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Civil Rights Movement.

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1 Civil Rights Movement

2 Civil Rights Early Demands for Equality
AA discontent with segregation after WWII Jim Crow Laws De Jure Segregation: enforced by law vs. De Facto Segregation: by tradition Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)- non violent protest group

3 Civil Rights Brown vs. Board of Education
NAACP challenges Plessy vs. Ferguson Segregated schools violate US constitution SC Chief Justice Earl Warren Little Rock 9: Ark. Gov. refused integration- called in Nat’l Grd. Pres. Eisenhower sends Federal troops to escort students



6 Civil Rights Montgomery Bus Boycott: Rosa Parks refuses to move seat for white person, AA boycott bus riding for over 1 yr finally declared unconstitutional MLK Jr. preaches non violent resistance Southern Christian Leadership Conf. (SCLC

7 Civil Rights Movement Gains Ground
Integration slow in coming- several forms of protest grow Greensboro sit-in: 4 black students refuse to move when Woolworth’s refused them service Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comm. (SNCC)- grass roots mvmt to defeat racism


9 Civil Rights “Freedom Riders” CORE stages freedom rides through deep south to protest segregation on public transportation met with bombs and mobs Pres. Kennedy sends federal troopers to protect riders


11 Civil Rights March On Washington: SNCC, SCLS, CORE, etc protest MLK “I have A Dream” Speech Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1964: banned segregation in public facilities

12 Civil Rights New Successes and Challenges
AA still face voting restrictions (poll taxes, literacy tests) Freedom Summer Students in Miss. register hundreds of AA to vote Voting Rights Act of 1965 and 24th Am: bans literacy tests and poll taxes Baker vs. Carr- limit gerrymandering based on race Race riots: LA, NJ, AA use violence against cops, white business owners


14 Civil Rights New voices of Civil Rights
Malcolm X: Nation of Islam AA radical- separation of races Black Power: continue fight for equality Black Panthers: militant AA- armed patrols, extremist group 1968: MLK assassinated by James Earl Ray

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