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An Introduction to Rhetoric
An Introduction to Rhetoric
What comes to mind when you hear the word rhetoric? Many automatically drift toward the idea of trickery or deception. “Empty Rhetoric” Aristotle defined rhetoric as “the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.” A thoughtful, reflective activity leading to effective communication including rational exchange of opposing viewpoints Those who understand this and can use the available means to appeal to an audience immediately finds themselves in a position of strength.
Science to Persuasion
Reciprocity An obligation to give when you receive “Tipping with mints” Scarcity People want more of those things there are less of “Concord flights” Authority People follow the lead of credible and knowledgeable experts “Diplomas, credentials and uniforms”
Science to Persuasion Consistency Liking Consensus
Looking for and asking for commitments that can be made “Signs in yard and written consent” Liking Those who are similar, pay us compliments and cooperative “Small talk before negotiating” Consensus People will look to the actions and behavior of others to determine their own, especially when they are uncertain. “Towels in hotels” Asch experiment Can you think of other elements within our culture that utilize these elements of persuasion previously discussed?
Review What is rhetoric in your own words based off our discussion yesterday? What is empty rhetoric? What were the persuasions of science? (RSACLC) Can you give an example of each? Did you participate in using any of these persuasion in the last 24 hours? If so, how? What are some of the most persuasive speeches in history? Why do you think this is true?
Key Elements of Rhetoric
Watch the speech by Lou Gehrig that he gave at an Appreciation Day held in his honor on July 4, Look for the elements of persuasion that he uses What types of persuasion did Gehrig use in his speech? 2. What types of persuasion does the ice bucket challenge utilize?
Why is this an effective speech?
Rhetoric is always situational: it has a context – the occasion or the time and place it was written or spoken – and a purpose or goal that the speaker or writer wants to achieve. Rhetoric Man is effective because he has an occasion and a goal or purpose. Think about it, without them, what use is he? He just looks like a rocker from the 80s.
The Rhetorical Triangle
Here it is, the Aristotelian/Rhetorical triangle Speaker Audience Subject
Speaker Aristotle called the person that a writer took on as a speaker as a persona. A persona is the character the speaker creates when he or she writes or speaks This depends on the context, purpose, subject and audience. Are you speaking as a poet, comedian, scholar, expert, critic, citizen, etc.
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos (pg. 4-6)
Ethos- the credibility of the speaker. Ethical Appeal through speakers identity or persona Logos-the reasoning or logic in the speaker’s argument. Logical Appeal Pathos- Emotion of the speech (not necessarily the speaker’s, but more explanation in a minute.) Emotional Appeal
Review All of the following were elements to Persuasive science except: a) Consensus b) Scarcity c) Authority d) Vulnerability e) Consistency f) Liking
Review All of the following are most likely true about ethos except: a) it utilizes elements of authority b) it appeals to one’s ethics through credibility c) one persona plays a huge role within it d) it appeals to emotional logic
Review All of the following are most likely true about logos except: a) it appeals to ones logic b) it comes in the form of statistics many times c) it utilizes elements of reciprocity d) it utilizes elements of consensus
Review All of the following are most likely true about pathos except: a) it utilizes elements of authority b) it appeals to one’s emotions c) it evokes of sense of empathy due to a “pathetic” persona of the speaker or writer d) it utilizes elements of reciprocity
Ethos Information (knowledge/expertise) Ethos = Ethics=Ethical appeal
Establishing one’s ethos is appealing to our ethics through a sense of credibility. If someone is already known or has a certain reputation that is “ethical” they usually automatically have credibility: Accomplishments (experience/training) “Come, I will make you fishers of men.” “at once…” (33:41) What if they don’t have a preconceived image? Tone (sincerity/vulnerability) Information (knowledge/expertise) This does not mean whether or not the speaker is a “good” person. It simply means the speaker appeals to the audience as a credible source.
Examples If a speaker wants to talk to you about adolescent alcoholism, what kind of speaker would have the most ethical appeal? If a assembly wants to encourage students away from bullying, what kind of speaker would have the most ethical appeal? So what is the ethical appeal of Lou Gehrig? In some cases, a speaker’s reputation immediately establishes ethos. How could certain authors in the bible promote an ethical appeal to their readers? How has the author(s) of Genesis already done this In most cases, the speaker establishes ethos by making a good first impression.
Logos (Pg.5) Logos = Logic = Logical Appeal
Appealing to one’s logic means having a clear main idea or thesis, with specific details, examples, facts, statistical data, or expert testimony as support. However, it also can utilize the following: Pre-existing Assumptions or underlying beliefs helps new logic have an effective appeal. “Bad breaks” do not logically equal “luckiest” men alive. Counterarguments or anticipating opposing views are incredible ways to strengthen your logical appeal. Conceding to an opposing argument then refuting!!! OK trekkies, Spock would never say anything that was not full of Logical Appeal right?
Example Did Gehrig’s speech have logic?
Thesis: “he is the luckiest man on the face of the earth” and he supports it with two points. Contrasting assumptions Conceding and refuting Does the author of Genesis focus on appealing to logos at all in the first 22 chapters? How? If not, why?
