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Construction Schedule Management

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1 Construction Schedule Management
Principles of Architecture and Construction This is a Presentation for the Teacher to assist with pacing and sequencing of the Lesson “Construction Schedule Management,” which coordinates with the 2010 TEKS c.11.F


3 Starter/Bell Ringer Activity
Students, Please take your seats with your assigned team work stations. Delegate one team member to be today’s team representative. Start of Class “Warm Up” discussion. Teacher: This is the “Introduction” portion to be completed as students enter the classroom. Refer to pg 5 of the Lesson Plan. It should kick off the class for a few minutes to get the students “on task” and ready for the Student Team activity. It should only take a few minutes of time.

4 Today’s Student Team Handout
As mentioned in the Word Document Lesson file (file name: Construction Schedule Management LESSON) on page 5 in the Introduction, here is a copy of the Excel spreadsheet Student Primary Handout (file name: const sched mgmt STUDENT timeline and materials list) that the STs will be using today. Each student will also need a copy of this spreadsheet printed for them to complete the Independent assignment described on page 9 of the Word document Lesson file.

5 Refresh Your Vocabulary
As a class, let’s refresh our memory on a few key words: Building Materials Estimate Cost Unit Contract Timeline Approximate Teacher: Lead a Class Discussion briefly refreshing everyone’s recollection of what these words mean. These words should be prominently placed in the room for today’s lesson. Refer to Page 4 of the Lesson to get the definitions. Also refer to the Math Dictionary Book, listed in the “References” portion of the Lesson on page 3. This should only take a few minutes of class time.

6 Let’s Start with our Student Teams
With your team, you will follow the teachers prompts. Complete each prompt on the handout in pencil. Prompt 1: Mark the Pre-construction and Design categories in sequence. Prompt 2: Mark when the supplies need to be delivered to the job site, and in what order. Prompt 3: Mark when parts of the building need to be built and in what order. Teacher: Keep time or delegate 1 student to be the time keeper. VERY ACTIVE and engaged classroom monitoring is needed. Lots of movement from ST to ST. Prompt the students step-by-step and talk with them as they work. You should determine in advance when the “Delays” for Prompt #4 (Which correlates with Lesson Outline #4 and Lesson Objective #4) will happen. This is the main portion of the lesson, and should take about 30 minutes.

7 Let’s Start With Our Student Teams
With your team, you will follow the teachers prompts. Complete each prompt on the handout in pencil. Prompt 4: Uh-oh! Delays! Mark where these are going to happen. Prompt 5: Adjust your timeline sequence- what will be affected by these delays? Mark the changes. Prompt 6: Shift the Delivery Dates for any materials arriving to the site that will be affected by these delays. Mark the changes on your Handout. Teacher: Keep time or delegate 1 student to be the time keeper. VERY ACTIVE and engaged classroom monitoring is needed. Lots of movement from ST to ST. Prompt the students step-by-step and talk with them as they work. You should determine in advance when the “Delays” for Prompt #4 (Which correlates with Lesson Outline #4 and Lesson Objective #4) will happen. This is the main portion of the lesson, and should take about 30 minutes.

8 Let’s Follow Up on Our Own
As individuals, each of you will take a fresh copy of The timeline handout and fill it in with COLORED pencils/markers. If you feel you disagree with the timing your ST came up with, you make a change to your own copy- but be prepared to defend your reasoning!

9 End of Class Wrap Up and Summary
Does our Timeline fit? What was the hardest part of the “puzzle” to fit in? Is there more than 1 “right” way to resolve this? Did the Delay’s make a big impact on the scheduling? Teacher, prompt students in this closing “Wrap-Up” class discussion. It should take 5 minutes at the end of class.

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