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AIXM XML Developers' Seminar
10/05/2018 Open session AIXM XML Developers' Seminar Enter here your Presentation Title
Content UUID XML Schema structure order of elements order of features
10/05/2018 Content UUID XML Schema structure order of elements order of features annotations in XML Schema use of global elements with global types schema profile bi-directional associations platform-neutral treatments of AIXM extension mechanism GML encoding “Donlon” data set mapping AIXM / Arinc424A-XML Mapping/Connection with other data formats (eg. ARINC 424) AICM generic DB AIXM 5.1 – Business rules Enter here your Presentation Title
Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID)
Two aspects Feature identification Feature reference (association) Runway gml:identifier = UUID TimeSlice validTime = … interpretation = BASELINE sequenceNumber = 1 property 1 property 2 property 3 (xlink:href to AirportHeliport) property 4 property 5 AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID)
Feature identification <gml:identifier codeSpace=" dd062d88-3e64-4a5d-bebd-89476db9ebea</gml:identifier> alternative: include a Snapshot TimeSlice Runway TimeSlice validTime = … interpretation = SNAPSHOT sequenceNumber = 1 property 3 (xlink:href to AirportHeliport) designator = 08L/26R TimeSlice validTime = … interpretation = TEMPDELTA sequenceNumber = 1 property 5 = temporary value… AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID)
Feature reference Xlink:href By UUID <aixm:responsibleOrganisation> <aixm:AirportHeliportResponsibilityOrganisation <aixm:role>SUPERVISE</aixm:role> <aixm:theOrganisationAuthority xlink:href=" </aixm:AirportHeliportResponsibilityOrganisation> </aixm:responsibleOrganisation> AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID)
Idea – also provide the natural key as “xlink:title” thanks to Iain Hammond, MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates Ltd, AIXM User Conference 2008, Washington DC, USA <aixm:responsibleOrganisation> <aixm:AirportHeliportResponsibilityOrganisation <aixm:role>SUPERVISE</aixm:role> <aixm:theOrganisationAuthority xlink:href= xlink:title="//aixm:OrganisationAuthority//aixm:name='DONLON_HELIPORT_AUTHORITY'/> </aixm:AirportHeliportResponsibilityOrganisation> </aixm:responsibleOrganisation> AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID)
xlink:title = '<string>' The title attribute shall be used to describe the meaning of a link or resource in a human-readable fashion, along the same lines as the role or arcrole attribute. A value is optional; if a value is supplied, it shall contain a string that describes the resource. In general it is preferable to use a 'title' child element rather than a 'title' attribute. The use of this information is highly dependent on the type of processing being done. It may be used, for example, to make titles available to applications used by visually impaired users, or to create a table of links, or to present help text that appears when a user lets a mouse pointer hover over a starting resource. AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Order of elements as is? alphabetical for easier generation of AIXM files? imposed by a sequence number, based on some kind of 'importance'? AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Order of features No rules? Imposed (as in AIXM 4.5 – for SAX parser)
specified in a document? imposed by schema? supported by a XSLT script generic (any referenced feature brought up)? specific (always order as in the specified order)? AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Annotations in XML Schema
Conclusion from day 1: Yes, include in the schema definitions for class, attribute, role, data type and enumerated values. Also provide a copy of the schema without all these annotations, to facilitate usage of the schema for pure validation Use the version without annotations on AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Need for an expanded model?
AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Show nilReason in the UML model?
AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Use of global elements with global types
Where to do that In the XML schema only? In the UML model also? AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Use of global elements with global types
Raised by Luciad: “For the ValDistanceType only, there are already around 130 of these identical anonymous types defined in the schema. The result of all these anonymous types is a huge amount of Java classes which are all identical and make our domain model too large to manage. <xsd:complexType > <xsd:complexContent > <xsd:extension base="aixm:ValDistanceType" > <xsd:attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonEnumeration" /> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> Instead of introducing all these anonymous types in the XML Schema, I would suggest to define one global named type for each type for which a variant with a nilReason is required (e.g. a ValDistanceOrNullType or something similar for the example above). This allows reusing of types, which not only makes our Java domain model much more manageable, but also makes the XML Schema more readable and smaller in size.” AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Use of global elements with global types
<element name="trueBearing" type="aixm:ValBearingType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"> <annotation> <documentation>The measured angle between the runway direction and True North at a given position. Note : The True North is the north point at which the meridian lines meet.</documentation> </annotation> </element> …………………. <complexType name="ValBearingType"> <simpleContent> <extension base="aixm:ValBearingTypeBase"> <attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonEnumeration"/> </extension> </simpleContent> </complexType> AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Use of global elements with global types
<element name="sequenceNumber"> <annotation> <documentation>Used as unique key for the identification of the Time Slice concerned. See the AIXM Temporality model for details.</documentation> </annotation> <simpleType> <restriction base="string"/> </simpleType> </element> <element name="correctionNumber" type="string"> AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Schema profile Need sub-set of AIXM features
Would like to work with just a sub-schema? What is the advantage code generation Solution: Provide a script that allows to select the desired features and then extracts from the AIXM-Features.xsd and AIXM-DataTypes.xsd just the needed elements Also GML profile! Metadata profile! AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Bi-directional associations
AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Bi-directional associations
+airplaneLandingArea AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Bi-directional associations
Provided as a separate version of the AIXM Schema? Provided as an “extension”? AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
AIXM Extensions platform-neutral treatments of AIXM extension mechanism? Answered yesterday? Migration to EA and use of XMI as start of the schema generation process? AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
GML encoding recommended GML constructs for point, line, polygon geometries AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
GML encoding Significant Point reference from airspace vertex
<AirspaceVolume> <hasHorizontalBoundary> <Surface> <polygonPatches> <PolygonPatch> <exterior> <LinearRing> <gml:pointProperty xlink:href="#myPointID“ xlink:title=“236º/15NM from VOR/DME XYZ ”/> Where the Point with the gml:id “myPointID” is defined in the same file as position for a Navaid or DesignatedPoint <Navaid> …. <gml:pointProperty> <aixm:Point gml:id="myPointID"> <gml:pos> </gml:pos> </aixm:Point> </gml:pointProperty> AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
GML encoding geo-border reference from airspace vertex
FAA solution mentioned yesterday Other ideas? Extent the gml:PointProperty? By reference to a local copy of the exact extraction from the GeoBorder AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
GML encoding Future for procedure definition and GML geometries
AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Donlon Data Set Current status – see (Downloads page)
How to improve it? What do you need? AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
NDBX (former Arinc829) (Embedded format Requirements)
2010: A424 v19 will become A424-A v1 Input for the definition of 424A content NDBX (former Arinc829) (Embedded format Requirements) ARINC424-19 ARINC424-A Model UML “Bijection” between original A and Arinc424-A ASCII ARINC 424A ARINC424-A formats Script 1 Visual Basic Script 2 TBD ARINC 424A ASCII Full ARINC424A XML Adapted ARINC424 XML ARINC424A BXML (embedded XML) AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
Mapping AIXM / Arinc424A-XML
In 2011, EUROCONTROL will Define a set of mapping rules for conversion of ground sources (AIPs published in AIXM 5.1 format) into Arinc424A-XML Develop, as a proof of concept, some code that implements these rules Primary focus will be on data used by the FMS (former NDBX scope) Objective: validate the concept of a full digital data chain from AIPs up to the embedded system FMS Simulation ARINC 424A XML/BXML AIXM 5.1 – Business rules
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