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KCLS Student & Teacher Accounts

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1 KCLS Student & Teacher Accounts

2 What is a KCLS Student Account?
A KCLS Student Account is a special library account that utilizes your current Student ID Number so it’s easy to remember and you don’t need a physical library card! Each Student Account begins with 410 followed by your student ID number INCLUDING the leading 0. Example:   Your PIN number is the last four digits of your student ID. Physical cards are available in the MC Library & FC Main Office for those students who would like one.

3 Your PIN number is the last four digits of your staff ID.
Teacher Accounts Each Teacher Account begins with 410 followed by “t” and your staff ID number.   Example: 410 t61234 Your PIN number is the last four digits of your staff ID. Your teacher account gives you access to on-line Teacher Resources in addition to resources available to students. Physical cards are available in the library for those teachers who would like one.

4 Student Card Advantages
Supplement to your traditional library card, this account does not replace your traditional library card (you can have and use both) Unlike your traditional library card, NO fines or fees will ever be charged! Use your account from school or home Accounts are valid until student’s 21st birthday

5 Resource Overview HOMEWORK HELP in English and Spanish
30 FREE sessions per month (no time limit) per account at Upload your homework pages for specific help Save your projects and progress for review later DOWNLOADABLES eBooks…audio books…digital magazines…music…video…& more! COLLEGE & CAREER PREP 1:1 professional tutors for Smarter Balance & SAT tests at Test Center Test Prep for ACT, HSPE & SAT at Testing and Education Reference Center Scholarship Resources DATABASES & TUTORIALS Mango Language Novelist Microsoft Imagine Academy Opposing viewpoints Consumer Reports Lynda software/computer skills Military Records Resume Builder History Study Center Science Online PressReader and more!!!

6 Get Started Today! KCLS Student Accounts can be accessed by visiting -
SVSD Student Center webpage, MSHS Library Website, or

7 Login information can be found on the MSHS Library Website
Troubleshooting and FAQ can be found on the KCLS Student Account home page and your MSHS & KCLS librarians are always happy to help!

8 PRO TIP Do NOT click on the login button on the top right of the CKLS Student Account homepage. DO click on the resource you would like to use and then log in when prompted. Teachers, check out the resources for you!

9 - New to the school & don’t have an active ID yet?
- Opted out of the program? You’ll need a Classroom Card. Classroom cards provide access to all electronic resources for in-class instruction. They link the school rather than a specific student. Classroom cards are available for students to check out*. *due to a limited supply, classroom cards are available for 1-day check out at the MC library or FC main office

10 If you have any questions or need assistance with this new resource, please stop by and see us at the MSHS Main Campus Library!

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