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‘To your tents, Israel. Look after your own house, David

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Presentation on theme: "‘To your tents, Israel. Look after your own house, David"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘To your tents, Israel. Look after your own house, David
‘To your tents, Israel! Look after your own house, David!’ And so God’s chosen people were split into two. Then the northern kingdom was invaded and ruled by Assyria (Iran/Iraq) 130 years later, the same fate befell the southern kingdom (Judah); this time it was Babylon who took the land.

2 Many leaders of Judah were taken to Babylon
In exile there (away from their homeland) God’s people faced many crises: Was God tied to the land he had given his people? Or was he still God here in Babylon? How should his believers live and behave in the foreign land? Should they maintain their identity and their own worship?

3 Prophets at this time, in exile
Prophets at this time, in exile. Jeremiah, Obadiah, Ezekiel, Daniel Some of the psalms adapted for the new situation ‘By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion... How can we sing the Lord’s songs while in a foreign land? (Ps 137)

4 What about us, in this world
What about us, in this world? Hebrews 11:13-16 ‘All these people lived by faith. They did not receive the things promised [in their lifetimes], they only saw them from a distance, realising they were strangers and pilgrims on earth...’

5 Then comes more political upheaval. Babylon is taken over by Persia.
Prophesied by Isaiah. ‘There is no peace for the wicked’ (Is 48:22) Pagan king called ‘Servant of the Lord’! God can use surprising people and events

6 So, under Cyrus’ rule, the Israelites were allowed back to their (ruined) land to rebuild and restore it. Nehemiah – key visionary, planner and leader Ezra – restorer and law-giver God always provides a way for his people to survive – often just a remnant Ready for his coming in person centuries later

7 It was never like ‘the old times’
BUT: It was never like ‘the old times’ Dream of a golden age Which actually was never so golden, and at best only lasted a few decades Life was a slog for those returning They were never their own rulers Always subject to on superpower or another The new Temple was nowhere near as great as the first one But the people perhaps learned to trust and obey rather than rely on God to give them whatever they thought they wanted

8 So began a long period of history when not much good seemed to be happening... Just existing... Waiting for...??? Next week – waiting and expecting... Advent...


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