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Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources (INT-9182) Workshop on implementation of a national cradle-to-grave control system for radioactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources (INT-9182) Workshop on implementation of a national cradle-to-grave control system for radioactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustaining Cradle-to-Grave Control of Radioactive Sources (INT-9182) Workshop on implementation of a national cradle-to-grave control system for radioactive sources IAEA, Vienna, 13 – 17 March 2017, Room C1 Status of national system for control of radioactive sources: Republic of Macedonia Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Unit Waste and Environmental Safety Section (WES), Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety (NSRW) Department of Nuclear Safety and Security

2 National bodies responsible for radioactive sources
Regulatory body: Radiation Safety Directorate – independent governmental regulatory authority, - established Gaps No gaps in national bodies responsible for radioactive sources

3 National bodies responsible for radioactive sources
Director Unit on human resource management Unit on financial affairs Unit on legal and general affairs, international cooperation and EU integration Unit on licencing, monitoring and emergency Unit on inspection

4 Position of the Directorate within the Governmental structure

5 Legal & regulatory framework for radioactive sources
Law on Ionizing Radiation Protection and Safety (OG RM, No. 48/2002, 135/2007, 53/2011) Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of the Radioactive Waste Management (OG RM, No. 113/2009) Regulation on the management i.e. collection, handling, treatment, conditioning, transportation, storage and disposal of radioactive waste and disused ionizing radiation sources (OG RM, No. 130/2010) Strategic Plan of RSD for the period Authorisations/registrations “License” means document which gives the authorization from the competent authority as evidence that certain specific provisions for professional qualification and authorization for conducting of certain activities are fulfilled. Gaps No registrations, Legal person may start with practice only after obtaining a license from the Directorate and after being recorded into the unique register of legal persons conducting practise with ionizing radiation sources, in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

6 Management of radioactive waste and DSRS (OG RM, 130/2010)
Waste generation and DSRS Disposal ??? Collection Storage Characterization Transport Discharges Quality control of conditioning process and packages produced Segregation Recycling and reuse Clearance Marking Pre-treatment Processing Treatment Package design Conditioning Dose rate < 2 mSv/h Surface contamination: 4 Bq/cm2 – beta and gamma, low toxicity alpha emitters 0.4 Bq/cm2 – all other alpha emitters

7 Category of radioactive source
National inventory Category of radioactive source Number of sources Category 1 1 Category 2 4 Category 3 11 Category 4 298 Category 5 86 Unknown 93 Registry maintained by the RSD RAIS 3.3 software, using as a database Continuously updated and verified through inspections Back-up on regular basis

8 National inventory (cont.)
SQP Country The nuclear material inventory: Maintained by the RSD Depleted uranium shielding, some spectroscopy standards: DU: 436 kg NU: 0,040 kg T: 0,066 kg Continuously updated and verified through inspections Category of nuclear material Category 1 none Category 2 Category 3

9 Use of radioactive sources in the country
Medicine -Nuclear medicine -Radiotherapy PET/Ct and Cyclotron production -Diagnostic radiology -Dental x-ray Industry -Industrial radiography, -Industrial x-ray, -Industrial gauges (tobacco industry) Transport and transit Transport of radioactive sources - radioisotopes used in nuclear medicine (I-131, Mo-99m/Tc-99) - industrial radiography (Ir-192) - Radiotherapy (Ir-192) Transit of radioactive sources - Transit through the territory of the Republic of Macedonia (radiotherapy Co-60 sources)

10 Use of radioactive sources in the country
Legal person may start with practice only after obtaining a license from the Directorate and after being recorded into the unique register of legal persons conducting practise with ionizing radiation sources, in accordance with the provisions of this Law. Regulation on the form and the content of the template of the application for license, the form and the content of the license, as well as the procedure for issuing of the license (OG RM, No. 157/2009) - it is prescribed the procedure and the documentation needed for issuing a license; the following data and documentation are needed: legal person (unique identification number, name and address of the legal person, phone, fax, , name and surname of the authorized person by the legal person and the function; name and surname of the radiation protection officer - RPO); persons included in the practice (qualification, training, working experience); radiation protection programme, emergency plan, quality assurance programme and safety control programme; inventory of radioactive sources; individual medical surveillance for the occupationally exposed workers; individual dose monitoring; workplace monitoring; technical project for the facility (technical plan, shielding material, etc), etc

