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Aggression Replacement Training (ART)

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Presentation on theme: "Aggression Replacement Training (ART)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
Session 15

2 Review Share one of your hassle logs

3 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Triggers What is a trigger? Give an example What is an external trigger? What is an internal cues?

4 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Cues What are cues? Why is it important to recognize the cues that you are getting angry? Give examples of cues.

5 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Anger Reducers Name and define the 3 anger reducers we learned. Which anger reducer is the most helpful for you?

6 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Reminders What are reminders? Why do we use them? Give some examples of reminders.

7 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Thinking Ahead What does it mean to “Think Ahead”? What kind of statements do we use to think ahead? Give some examples.

8 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Self Evaluation Why is it important to evaluate yourself after you have completed the Anger Control Cycle? What kind of statements are “Self Rewarding”? What kind of statements are “Self Coaching”?

9 Review of the Anger Control Cycle
Changing Anger Provoking Behavior What is anger provoking behavior? What anger provoking behavior do you engage in most when you are angry? Why would it be important in anger control to also change things we do that make other people angry?

10 Skillstreaming What are social skills?
Why is it important to use social skills? What social skills have we learned? What social skill do you feel is most important in helping you change aggressive behavior?

11 Homework Complete 2 hassle logs

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