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View into the camping field

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1 View into the camping field

2 You will have use of the Green Hut external classroom with tables, hot water and a toilet. The hut is about a 60m walk through the garden from the camping field. You will also have access to a second toilet and shower in the main building (but will not be able to access the main building).

3 Open sided paved camping shelter.

4 If safe procedures are followed groups may use both the zip wire and climbing frame situated in the camping field.

5 A large edged fire pit is located by the camping shelter.

6 5 smaller fire pits are located to one side of the camping field
5 smaller fire pits are located to one side of the camping field. It is illegal to light a fire in the forest, but collect your wood and bring it back to the camping field to do some camp fire cooking.

7 Spend some time with your family or friends enjoying the forest.


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