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Environmental Compliance & Bridge Maintenance

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1 Environmental Compliance & Bridge Maintenance
Title slide option 1 These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own. Producing positive outcomes in challenging work areas PNW Bridge Maintenance Conference Presented by: Mary Young, Region Environmental Coordinator & Mike Gehring, Bridge Crew Manager October 2016

2 Topics Introduction Roles & Responsibilities Blue Book
Challenges & Teamwork Conclusion Agenda slide option 2 What do you think about having an ‘introduction’ slide after this, or just getting rid of that bullet point?

3 Region 1, ODOT Bridge Maintenance for District 2B & 2C

4 Roles & Responsibilities
These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own. I might add the words ‘responsible for’ before 1,114 bridges. ODOT Region 1 Bridge Maintenance: 17 crew members responsible for: 1,144 Bridges (Including 8 Willamette and 2 Columbia River Bridges) 14,025,244 Sq Ft of bridge deck ODOT Environmental Staff: 11 crew members, multiple disciplines Ensure Federal, State and Local Environmental compliance for STIP (federal $), Construction and Maintenance

5 Environmental Compliance Federal NEPA process vs State laws
Environmental compliance looks different depending on the type of funding Federal $, Federal Land, Federal permit Federal Highway Administration NEPA process State funding to maintain infrastructure Work on ODOT facilities in ODOT right of way State environmental regulations Prior to 1999 there were no RECs to help w/ Environmental compliance—we had some missteps. A program was developed The Blue Book (programmatic agreement) was born

6 ODOT Routine Road Maintenance Water Quality and Habitat Guide Best Management Practices
aka, The Blue Book Implemented June 9, 1999, 2014 is the 4th iteration Cornerstone of the ODOT Maintenance Environmental Program—How we do our day to day work Limit 10(i) under section 4(d) of the Endangered Species Act exempt from ESA ‘take’ provision when BMPs are used. ODOT Maintenance employees, Maintenance Contractors and Municipal partners implementing the BMPs are exempt from ‘take’ under the ESA for threatened salmon and steelhead unless federal funding or permits apply. Regulatory Partners: NMFS, ODFW, ORDEQ, USFWS, USFS, SHPO

7 Using the Blue Book Maintenance employees are expected to be familiar with the Blue Book. Before an activity, review and implement the minimization and avoidance measures as well as the BMPs when planning work. Kick outs: Federal Land, Federal Money, Federal Permits. For example, if an activity needs a cut/fill permit from the ACOE/DSL, the activity is on USFS land outside of the operating right of way or easement, or the activity is funded with federal dollars not State Maintenance funds. Region Environmental Coordinators (REC) in each Region work with Maintenance to coordinate activities, review permit needs, and “clear” projects as needed. The REC is the point of contact between Maintenance and ODOT resource specialists and ODOT Maintenance and our Regulatory Partners. I un-capitalized a few words that seemed to randomly be capitalized…

8 Best Management Practices BMPs
Implement BMPs, Avoid and Minimize impacts Identify the type of work & review Blue Book We want to be PROACTIVE Pre-plan work Check with the REC Get permits if needed In Water Work Window Check the Weather Preserve natural vegetation Install and Maintain Erosion & Sediment Control BMPs

9 Environmental Compliance
What’s out there? MBTA Fish Cultural Waters Erosion These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own. Peregrine Falcons & other migratory birds Fish Salvage Historic Built & Archy & Tribal Bridges & Culverts Wetlands & Waters Erosion & Sediment Control

10 Challenges & Teamwork OR219: McFee Creek Bridge Replacing piles
In water work Coffer dam Erosion control BMPs Generator containment Fish/amphibian salvage Photo collage slide option 1 These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own.

11 Challenges & Teamwork OR35 Polallie Creek * Sink hole in the highway
Over 70% of the floor was deteriorated Temp H20 Mngt in overflow culvert Fish salvage BMPs used to control concrete Project triggered fish passage statute Photo collage slide option 2 These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own. *Culverts replaced by a bridge in 2010

12 Johnson Creek Environmental Betterment Fish Passage Enhancement
Challenges & Teamwork Johnson Creek Environmental Betterment Fish Passage Enhancement Maintenance dollars were used to clean out a culvert and retrofit it to provide better fish passage Installed Erosion Controls Temporary Water Management Clean out culvert Install weir upstream to enhance fish passage at low flow Photo collage slide option 1 These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own.

13 OR211 Meadowbrook streambank restoration
Challenges & Teamwork OR211 Meadowbrook streambank restoration Designed by Region 1 & constructed by Bridge Maintenance Crews 400’ of stream bank restoration to protect abutments included; rip rap, willow stakes, log jam and slope planting Photo collage slide option 2 These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own.

14 St. John’s Bridge Emergency
Challenges & Teamwork St. John’s Bridge Emergency Resetting pin on west end stiffner truss to backstay connection Employed multiple BMPs to protect nesting falcons Scaffolding was built at night on top of the column Wrapped scaffolding to avoid contact between birds & crew Biologists monitored falcons 4 peregrine chicks fledged Photo collage slide option 1 These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own.

15 To achieve positive outcomes in challenging work areas, we need:
Trust between stakeholders Knowing your environmental resources Knowing who to call, when to call Knowing & using our BMPs Practical problem solving skills Creativity & Innovation

16 Thank you. These photos are just examples. Please replace photos with your own.

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