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Advantages and Disadvantages: American Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Advantages and Disadvantages: American Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advantages and Disadvantages: American Revolution

2 The Americans: Advantages
George Washington Tremendous leadership will lead army through tough times Motivation Fighting for Independence Knowledge of Land Helps America gain advantages throughout the war Hard to Conquer America is huge

3 The Americans: Disadvantages
Huge Shortages Ways less soldiers, supplies and ships Inexperience Most fighters had never fought in a war before No Money or Government Broke with no strong government to provide leadership

4 The British: Advantages
Strongest Military and Navy in the World Defeated much stronger armies than America More soldiers and experienced fighters Well-trained, experience fighting in several places Loyalist Support About 1/3 of colonists supported the British during the Revolution Lots of money

5 The British: Disadvantages
Lack of Motivation Soldiers are not invested in the war America is hard to conquer Vast land makes it hard to keep territory Traditional rules of war Fighting against an untraditional fighting force

6 The Americans Strategy
Guerrilla Warfare Sneak Attacks Use knowledge of terrain to gain an advantage Spying/Espionage Keep fighting the British until the give up Guerrilla Warfare Sneak Attacks Use knowledge of terrain to gain an advantage Spying/Espionage Keep fighting the British until the give up

7 Military Leader

8 Part 2: Scenarios Part 1: Questions
To have a successful army, there must be a successful leader at the head. You have a chance to be chosen as a military leader in the time of the Revolutionary War. What will you do to ensure victory for your troops? With your group, you must unanimously agree how to answer the following questions and present your war strategy to the class. (Complete Sentences) Within your groups, you will receive a scenario card. As a group you will need to look at this scenario as a military strategist and general. Your decisions will affect the outcome of the war and the independence of the British colonies. In your group, you will need to consider the following factors when deciding on your plan of action. When we are done, you will present your strategy to the rest of the class. (Complete Senteces)

9 Group Roles General (Group Leader): ____________________________
Logistics (Answer Recorder): _________________________ Propaganda Promoter (Presenter): ____________________

10 Questions?













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