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Project Cycle Management

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2 Project Cycle Management

3 پروژه : “ Project “ پروژه د څو هماهنګو او مرتبطو فعاليتونو دمجموعي څخه عبارت دي چي ديو خاص مقصد دلاس ته راوړلو په منظور، په خاصو مصارفو او معين وخت کي ترسره شي . A project is a planned undertaking of interrelated and coordinated activities to achieve certain specific objectives within a given budget and period of time .

4 پروګرام “ Program “ پروګرام دپروژو ديو ګروپ څخه عبارت دي . يا پروګرام ديو تعداد مرتبطو فعاليتونو څخه عبارت دي چي دنسبتآ لويو مقاصدو دلاس ته راوړلو په منظور استعماليږي . چي هر يو د دي مقاصدو لاس راوړلو لپاره بيل بيل فعاليتونه په کار دي تر څوحاصل شي . Program is a group of projects. Or program is a group of interrelated activities which is used for achieving larger aims, that for achieving every objective separate small activities are needed to be achieved.

5 Program, Project, Task, Work package, Work unit
1. Program: Large & long range objective that is broken in to a set of projects. 2. Projects are further divided in to tasks. 3. Tasks are split into work packages. 4. Work packages are composed of work units.

6 دپروژي دوران “ project cycle “
The project cycle follows the life of a project from the initial idea through to its completion. دپروژي دوران دپروژي دژوند څخه عبارت دي چي دابتدايي(لومړني ) مفکوري څخه شروع او د پروژي په تکميليدو خاتمه مومي . Project cycle comprises a number of project phases. دپروژي دوران د پروژي ديو سلسله مراحلو څخه متشکل ده .

7 ( دپروژي د دوران مرحلي ) “ Phases of project cycle “
د پالېسې طرحه نهايي ارزيابي ښودنه (پېژند نه) ترتيبول اونظراندازي تطبيق قرارداد کول بررسي او متوسط ارزيابي

8 Project cycle management د پروژي د دوران اداره
A methodology for the preparation , implementation and evaluation of projects based on logical frame work approach. د پروژي د دوران اداره دپروژي دتهيه ، تطبيق او ارزيابي د د ميتود څخه عبارت ده چي دمنطقي چارچوب په نظر کي نيولو سره ترسره کيږي .

9 At the desired performance level
Successful Project Management is defined as having achieved the project objectives: Within time Within cost At the desired performance level While utilizing the assigned resources effectively & efficiently.

10 VIPP (Visualization in participatory program)
“OOPP” ( objective oriented project planning) دپروژي پلان کول دمقاصدو پر اساس Tool for analysis and planning often used in a participatory way using VIPP cards. VIPP (Visualization in participatory program) دتحليل او پلان جوړولو دپروسي يوه وسيله ده چي اکثرآ په اشتراکي طريقه د کارتونو په استعمال ترسره کيږي .

11 Steps in OOPP مراحلOOPPد
A . Preparation: امادگي 1 . Define the subject .دموضوع وضاحت 2. Stakeholder analysis.دونډه لرونکو تحليل B. Situational analysis: دحالاتو تحليل 1. Problem analysis. دمشکلاتو تحليل 2. Objective analysis. مقاصدو تحليل 3. Analysis of strategy. د کړنلاري تحليل

12 دمنطقي چارچوب پلان کول . C. Logical frame work planning :
1. Determine the intervention logic. دمنطقي مداخلي تشريح او وضاحت . 2. Define the assumptions and precondition. دفرضياتو او پروژي څخه مخکي حالاتو وضاحت 3. Define the indicators. دشاخصونو وضاحت 4. Define sources of verification. داسنادو دمنابعو وضاحت 5. Describe means, cost and activities. دوسايلو ، قيمت او فعاليتونو تشريح .

13 Problem Analysis (I) Why? The problem tree establishes cause and effect to ensure that root problems are identified and then addressed. Main steps are: Identify one or two (initial) major problem(s) affecting the target group(s) in terms of their livelihood and/or access to services Identify related problems/constraints Analyse and identify cause and effect relationships Check the logic Draft the problem tree diagram

14 Problem Analysis (II) The problem tree helps to establish the cause/effect relation between problems Income of EFFECTS fishers in decline Reduction of the Low selling prices for fish resources fishers in the villages Destruction of the Illegal fishing Poor quality of Limited access to CAUSES natural habitat practices the catch market

15 Analysis of Objectives
Convert the problems into positive achievements through means/ends relationships ENDS income of fishers increased Depletion of the natural Selling price for fish stock reduced or fishers stopped increased Natural habitats of Illegal fishing Processing of the Access to MEANS fish resources practices significantly catch improved markets improved protected reduced 11

16 Strategy Analysis (I) It aims to:
Analyse the identified (potential) objectives in relation to a set of ‘feasibility’ criteria; Select an appropriate strategy for project implementation

17 Strategy Analysis (II)
SOME POSSIBLE CRITERIA Availability of financial resources, expertise, etc. Complementarities with projects financed by other donors Importance given by the target group Existing potentials and capacities (of target group) Relevance for the EC/partner country agreed strategy (CSP/NIP) Urgency Social acceptability

18 Strategy Analysis (III)
Decision based on policy priorities, budget, human resources, urgency, social acceptability, etc Strategy Analysis (III) These excluded statements should be considered in the analysis of assumptions/risks OVERALL OBJECTIVE Income of the Income of the artisan fishers fishers increased increased Access to the markets improved Depletion of the Selling price for the PURPOSE natural fish stock fishers increased reduced or stopped Natural habitats of Illegal fishing RESULTS Processing of the Processing of the fish resources practices significantly catch improved catch improved protected reduced Fish stock control strategy Market orientation strategy

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