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GS 221 Work and Society Dr. Haydar Badawi Sadig.

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1 GS 221 Work and Society Dr. Haydar Badawi Sadig

2 Modern theory 6: Neo-human relation school
Move further than human relation school: Self-actualization & courtesy of the management Self actualization: fulfill your potential Self-respect Social belonging Security Basic needs Maslow’s theory of basic needs

3 Maslow’s need theory
Dr. Haydar

4 Neo-human relation school 1: McGregor’s categorization
Theory X (neglect the dynamic nature of human needs) Humans dislike work Coercion is necessary People preferred to be controlled than to have autonomy. Theory Y (individual can realize themselves through achieving organizational goals.) Work is not disliked by everybody Coercion is not the only motivation. It is possible to provide organizational goals that fulfill the highest motivator. Responsible behavior is a result of trust. Creativity is widely dispersed throughout the population. Dr. Haydar

5 Neo-human relation school 2: Herzberg’s categorization
Motivation factors: Hygiene factors & motivational factors Hygiene factors (Basic needs, their absence decreases productivity; precondition for higher productivity): working conditions, material rewards and security of work Motivational factors: symbolic and psychological rather than material, like status, advancement, intrinsic job interests UCLA. Dr. Haydar

6 Modern theory 7: Organizational Culture theory
Handy categorizes four types of organizational culture (structure) Power: rely on trust not rules Role: specialization, procedure & rationality Task-based: project oriented Person: family, communes, & small groups Dr. Haydar

7 Modern theory 8: Critical theory (key points )
The technocratic theories takes into consideration the technological rationality for production , the critical theories approach takes into account the importance of social context. The technocratic theories emphasizes the maximization of the resources and of minimization the shortage, the critical theories approaches seek to maximize freedom and minimize repression in work Dr. Haydar

8 Critical theory by Marcuse
Current human thoughts are be rational, means-ends, technical, operationalized, etc. Technological rationality ---- material success (covered by the “good life”, but actually repressed) Technological rationality ---- false needs Technological rationality=new form of social control Outcome: one-dimensional man (private life and public life), one-dimensional thoughts, one-dimensional society Dr. Haydar

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