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How to Make a Graph for a Biology Lab

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1 How to Make a Graph for a Biology Lab
and other projects. N. Riggs Please note: There are several different approaches; this is just one of them.

2 First open Word and Excel. Downsize word.
You will be using Excel first.

3 Enter your data into Excel. Enter only what needs to be in the graph
Do not enter information into box 1 A Place the information for the X axis in row 1 Place information for the Y axis in column A

4 Highlight your data as shown
TO MAKE A DATA TABLE Highlight your data as shown Choose the box outline option. Double click to give your data table lines. Word must be open before you copy your data table.

5 Paste your data table into a word document.
Save and downsize Word.

6 Open Excel again and highlight data.
Choose Chart wizard. Select line graph and highlight the type of graph required. (Notice that Excel refers to what you are making as a chart, while most teachers would call this a graph. Don't let the terms fool you.)

7 This is where you will enter:
Once you’ve hit next this screen will appear. This is where you will enter: Title of your graph the label for the X axis the label for the Y axis. Double check that the labels correctly match your data.

8 On this screen you will need to select the “as a new sheet” option.
This creates the graph without the spreadsheet showing up in the background.

9 You now have a line graph for your data
Select and copy this graph Then paste it into your word document under the data table.

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