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Programming with ANSI C ++

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1 Programming with ANSI C ++
A Step-by-Step Approach Prof. Bhushan Trivedi Director GLS Institute of Computer Technology

2 Chapter 7 Templates

3 Identical Body and different arguments
BubbleSort(IntArray) BubbleSort(EmpArray) BubbleSort(StringArray) All three of above need same code to operate on diff types of data

4 Manually overloading is error prone
We may forget to overload a function for a specific type We may have inadvertently change the content of the body of one of the overloaded function

5 The Function Templates
Enables automatic instantiation Template functions are also known as generic functions Converting from a specific function to a generic one is a simple job

6 Conversion from a normal function to a template function
Add the template definition before the function Convert normal type to generic wherever necessary Type name or class can be used to describe the generic type

7 Single argument function templates
void BubbleSort(int TempIntArray[]) template <typename Type> void GenericBubbleSort(Type TempIntArray[]) 5/10/2018 The C2C programme

8 The Instantiation The definition of the GenericBubbleSort() does not define any function in true sense. When function is invoked or function address is taken then instantiation is done Compiler automatically generate correct code for the function actually used 5/10/2018 The C2C programme

9 Instantiation Continue..
Explicit casting for resolving ambiguity Template argument deduction Error when unique type can not be determined GenericBubbleSort <char> (Array3); // explicit argument--will create char instance GenericBubbleSort <int> (Array2); // explicit argument --will create int instance

10 Instantiation examples: compiler deducing arguments
float Array4[10]; GenericBubbleSort(Array4); // will deduce float and generate float instance of GenericBubbleSort() i.e. GenericBubbleSort <float> ()

11 Instantiation examples: Generating an overloaded function or not
GenericBubbleSort <char> (Array3); GenericBubbleSort <char> (Array5); The second call does not create the new overloaded function

12 Argument Deduction When the function is called, compiler looks at the type and values of the arguments passed to the function; and deduce the type of generic parameter looking at them

13 Argument Deduction template<typename Type> SumIt(Type One, Type Two) { return One + Two; } SumIt(12, 15); SumIt(string(“Jay”), string (“Hind”))

14 Argument Deduction SumIt (12, 12U) will not work!
12 is int and 12U is unsigned. Type placeholder can not have two values at the same point of time. Compiler can’t instantiate a function with unique Type value in this case.

15 Need to overload operators
If we need to have our bubble sort to work with other then built-in data types, the operations like =, < and > are all important to be implemented in class representing that data type. Otherwise statements like TempIntArray[i] = TempIntArray[j] does not work properly

16 Need to overload operators
if (TempGenericArray[i] < TempGenericArray[j] ) also will not compile. We also need to overload << if the data type is to be used with cout bool operator < (employee & OtherEmployee) { return (EmpNo > OtherEmployee.EmpNo); }

17 Multiple arguments: The search Example
template <typename Type> int GenericSearch(Type TempGenericArray[], Type EleToBeSearched)

18 Multiple arguments: The search Example
{ for (int i=0 ; i < 10; i++) { if (EleToBeSearched == TempGenericArray[i]) return i; } //end of for loop return -1; } //end of program

19 Two Generic Arguments template <typename Type1, typename Type2> void BiggerSize(Type1 FirstVal, Type2 SecondVal) { if (sizeof(FirstVal) > sizeof (SecondVal)) cout << "First item's type is bigger\n"; else cout << "Second item's type is bigger\n"; } }

20 Non-type Parameters template <typename Type, int Size> void GenericBubbleSort(Type (&TempGenericArray)[Size]) In the case of following statement GenericBubbleSort (Array2); The generated function will not contain the size as integer variable but an actual size value

21 Non-type Parameters  GenericBubbleSort() does not contain size variable but value 16 (deduced by compiler) as size parameter as it is the size of the array passed to the function.  

22 Explicit Specialization
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & TempOut, employee & TempEmployee); template <> friend void GenericBubbleSort (employee TempEmployee[], int Size);

23 Template Compilation Models
Definition and instantiation is done at different places! Declarations can also be presented Inclusion Compilation Model Keeping the functions entirely Separation Compilation Model Keeping only declarations The export Keyword

24 Overloading function templates
Template <typename Type> Type min (Type, int) Type min (const Type*, int)

25 Specialization Overloading a template function with a normal function is Specialization template <typename T> bool Max (T First, T Second) { return (First > Second);}

26 Specialization Following is a specialization for the C type string (Char arrays) template <> bool Max(char *First, char *Second) { return (strcmp(First,Second)>0); }

27 Overloading the generic function with another generic function
template <typename Type> void GenericBubbleSort(Type TempGenericArray[], int Size)

28 Overloading the generic function with another generic function
template <typename Type> void GenericBubbleSort(Type TempGenericArray[], int Size, Type TempResultArray[])

29 overloaded functions and templates
template<typename Type> Type SumIt(Type, Type) int Main() { int i1, i2; char ch1, ch2; unsigned u1, u2;

30 Overloaded functions and templates
SumIt(i1,i2); // int version instantiated SumIt(ch1,ch2); // char version instantiated SumIt(u1,u2); // unsigned version instantiated }