Pathos Pathos = emotion = emotional appeal
Appealing to one’s emotions means they are using language and ideas that evoke deeper feelings within a reader or listener. If a skilled writer uses personal anecdotes or certain figurative language sparingly, he or she can create an emotional appeal to the audience that adds an important dimension. Appealing to emotion can also be done through: Sequencing of words with strong positive/negative connotations. Not relying on an argument appealing only to emotion because it will come off as propagandistic in purpose.
Examples Does Gehrig use emotional appeal (pathos)?
He speaks for himself, someone already well loved. He uses “I” often. He uses words with strong positive connotations: greatest, wonderful, honored, grand, blessing. He uses one image—tower of strength–an image his audience would understand and probably use themselves. How does author(s) of Genesis appeal to pathos? If not why?
An Example of Rhetoric from Literature
- Rhetoric has been around within literature for a long time! - Background: Book 24 of Homer’s epic The Iliad Have we seen any persuasion in the first 22 chapters of Genesis? Work with a group and dissect the assigned scene where rhetoric has been used and document the following items: Draw the rhetorical triangle and label each part Was ethos established? How? Was logos appealed to? How? Was pathos appealed to? How? Were there concessions, counter arguments or refutations? If so explain.
Priam’s speech It is for him that I have come
Remember your own father, Achilles, in your godlike youth: his years Like mine are many, and he stands upon The fearful doorstep of old age. He, too, Is hard pressed it may be, by those around him, There being no one able to defend Him from bane of war and ruin. Ah, but he May nonetheless shear news of you alive, And so with glad heart hope through all his days For sight of his dear son, come back from Troy, While I have deathly fortune… And he who stood alone among them all, Their champion, and Troy’s, ten days ago You killed him, fighting for his land, my prince, Hector. It is for him that I have come Among these ships, to beg him back from you, And I bring ransom without stint. Achilles, be reverent toward the great gods! And take Pity on me, remember your own father. Think me more pitiful by far, since I Have brought myself to do what no man else Has done before—to lift to m y lips the hand Of one who killed my son.
Arrangement When you write or analyze, consider how the essay and its individual paragraphs or sections are arranged. HOW A WRITER STRUCTURES THE ARGUMENT WITHIN A FRAMEWORK DEPENDS UPON HIS OR HER INTENDED PURPOSE AND EFFECT As we use rhetoric in this class we are going to try to employ as much of these devices as possible in order to be as articulate, successful and respectful as possible.
Abraham Interaction Outline
Write an outline as if you were writing a persuasive essay proving God’s nature based on the interaction he had with Abraham. You come to whatever conclusion you see fit based on the evidence you gathered from the worksheet. Make sure you follow this format. Intro Hook: Emotional example of having information withheld (Pathos) Supporting Details: Connect action within hook to God of Universe (Logos) Thesis: Although many perceive God as being all-loving and merciful, based on the interaction between Abraham and God in Gen it is easy to label the God of the bible as pretentious and patronizing. Body 1 (Concession) Counter arguments: attempting to logically prove God’s purpose in withholding info from man God wants faith through tests, patience, pursuit- Gen. 12:4, Gen. 12:7, Gen 13:14-15, Gen. 15:1-11, Gen. 22:1-12 Revealing of new piece of information each time covenant is addressed Body 2 (Refutation) Refutation: Holes within the preceding argument Better way to be relational than withholding information and forcing patience upon humanity Conclusion Restatement: Restate thesis with authority of having proven point (authority/consistency) Supporting Details Profound ending
Rude Refutation
Saturday morning came with a warning, woke me up from my bed
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD Saturday morning jumped out of bed and put on my best suit Got in my car and raced like a jet All the way to you Knocked on your door with heart in my hand to ask you a question 'Cause I know that you're an old- fashioned man, yeah Saturday morning came with a warning, woke me up from my bed Seeking permission to marry my princess, son what's wrong with your big head It's the first time I met you, why would I let you run of with my baby girl Get back in your pinto, it's time that you go, the answer's no
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No' You say you want my daughter for the rest of your life, well you gotta make more than burgers and fries Get out your mama's basement go and get you a life, son your 28 don't you think it's time
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway Why you gotta call me rude, I'm doin what a dad should do, Keep her from a fool like you, and if you marry her anyway
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD
Marry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl Yeah, no matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so Rude Marry that girl, I'm gonna punch your face, Marry that girl I'll make your go away, To the bottom of a lake, oh oh oh oh
Rude Refutation DAD MAGIC
You may not get this so let me explain it, you need to understand This is forever, she deserves better, she really needs a grown man, I know what your thinking, you think you'll still take her, well give it your best shot I may be a Christian but I'll go to prison, I'm not scared of doing hard time I hate to do this, you leave no choice, can't live without her Love me or hate me we will be boys, standing at that altar Or we will run away To another galaxy, you know You know she's in love with me She will go anywhere I go
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No' You say you want my daughter for the rest of your life, well you gotta make more than burgers and fries Get out your mama's basement go and get you a life, son your 28 don't you think it's time
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway Why you gotta call me rude, I'm doin what a dad should do, Keep her from a fool like you, and if you marry her anyway
Rude Refutation MAGIC DAD
Now I was a boy once, seeking a response, from my future dad in law I stood there in your shoes, minus the tattoos, and the countless character flaws I know that your human so start acting like one, go wash that greasy hair And maybe the shampoo cleans out your brain too, so your logic won’t be so impaired
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