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Debo decir cosas si no las entiendo. Roses are nm Violets are nm

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Presentation on theme: "Debo decir cosas si no las entiendo. Roses are nm Violets are nm"— Presentation transcript:

1 Debo decir cosas si no las entiendo. Roses are nm Violets are nm C6H12O6 is sweet And you? Well, depends On the day. Delicious Desserts that You can make with Auto parts. Should you? That’s another story. I was between Iraq and a hard place so Iran away. Oman…that’s awful! When you wish Upon a star…well You vaporize. No way around it. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 What does the term irrigation mean?

3 A means of getting water to an area …usually a naturally arid (dry) area or one experiencing a shortage.

4 What is the name for the “Empty Quarter,” which is also the world’s largest sand desert?

5 The Rub-al-Khali Desert

6 The _______ river runs through parts of Israel, Syria, and Jordan.

7 Jordan River

8 The land that borders this body of water have most of the world’s oil supply.

9 The Persian Gulf

10 These are the most oil-rich countries in the Middle East!

11 Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, & Kuwait

12 Fertile soil means….

13 That soil contains a high level of organic material and minerals that support plant growth. Farmers totally dig this kind of soil. Hah! Get it?

14 What is the name given to hunter-gathering peoples who wandered the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent river valleys?

15 Nomads

16 What issues has the building of dams in the Middle East cause for certain countries?

17 Downstream areas have their water supply cut off.

18 -What class of chemicals has caused water pollution due to run-off from farms?

19 -Fertilizers

20 -Where are the largest Middle Eastern (aka Southwest Asian) cities/population centers located? -What’s the most favorable climate for habitation in the area?

21 -On major rivers or near them. -Mediterranean

22 What is it about the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that makes them an ongoing source of conflict?

23 These rivers are the major fresh water supply for Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

24 Where is the Suez Canal?

25 In Egypt. Between the Sinai Peninsula and the Nile River.

26 Which two countries are at the southeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula?

27 Yeman and Oman

28 Which country is on the Sinai Peninsula?

29 Egypt

30 Which peninsula holds the country of Turkey?

31 The Anatolian Peninsula
The Anatolian Peninsula. Just as an aside…another name for this land mass is Asia Minor.

32 The Middle East is made up primarily up of desert
The Middle East is made up primarily up of desert. What impact has this had on water use and management in the region?

33 Irrigation methods have to be employed to bring water to these areas for farming.

34 This body of water hold the disctinction of being the one of the world’s saltiest at 33.7% salinity.

35 The Dead Sea Cool Facts (I think): -433 meters below sea level…lowest point on earth! -Deepest hypersaline lake -Lake Assal (Dijibouti) and some lakes in Antarctica are actually saltier. -It’s an endorheic lake: close basin - They call it Dead, but bacteria and microbial fungi do live in it.

36 -Which climate zone is predominant in the Middle East
-Which climate zone is predominant in the Middle East? -What makes it this way?

37 -Arid (desert) -Mountains cause the moisture in the clouds to precipitate at altitude before it reaches the lower elevations.

38 The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers run though the country of _______.

39 Iraq

40 What is Saudi Arabia’s most profitable resource?

41 Oil

42 What is the Fertile Crescent?

43 An area of Western Asia, and the Nile Delta and the Nile Basin region of NE Africa. This is where Mesopotamia was. You know…the “Cradle of Civilization!

44 What mountain range is located on the western edge of Africa running through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia?

45 The Atlas Mountains

46 Okay, so…your on the coast of Tunisia and you need to get your ship (yes…I got you a ship…I have connections…don’t ask) to a port located on the border between Yeman and Oman. Describe your route. C’mon Magellan…let’s see what you’ve got

47 Well, first you sail the Mediterranean Sea west along the northern coast of Africa. Proceed south through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea (just look for a lot of red water…JK). Travel the length of the Red and take a left…umm…errr…I mean go east into and through the Gulf of Alden. As you enter the Arabian Sea…the border port will be sorta at the confluence of the Gulf of Alden, the Arabian Sea, and The Red Sea.

48 What would characterize a country that could realistically implement technology such as drip-irrigation and/or desalinization plants?

49 The country would need to have a strong technology sector and a strong economy

50 What is one side effect of the overuse of fertilizers in the Nile region?

51 Salts in the runoff build up and actually inhibit growth of crops.

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