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The Book of Revelation SECTIONS OF THE BOOK: The Seven Churches

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1 The Book of Revelation SECTIONS OF THE BOOK: The Seven Churches 1 - 3.
The Prophetic Revelations The Glory of Heavenly Jerusalem Today: will do Chapters 1-3

2 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 1: The Revealer's Identity. A. Introduction of the coming of Christ. B. The revelation of Jesus Christ as recorded by John. C. Blessings promised for reading and obedience. D. Message to the seven churches. E. Vision (& confirmation) of the Second Coming.

3 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 1: F. John’s vision on Patmos. G. The seven churches. H. The vision of the glorified Christ. I. The chosen symbols. J. Death conquered. K. The imagery is explained.

4 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 2: A. Christ’s message to the seven churches. B. The church sound in doctrine but lacking in love (church of Ephesus-Loveless; left your first Love) C. Church discipline. D. The divine reproof (remember from where you were fallen, repent and do the first works).

5 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 2: E. The poor church yet rich (Church of Smyrna-Persecuted). In tribulation and suffering Be faithful until death

6 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 2: F. The worldly church (of Pergamos- Compromising) has false teachers who teach false doctrine: 1- Doctrine of Balaam and Balak (old Testament); committing adultery & eating what was sacrificed to the idols. 2-Doctrine of Nicolaitans (St. Irenaeus stated, Nicolaitans are Nicolas' followers, one of the seven deacons (Acts 6:5). These people live in lust without control, and teach different matters as allowing adultery and eating idol's 0fferings). Repent: as a bishop (Sheppard) you have to fight with the sword of my mouth (bible). The Sheppard should eliminate hazards (false teachers) to protect his honest congregation: a) Fight with the word of God and convince them to repent. b) If not repented- false teachers should be excommunicated

7 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 2: H. The church of the false prophetess Jezebel (Church of Thyatira-Corrupted). Jezebel pretended that she is a prophetess (she is not). I have mysteries (depth of Satan) that can not revealed to simple believers! Why she pretended … (?), to deceive my servants to commit adultery & eat what was sacrificed to the idols. She was given time to repent but she did not, so she will get sick and those who commit adultery with her will get into great tribulation and will kill their children (followers).

8 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 2: H. The church of the false prophetess Jezebel (Thyatira). What God will do to Jezebel? Put her on sickbed …. into great tribulation and kill their followers) what the Sheppard (bishop) should have done: The bishop has to protect his honest congregation (believers): a) Fight with the word of God and convince them to repent. b) If not repented- false prophetess and her followers should be excommunicated. While God is eliminating hazards Himself the bishop was asked to repent [hold fast what you have (correct doctrine) until I come] and do not allow false teachings.

9 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 3: A. The dead church ( of Sardis) You have a name that you are alive but you are dead (hypocrisy & make-believe) Never serve God but use His name, serve at church to satisfy and achieve themselves! Repent and hold fast, remember how you have received and heard.

10 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 3: B. The Faithful church (of Philadelphia) but weak (passive)-does not preach. I have set before you an open door-no one can shut it. Repent: be proactive and preach

11 Outline of the Book (the 7 churches)
Chapter 3: C. The lukewarm (self-satisfied; neither cold nor hot) church (of Laodicea) Repent; Open your spiritual eyes and read the bible, if you want to compare-compare yourself to Christ or the spiritual level that we all required to reach (Holiness & perfection), Confess and open your heart for Me (I stand at the door and knock if any hears my Voice and opens the door……..

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