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Stray Current Corrosion

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1 Stray Current Corrosion
Chapter 5 Galvanic and Stray Current Corrosion PowerPoint slides by Stf/C Harl Porter, SN Marine Electronics Rear Commander for Electro-Mechanical Systems is R/C Gene Danko, SN Left is a 4-month old prop badly corroded by stray current corrosion. Shaft was badly pitted and also required replacement

2 Overview Galvanic Corrosion Stray Current Corrosion
Understanding Galvanic Corrosion Controlling Galvanic Corrosion Stray Current Corrosion Understanding Stray Current Corrosion Preventing Stray Current Corrosion Testing for Stray Current Major sections in this chapter

3 Galvanic Corrosion Understanding Galvanic Corrosion Causes Results
Galvanic Series of Metals Additional Notes Major topics in this section

4 Causes Requires Two different metals (electrodes)
Immersed in current-carrying solution (electrolyte) Interconnected by a current-carrying conductor Fig 5-1

5 Results of Galvanic Corrosion New Zinc Old Zinc after 8 months
(for 1” diameter shaft) Zinc did what was expected of it, protected the shaft and prop New Zinc (for 1” diameter shaft)

6 Galvanic Scale of Metals
What is the voltage difference between Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu)? What is more noble than Stainless Steel (Passive)? An. 0.67v An. Graphite Fig 5-2 Note that values are for Salt water 6

7 Additional Notes Expect corrosion with 0.25 V difference
Most negative electrodes will decompose V for freshwater V for saltwater V will decompose if neither magnesium or zinc are present Zinc (or magnesium) will protect Stainless steel shaft Bronze propeller Aluminum outdrive (no notes)

8 Signs of Galvanic Corrosion
Blistering of paint 1st Warning Sign Formation of powdery substance 2nd Warning Sign Pitting of metal Too late Severe Galvanic Corrosion Don’t treat the symptom, fix the problem Fix the problem, at first or second warning sign, Else will have to eventually replace the severely corroded metal part

9 Galvanic Corrosion Controlling Galvanic Corrosion Types of Metal
Area of Metals Self-Destroying Metals Use of Sacrificial Anodes Indirect Cathodic Protection Resistance of an Electrical Path Between boats Major topics in this section

10 Types of Metal Copper, bronze and copper-nickel are compatible
Avoid bronze propeller on plain steel shaft Stainless steel shaft with bronze prop may be used Need zinc washer and/or zinc prop nut Avoid graphite grease (no notes)

11 Area of Metal Good – applying a less noble metal to a large area
Bronze through-hull on steel hull Bad – applying a more noble metal to a larger area Steel screws / bolts on large bronze or monel plate (no notes)

12 Self-Destroying Metals
Brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) Zinc will corrode away in sea water, leaving a copper sponge Stainless steel hose clamps with different metal take-up screws Stainless steel should be non-magnetic If magnetic, it will corrode (No notes)

13 Use of Sacrificial Anodes
Made from active metals Magnesium, zinc or aluminum Corrosive action occurs on the expendable metal anode Bolted to the metal they are to protect Never painted Replaced when half-corroded or annually Don’t mix types of metal in sacrificial anodes; Should all be zinc or all magnesium Magnesium is only used in fresh water Shaft Prop Nut Rudder

14 Powerboat Zincs 6 Zincs Trim Tab

15 Indirect Cathodic Protection
Used when direct contact not possible Zinc bolted to outside of hull Inside boat connect with insulated AWG#8 to Rudder Post Shaft (requires shaft brush) Shaft brush illustrated latter

16 Resistance of Electrical Path
Fresh water is less conductive than salt water Less galvanic current Use magnesium sacrificial anodes Salt water is more conductive than fresh water More galvanic current Use zinc sacrificial anodes Magnesium sacrificial anodes will not last Graphite grease is an excellent conductor, but is a cathode Do NOT use in stuffing boxes Do NOT use on shaft bearings (No notes)

17 Between Boats Two different metals Aluminum vs steel (or other metal)
Immersed in current-carrying solution Sea water Interconnected by current-carrying conductor AC ground (green) wire Prevention is Galvanic Isolator (next slide)

18 Isolation Transformer
Galvanic Isolator or Isolation Transformer Stops DC current in AC ground wire Galvanic Isolator Isolation Transformer Illustrations from Chapter 4 on AC Now know why required by ABYC if have steel boat or aluminum outdrive

19 Stray Current Corrosion
Understanding Stray Current Corrosion Causes Results Additional Notes Major topics in this section

20 Stray Current Corrosion
Requires External source of electricity From wetted metal surface (electrodes) To return circuit of lower potential (electrolyte) Different from Galvanic Corrosion Metal (electrodes) can be of same metal Requires external source of power (battery)

