friends Jacky Stedman School Cook Rosie Keedy Headteacher

3 Polesden Lacey A small school where every child has a bigger part to play
Warm Friendly Welcoming

4 The Foundation Stage A smooth transition from nursery or playschool

5 Curriculum learning through what interests your child
Me Seaside Circus Pirates The Wild Wood Space Castles

6 Rabbit Class Emily Binding Angela Jones Gemma Bonner
Experienced Infant Practitioner Angela Jones Experienced Teaching Assistant (qualified teacher) Known to your children through Summer Club Gemma Bonner Experienced Early Years Assistant (Higher Level Teaching Assistant Qualification)

7 The School Day Arrival at 8.45 being on time is really important
Help your child to follow the coming into school charter

8 We provide fruit and a milk option

9 Lunchtime

10 Hometime Please ensure
whoever is collecting your child arrives on time that we know who is collecting your child that if you need a quick chat with the teacher you wait until everyone else has been collected

11 Rabbit Class Routines

12 Ways that you can help Can your child undress and dress unaided?
Have you labelled ALL of their clothes? Have you labelled their water bottle? Can you use the contact book?

13 Forms Please return all the forms in your bag as soon as possible
Fill in the All About Me sheet it really helps Mrs Binding and the team to begin to get to know your child

14 Help In School Regular e.g. once a week
Occasional e.g. on special days You must attend a briefing with Mrs Keedy

15 Let us know if you think your child may qualify for pupil premium
This generates money which is used to Provide extra staff Provide extra equipment Provide specific support for your child Confidentiality is respected

16 Winter Uniform Red coats and hats
Red sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans Grey trousers, skirts or pinafores Red shirts Red or grey tights Grey socks Black shoes Plain hair tie Optional fleece for outdoors (this is not a jumper)

17 Summer Uniform Boys Red polo shirts Grey shorts or trousers Grey socks
Black shoes

18 Summer Uniform Girls Red gingham dress White socks Black shoes Red hat
Plain hair tie

19 PE Kit

20 What needs to be at school?
Boots and a waterproof Book bag PE kit Water bottle Coats, hats, jumpers appropriate to the season

21 Contribute to The School Fund

22 How can you check about school routines and events?
Look in your parent handbook (make sure everyone who brings your child to school has seen the handbook) Register with parent mail Keep your term dates list to hand Keep your newsletters (preferably in a folder on your computer) Check e mails or book bags daily Read the notice boards or ask others to do this for you Check the website

23 You will have already received this information
When can you start? You will have already received this information from the school office

24 We look forward to September

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