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Westward Expansion.

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Presentation on theme: "Westward Expansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westward Expansion

2 Spanish Colonies 31 states colonized by descendents of Spain
Mexico Independence Revolution Moses Austin & Stephen F. Austin 1830, 16,000 Americans in Texas

3 Texas First Independence attempt in 1813 Issue of Slavery
Santa Anna, Mexico’s President in 1832 Texas War of Secession, 1835 Battle of the Alamo Battle of San Jacinto Texas Independence, 1836

4 U.S. War of aggression, 1846-1848 Texas Independent, 1837
Annexed by U.S. in 1845 U.S. invasion of disputed territory Gen. Zackary Taylor Capture of Mexico City Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848

5 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Guaranteed Mexicans “all the rights of citizens” Recognized Mexican land grants Promises unkept

6 U.S. War of Aggression Increased nation’s size
Unavoidable issue of slavery Wilmot Proviso, 1846 Emerson predicted the U.S. would “conquer Mexico, but it will be as the man who swallows the arsenic which will bring him down in turn. Mexico will poison us.”

7 Manifest Destiny “54° 40° or fight!” “GTT” “California or Bust”
Displacement of American Indians, Mexicans

8 Oregon Marcus Whitman, 1843 Wagon Trail
Disputed Territory with British Treaty, 1846

9 California Gold Rush, 1849-1860 ‘49ers, Gold prospectors San Francisco
500 bars, 1000 gambling dens, 1000 murders in the 1850s Levi Strauss Chinese Immigration “As far as the aristocracy of skin is concerned, ours might compare with many of the European races; nor do we believe that the framers of your declaration of rights ever suggested the propriety of establishing an aristocracy of skin.” - San Francisco Merchant

10 Westward Expansion Key Terms: Stephen F. Austin, Santa Anna, Manifest Destiny, Sam Houston, Oregon Trail, U.S. War of Aggression, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 49’ers

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