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MODA-ML (Middleware tOols and Documents to enhAnce the textile/clothing supply chain through xML) Start date and duration: (July 2001 – March 2003) Total.

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Presentation on theme: "MODA-ML (Middleware tOols and Documents to enhAnce the textile/clothing supply chain through xML) Start date and duration: (July 2001 – March 2003) Total."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODA-ML (Middleware tOols and Documents to enhAnce the textile/clothing supply chain through xML) Start date and duration: (July 2001 – March 2003) Total costs: (total 1 MEuro, share of Enea:110 KEuro) TOTAL Funding: (total 900 MEuro, share of Enea:100 KEuro) Partners : Research and Technology: IFTH- Institut Français Textile-Habillement (F) Politecnico Of Milano (I) Gruppo SOI (I) Domina srl (I) Manufacturing T/C industry: Fratelli Piacenza, Loro Piana, Successori Reda, Vitale Barberis Canonico Fratelli Corneliani (I) Co-ordinator: ENEA ENEA Technical Reference and contact: Piero De Sabbata Abstract: The project MODA-ML was aiming to establish a common language for the European Textile Clothing (T/C) supply chain exploiting the powerfulness and flexibility of XML and Internet. Moda-mL was funded by the European Commission (IST Take-Up Action Line IV.2.5 "Computing, communications and networks take-up measures") through the V Framework Programm (it belongs to the cluster of projects Eutist-AMI). Main results: The main result is the definition of a common data format, to exchange information along the supply chain with features that enable an easy and cheap embedding in the legacy information systems as well as in the new solution provided by the technology suppliers. The main technical results were: - the definition of some reference model of collaborative processes for the T/C industry a set of public specifications for XML document for the flow of technical and management information between the firms of the T/C (Textile/Clothing) supply chain thanks. a public dictionary and tools of ‘Document Factory” to support the improvement and maintenance of the specifications. demonstrative free software tools to implement message exchanges through lightweight ebXML MS protocols. After the end of the project, March 2003, the activities run with the support of the partners as permanent “Moda-ML initiative” and has contributed to the activities of standardisation initiatives promoted by Euratex (European Apparel and Textile Industry association) and has been a contribution to the interoperability aspects of many innovation and research projects in the field of the Textile Clothing, both at European (Penelope, CEN/ISSS TexSpin and TexWeave, FP6 Leapfrog IP) and National level (TQR, AIR, Trame, DDTA). Presently a community of 800 researchers, technology suppliers, consultancy, industry and associations is animated thorugh the Moda-ML web site and support further development and adoption initiatives. ENEA role and activities: ENEA coordinated the project and still co-ordinate the initiative; the other main areas of activities of ENEA: Collaborative Process modelling and alignment (methodology, standards and tools) Public dictionary and “Document Factory” tools (that have leaded to the development of the Onto-MODA sectorial ontology) - Standardisation process of the specifications Dissemination and fostering adoption of the specifications

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