11 Use of radioactive sources in the country
Regulation on the content of the radiation protection programme, emergency plan, quality assurance programme and safety control programme (OG RM, No. 157/2009) - it is prescribed that the legal person shall have: internal working procedures; personal dose monitoring plan (manner on classification of workers); workplace monitoring plan and area classification (frequency of workplace monitoring, places of monitoring, measured quantities, referent values and measures undertaken in case of exceeding these values, dosimetric equipment, classification of areas – controlled, supervised and public areas, labeling, etc); radioactive waste management plan; plan for radioactive discharges into environment; procedures for transport and transfer of radioactive sources; emergency plan; quality assurance programme and safety control programme Issuing a license for import, export, transit Documentation: Legal person general data; Radioactive source (manufacturer, type, max activity, date of max activity, physical/chemical form, container – type and certificate); announcement from the final user of the source; authorized transporter – license and announcement; contract for returning the spent sealed source to the manufacturer

12 Arrangements for disused sources
Current situation- temporary storage Several temporary storages – radioactive lightning rods, nuclear gauges, radioactive smoke detectors (Am-241), radioactive sources for medical applications are stored National Registry RAIS 3.3 – continuous upgrading by inspection Radioactive lightening rods – Eu-152, Co-60, Am-241 Nuclear gauges – Cs-137, Sr-90, Am-241, Co-60

13 Centralized storage facility
Currently there is no Centralized waste storage facility for radioactive waste in the Republic of Macedonia – radioactive waste temporary stored in 9 temporary storages; 2002, IAEA project started “Constructing storage for low and medium active radioactive waste”, MAK/4/002, construction stopped after local public disagreement; 2007 proposed a new location for storage to the Government by the Radiation Safety Directorate and Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (according the Article 24 of the Law 48/02 and 135/07); 2008 Governmental conclusion was adopted for a location of the national storage facility - visited by the IAEA and EC experts during 2008, 2009 and 2010 2011, EC project started “Management of sealed radioactive sources, including radioactive lightning rods”

14 Arrangements for disused sources
Arrangements & resources for return of sources to supplier or other licenced third party Article27 Used radioactive sources derived from imported radioactive sources shall be returned to the manufacturer or supplier Disposal facilities (existing, planned) No disposal facilities

15 Arrangements for disused sources
Orphan sources – how are these dealt with? The import of radioactive waste and/or nuclear waste in the Republic of Macedonia is prohibited” “The transport and storage of the orphan sources and radioactive waste are provided by the authorized technical services previously required by the Radiation Safety Directorate” “The costs for transport and storage of the orphan sources are provided by the National Budget of the Republic of Macedonia”

16 Key issues and national needs
What plans are in place to resolve the issues? Following activities of the RSD to improve the safety are considered to be: Implemented Policy and Strategy for National storage facility Providing the support to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and all other relevant interested parties to finish the issue of centralized national waste storage facility; Established National Storage facility Developed and improving SC&SA for National Storage facility , Training for inspection and licensing the National storage facility Established National Operator for Centralize storage facility Improving the SC&SA for the operator, Training for operator Transfer of radioactive waste and disused sealed radioactive sources from temporary storages to the national waste storage facility; Conditioning of DSRS and radioactive waste from the temporary storage facilities and storage in the National Storage Facility

17 Key issues and national needs
What do you want to gain from this meeting? Sharing information among participants through their presentation and discussions and gaining experience from best country practices. Continuing practical activities within the Project INT9182 (e.g repatriation of sources, prepare SC&SA, policy and strategy etc.)

18 Thank you! Thank you!

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