31 Using Default Arguments
Efficiency (unexpected code bloat) Flexibility (need for operator overloading)

32 Class Templates It is also possible to have generic classes in C++ like generic functions When we think of stack or queue or collection we do not think of data types Such concepts don't change with type When we define the concepts, it is preferable to define them without specifying the type

33 The Generic Stack Class
template <typename ElementType> class Stack { private: int StackPointer; ElementType StackArray[10];

34 The Generic Stack Class
public: Stack() {StackPointer = 0; } void push(ElementType value) { if (StackPointer == 9) { cout << "Stack Overflow! Can't Insert!"; }

35 The Generic Stack Class
else { StackArray[StackPointer]= value; StackPointer++; } } ElementType pop() { if (StackPointer == 0) cout << "can not pop";

36 The Generic Stack Class
else { StackPointer--; return StackArray[StackPointer]; } } };

37 The Main Stack <int> MyStack; Stack <char> YourStack; MyStack.push(1); MyStack.push(2); cout << MyStack.pop()<< "\n";

38 YourStack.push('n'); The Main YourStack.push('O');
cout << YourStack.pop()<< "\n";

39 Changes in defining a class
class Stack to template <typename ElementType> class Stack and Stack MyStack changes to Stack <int> MyStack

40 Changes in the code Wherever we have used int as an element type in the earlier case, an argument to push and return type of pop, we have replaced here that by ElementType

41 Defining a member function outside
template <typename ElementType> void Stack<ElementType>:: Push(ElementType value) ElementType Stack<ElementType>::pop()

42 The Template Class when we define template <Type ElementType> we are telling compiler that the following class definition contains a generic data type called ElementType. This does not define the class in a true sense.

43 The Instantiation Compiler creates the class only when object of the template class is defined. It creates the integer version of Stack class template (known as Stack <int>) at that moment.

44 The Instantiation It also creates an object of that class (MyStack) here. Thus creation of a class and the object is done together. The class is Stack <int> and the object is MyStack.

45 The Instantiation of the Class
When the class is instantiated No functions are generated No data elements are created.

46 Instantiations and Specializations
This process (generating normal class from the template class) is also known as instantiation. Here it is known as class instantiation from a class template. Both Stack <int> and Stack <char> are also known as specializations

47 Instantiations and Specializations
If we would like Stack <employee> class to behave differently then Stack template, we can define that as an explicit specialization like we have done with template functions.

48 Explicit Specialization
template <> class Stack <employee> { the body of the class here}

49 The Push template <> void Stack<employee>::push(employee TempEmp) { …. EmpNoArray[StackPointer]= TempEmp.EmpNo; StackPointer++; }

50 The Pop template <> employee Stack <employee>:: pop() { … StackPointer--; int TempEmpNo = EmpNoArray[StackPointer];

51 The Pop int SearchIndex = GenericSearch(UniEmployee, employee (TempEmpNo,"","",""));

52 Multiple Generic Data Types
template <typename Type1, typename Type2> class ClassWithTwoTypes { Type1 FirstValue; Type2 SecondValue;

53 The Constructor public :
ClassWithTwoTypes(Type1 TempVal1, Type2 TempVal2) { FirstValue = TempVal1; SecondValue = TempVal2; }

54 Multiple Generic Data Types
void Display() { cout << FirstValue << " "<< SecondValue; } };

55 void main() { ClassWithTwoTypes<int, char> ObjectIC(12,'b'); ClassWithTwoTypes<char, string> ObjectIS('b',"Batsman");   ObjectIC.Display(); ObjectIS.Display();}

56 Using non-type arguments
template <typename Type, int Size> class SafeGenericArray { Type Array[Size]; ……………….} SafeGenericArray<int,5> SafeIntArray;

57 Default Arguments template <typename Type = int, int Size = 10> class SafeGenericArray SafeGenericArray<int,5> SafeIntArray1;

58 SafeGenericArray<char> SafeCharArray1;// Size = 10
Default Arguments SafeGenericArray<char> SafeCharArray1;// Size = 10 SafeGenericArray<> SafeIntArray2; // Type = int and Size = 10 SafeGenericArray<char,5> SafeCharArray2;

59 Static data members The static variable will have one single instance for one initialization of the template class. For Stack<int> and for Stack<char> we have two different static members.

60 Static data members template <typename ElementType> int Stack<ElementType>::TotalStacks; Stack <int> MyStack1; Stack <char> YourStack1; cout << Stack<int>::TotalStacks<<"\t"; cout << Stack<char>::TotalStacks<<"\n";

61 Primary and Partial Specialization
What if we want to have a specialization of the array class that we have defined to work for pointer-to-any-variable in a different way? instead of storing pointers we may need to store the contents of them

62 Primary and Partial Specialization
Normal overloading provides special treatment for a single type which can be valid type for our template. This is a situation where we are dealing with set of types (all type of pointers in our case) for which we need a different behavior.

63 Primary and Partial Specialization
template <typename Type> class SafeGenericArray Primary Partial class SafeGenericArray <Type *>

64 Primary and Partial Specialization
SafeGenericArray<char> SafeCharArray1; Primary Partial SafeGenericArray<char *> SafeStringArray

65 Compilation models for templates
The difference between an inline function and a normal function called in multiple files The Template instantiations in multiple files The Export Keyword

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