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Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

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1 Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions

2 Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions “ Master’s program deals with the study of biodiversity and its restoration in the Urals at the border of Europe and Asia, and the use of biological resources in innovative bio- and pharmtechnologies. The volume of the program 240 credits, 2-year course. Joint master’s program with selected courses duration 3-6 months per year is also available. Why UrFU? Ural Federal University (UrFU) is situated in Ekatetrinburg. It is one of the top ranked scientific centers in Russia carrying out researches in natural sciences.  It is the oldest higher educational institution in the Ural region bringing together fundamental education and practical application of knowledge. Ekaterinburg

3 Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“
The region of the so-called Big Urals includes mountainous part the Urals, surrounding by hilly plains, and Trans-Urals. A number of climatic zones cross the whole territory, so that there are northern and southern borders of many biological species distribution. The plains adjacent to the Urals are characterized by an expressed horizontal zoning: boreal forest (northern, middle and southern taiga), broad-leaved forest and steppe. In the mountains, the pronounced vertical zoning is marked: mountain forest, subalpine, mountain tundra and alpine cold deserts, which are fragmentary presented in the northern part of the Urals. It is a highly industrial region with a great number of mines, metallurgical and melting plants, and power stations so there are many polluted and disturbed territories.

4 We have several platforms for studying biodiversity: Botanical gardens
Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“ We have several platforms for studying biodiversity: Botanical gardens

5 Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“
We have several platforms for studying biodiversity: University laboratories

6 Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“
We have several platforms for studying biodiversity: Biological station

7 Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“
The Biological Station is situated in the Middle Urals, 60 km from Ekaterinburg. The vegetation cover is diverse and presented by all the main types of natural communities – forest, meadow, flood, bog, petrophytic, water and wetland, as well as various synanthropic ones: pascal, ruderal and segetal. The predominant type of ecosystems is a forest, mainly, pine ones. One of the most interesting elements is petrophilic communities of coastal river rocks. Many species of rare plants, animals and fungi are detected in the surroundings of the biological station, including endemics and relicts and species listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of the Urals. Agricultural areas are used for crops and fodders. In recent decades, some territories are impacted by recreational pressure. So the synanthropic species becomes more common.

8 Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“

9 Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“
What will you study? Biodiversity ‒ from molecular genetics to population and coenosis level (morphological and molecular genetics identification of objects, their anatomical and morphological, physiological and biochemical and population characteristics); Biodiversity of plants, fungi and animals of the Urals; The processes and results of introgressive hybridization; Relicts and endemic species – living witnesses of past epochs; Adventitious species: a threat to native (autochthonous) biodiversity or its completion? Biodiversity in a changing climate and human impact; Ural region as an area for studies of biodiversity. The region is located on the border of natural ecosystems (altitudinal and latitudinal gradients, eastern-western slopes, lakes and rivers, swamps and meadows, coniferous and deciduous forests, steppes and tundra).

10 E-mail:
Master's program “Monitoring, Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in Industrial Regions“ Professors and teachers, involved in the program: Mukhin VA, Paukov AG, Kutlunina NA, Zimnitskaya SA, Kondratkov PV, Vershinin VL, Pogodina NA, Mikhailov E, Kovalev SYu., Kiseleva IS, Borisova GG, Nekrasova OA et. al Hope to see you soon! Phone: +7 (343)

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