21 Stray vs Galvanic Current
Stray current corrosion is more destructive Hundreds of times stronger Galvanic potential difference 0.25 to 1.5 volts Stray current from 12 volt battery Sources of stray current Internal from boat’s 12 volt battery and defective wiring External to boat from another source of DC (no notes)

22 of Stray Current Corrosion
Results of Stray Current Corrosion Fig 5-5 Four months of stray-current corrosion on new 13” bronze prop and 1” diameter stainless steel shaft Boat with wiring problem was two boats away Current entered boat via an underwatter fitting, transited the boat via its bonding system, and departed via shaft and prop. Corrosion is at points of departure

23 Additional Notes Stronger than Galvanic current
100 times more destructive Metals can be similar or dissimilar Current flow from positive through electrolyte Positive DC terminal will corrode Both AC terminals will corrode Electrolyte is any moist surface Bilge water Wet wood Wet or moist surface Stray current corrosion worse than Galvanic corrosion DC current corrosion worse than AC current corrosion

24 Stray Current Corrosion
Preventing Stray Current Wiring Bonding Battery charger Galvanic isolators Isolation transformers Major topics in this section

25 Wiring Defective wiring is the most common cause
Deteriorated insulation on hot wire Always use marine grade wires Run wires above water line Moist or wetted surfaces conduct current Moisture in loose connections will cause corrosion Wires in bilge Waterproof terminals and butt spices Heat shrink tubing is 2nd choice Liquid electrical tape is also an option Electrical tape is inadequate Best defense is well maintained wiring, especially in / through bilge

26 Bonding Maintain adequate bonding system Propeller shaft bonding
All metallic bodies and surfaces at DC negative Chapter 2 (Wiring) covered bonding Propeller shaft bonding Recommend by some authorities Will also reduce propeller “hash” (Chapter 7) Requires a shaft brush Is carbon “brush” at end of metal strip. This carbon brush makes the electrical contact with the shaft, while minimizing shaft wear.

27 AC Ground Isolation If your boat has the better ground…
and a nearby boat has stray current Your boat will be damaged, unless… Stop DC current in AC ground wire Galvanic Isolators & Isolation Transformers but Stray current may flow through your boat In one underwater fitting Through bonding system Out another underwater fitting (remember corroded prop and shaft pictures) (no notes)

28 Corrosion Facts Not all corrosion is electrical
Seawater deteriorates all metals Cavitation also erodes props Stray current corrosion can be eliminated Galvanic corrosion can be reduced and controlled DC current is 100 times worse than AC current (no notes)

29 Testing for Stray Current
Measuring Stray Current Corrosion Source and Mitigation Topics in this section

30 Measuring Stray Current
Normally AC ground and DC negative connected To measure current, insert ammeter in series To Battery Negative DC Neg AC Gnd Shore Power Bus Bar ABYC Req Temporary break wire to insert Ammeter A Must temporary disconnect wire between AC ground bus bar and DC negative bus bar and put ammeter between these two bus bars

31 AC Stray Current Testing
AC main circuit breaker “On” All branch circuit breakers “Off” Set multimeter to read AC current Current should be less than 1 milliampere Then selectively turn on each AC circuit If AC current exceeds 1 mA You have stray current in that circuit After testing Reconnect AC ground & DC negative bus bars Step by step directions for testing

32 DC Stray Current Testing
DC main circuit breaker “On” All branch circuit breakers “Off” Set multimeter to read DC current Current should be less than 0.01 milliampere Then selectively turn on each DC circuit If DC current exceeds 0.01 mA You have stray current in that circuit After testing Reconnect AC ground and DC negative bus bars Step by step directions for testing

33 Testing with Mitigation
Galvanic Isolators & Isolation Transformers Stop DC current To check for stray current with isolator Place ammeter between DC negative bus and green shore power wire to isolator To check for stray current with transformer Place ammeter between DC negative bus and green shore power wire to transformer Temporarily disconnect either Galvanic Isolator or Isolation transformer to get and measure stray current After testing reconnect green AC ground wire to either Galvanic isolator or Isolation transformer

34 Internal DC Current Testing
Turn off DC main and all branch breakers Insert ammeter in battery negative cable Hold down bilge pump float switch So pump will not turn on Turn on DC main and bilge pump breaker Measure stray current, if any Defective wiring or pump switch Test other wiring with DC devices turned off (no notes)

35 Summary 1 Types of electronic corrosion Galvanic current
Galvanic caused by dissimilar metals Stray current requires external current Galvanic current Requires Different metals Immersed in current carrying solution Connect together by current carrying conductor Brass will disintegrate in sea water Zincs are used to protect other metal components

36 Summary 2 Stray current Requires an external source of current
Normally is caused by defective wiring Especially in / through bilge Make sure any connections are waterproof DC is 100 times more destructive than AC Over 1 mA AC Over 0.01 mA DC

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