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Based on Eric Dashofy’s slides for

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1 Based on Eric Dashofy’s slides for
C2 Supplement Jie Ren ICS 123, Fall 2002 Based on Eric Dashofy’s slides for ICS 123, Spring 2000

2 One more example

3 ArchStudio 3 Holds architecture descriptions Manages open issues
Critics watch architecture for problems Manages design critics Architecture-to-implementation mappings GUIs for various high-level tools Graphical and syntax-directed editors Manages open files and tools

4 Review of C2 Constraints and Properties

5 A Quick Look at the C2 Style
Asynchronous, event-based communication among autonomous components, mediated by active connectors No component-component links Event-flow rules: Hierarchical application Connector Notifications fall “pull” Requests rise Component “push” Connector 5

6 Review: C2 Constraints Components & connectors have two interfaces (top & bottom) Components must only communicate through a connector Components may have 0-1 connector connected to each interface Connectors may have as many components on top & bottom as they want All communication through INDEPENDENT messages NO PASSING POINTERS!

7 C2 Constraints (cont). Substrate Independence
Make assumptions about what components above you can do for you (but not necessarily which specific components those are) Make no assumptions about what components are below you Up & Down communication only No side-side communication

8 Leveraging C2 Constraints
The connector-connector link can be a powerful thing If you have a component that merely passes messages untouched, consider linking connectors Also, there are lots of interesting configurations that are non-obvious!

9 Another interesting configuration

10 Circular dependence B A
What if you have two (or more) components that you really believe are circularly dependent? Five common solutions… A B

11 Remove other dependency
Solution 1-3: A+B Solution 1: Merge A B Solution 2: Remove one dependency Solution 3: Remove other dependency B A

12 Solutions 4 & 5: B B ADT A A Manager Solution 4: (Data Integration)
Communicate via shared data (mini-blackboard style) A B A B Solution 5: (Control Integration) Use a manager that can make requests of either component; notifications are turned into invocations. Manager

13 BAD “Magic Mirror” or “Reflectors”
Try to avoid this… BAD “Magic Mirror” or “Reflectors” approach: Component simply “reflects” notifications or requests into the opposite type of message. A B

14 Using c2.fw to Implement C2-style Architectures

15 Overview For this assignment, you will: You will NOT:
Be implementing the component behaviors of a C2-style architecture using the c2.fw framework Have components send out messages when necessary Have components handle all necessary messages You will NOT: Create new components Create or modify an architectural configuration Create connectors

16 What is c2.fw? An architecture framework, in Java, that is faithful to the C2 architectural style “Killer” Features Pluggable topology manager You will be using the default topology manager Pluggable message queueing policy You will be using one-queue-per-interface Pluggable threading policy You will be using one-thread-per-brick More clear support for brick lifecycles and architecture configurations You will be using the lifecycles, configurations are taken care of for you Better support for distribution, dynamism than in previous frameworks You will not be using this for this assignment

17 Important Classes AbstractC2Brick The base class of all C2 bricks
Two interfaces: topIface and bottomIface Important Methods: init() - override Called when the brick is instantiated begin() - override Called when the brick is welded into place, send initial messages here end() - override Called when the brick is about to be unwelded, send final messages here. Not used in this assignment. destroy() - override Called when this brick is about to be destroyed. Not used in this assignment.

18 AbstractC2Brick (cont).
More important methods… sendToAll(Message m, Interface iface) - Call Sends message m out the interface iface iface can be ‘topIface’ for requests or ‘bottomIface’ for notifications handle(Message m) – Override Called automatically by the framework when a message arrives on any interface This is where all message handling is done getIdentifier() – Override Call this to get the identifier (class Identifier) of the brick Call toString() on the identifier to get a string representation of it

19 Notes on Connectors You will rely on existing connector class
The connector will forward all messages to the other side Request forwarded upward Notification forwarded downward

20 More Important Classes
NamedPropertyMessage A C2 message with a name and a property list Properties have string names and either simple-type or serializable Object parameters DO NOT PASS PONINTERS IN PARAMETERS! //Create a named property message NamedPropertyMessage npm = new NamedPropertyMessage(“ChatText”); //Add some parameters npm.addParameter(“Text”, text); npm.addParameter(“Sender”, “Strong Bad”); //Send it upward as a request sendToAll(npm, topIface);

21 More about Message c2.fw.Message is an interface
Operations are simple: Where did this message come from? getSource() Where did it go? getDestination() Is this the same as another message? equals() Make me a copy duplicate() Source and destination are returned as BrickInterfaceIdPairs Each contains a brick identifier and an interface identifier Useful for checking if an incoming message was a request or a notification If destination interface ID equals(TOP_INTERFACE_ID) it’s a notification If destination interface ID equals(BOTTOM_INTERFACE_ID) it’s a request

22 Subclassing NamedPropertyMessage
This is possible, but some boilerplate code is required Enforces better type safety, makes code clearer You don’t have to do this in this assignment. Using parameters to achieve a goal. Think how a message flows

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