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James Bond vs Inspector Gadget

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1 James Bond vs Inspector Gadget
Nod y Wers: To select and organise ideas and information to give a clear and full account

2 Starter Activity – Improving Literacy
One of the most ADJECTIVE parts about being a spy are the gadgets you get to use! Here are some examples: Spy Phones –These do much more than make ADJECTIVE calls. They can scan PART OF THE BODY – prints on a drinking NOUN or shoot laser PLURAL NOUN if a spy is being chased. X-ray vision PLURAL NOUN – These ADJECTIVE glasses are so powerful that they can help determine if an enemy is wearing COLOUR underwear. VERB ENDING IN “ING” beans – a must have defense weapon for any spy, the beans are dropped in a glass of TYPE OF LIQUID to render an enemy ADJECTIVE. Mini flash light – this clever and ADJECTIVE little tool projects a holographic image of CELEBRITY to distract bad guys. Eavesdropping ears – spies affix long-range earpieces to their PART OF THE BODY (PLURAL) to detect where their targets are VERB ENDING IN “ING”.

3 Gadgets Where would a spy be without their gadgets? Every good spy, has something to help them, whether it be an exploding pen, an invisible car or a helicopter that comes out of their hat.

4 James Bond - 007 James Bond is a Secret Services agent from London. He works for MI6, and has ‘00’ status – he is licensed to kill.

5 James Bond
Watch this film clip of James Bond. In this clip, he is testing some new gadgets. Answer the following questions while you are watching: What gadgets has he been given? Why are these (effective) gadgets? Why do they work as spy gadgets? What information does Q give to James regarding the gadgets? For example: how to look after them

6 Inspector Gadget Watch this film clip of inspector Gadget. In this clip, it shows some of the gadgets that he uses. Answer the following questions while you are watching: What gadgets does he use? Why are these interesting gadgets? Why do they work as spy gadgets? In your opinion, which is the best and why?

7 Similarities & Differences
We have looked at James Bond and Inspector Gadget and noticed that there are both similarities and differences in the gadgets that they use. Use the Venn Diagram to try and ‘log’ this information.

8 Gadgets James Bond Inspector Gadget

9 Writing Challenge – 15 minutes
Write a diary entry after your gadget has failed you and gone totally wrong. Could remind pupils of model text from lesson one.


11 Peer Assess Using the framework, peer assess and level your partner’s entry as either Bronze, Silver, Gold or Plaitnum

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