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SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

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Presentation on theme: "SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

2 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Do Now-Embargo Act-1807 England and France seizing our ships, and England is impressing (kidnapping our sailors and forcing them in the British navy),,,,How should Jefferson respond to these actions???? Embargo Act Bans all foreign trade Goal? Economically pressure England/France to stop seizures Results US economy severely suffers Black market trading Non Intercourse Act 1809 Opens trade with all except England and France Macon’s Bill #2 (although “Bill”, it became law) Temporary lifting of Embargo (3 months),,, then if either England or France stops messing with us on the seas, we would end our embargo with that country,,, first come first serve!!!! Who bites first??? And why? SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

3 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Native Problem England still fomenting violence in the West Still in some forts Still arming the natives New policy!!! Paying for scalped US heads Tecumseh’s War Tecumseh and the “Prophet” vs. “Old Tippecanoe” (William Henry Harrison) 1811 Harrison kills Tecumseh, natives wiped out SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

4 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
“The Prophet” Believe it or not!!!! Solar Eclipse! Earthquake! In your face Harrison!! Presidential Curse "Harrison will die I tell you. And after him, every Great Chief chosen every 20 years thereafter will die. And when each one dies, let everyone remember the death of my people." SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

5 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
“War Hawks” “War Hawks” South and West members in Congress who wanted war with England (Henry Clay) Vote for war 79-49 House, Senate,,,, what does this show??? Divided country Not all gung ho for war!!!! SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

6 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Causes of War of 1812 Disruption of Shipping/Impressment Natives War Hawks Which of the 3 do you think will be the biggest reason to go to war and why?? 3 sentences…… GO!!! 3 MINUTES…. DEBATE WITH THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU TO COME TO A CONSENSUS AS TO THE MAJOR REASON….. SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

7 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Where does it seem like most of the battles are taking place? Why? Great Lakes Geography and natives SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

8 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Washington D.C. British attack and capture Washington D.C Capitol, White House burned down The hero of D.C.?? Dolly Madison!! End of the war? Wasn’t that important Small city Government evacuated and moved Baltimore up next!! SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

9 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Battle of Baltimore Attack on Ft. McHenry Largest US flag ever made on top of fort Merchant traders unite for defense Francis Scott Key- Star Spangled Banner Baltimore holds on SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

10 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Star Spangled Banner O! say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

11 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Battle of New Orleans Importance Control of Miss. River Cut off supplies Superhighway to the interior Fighting- 4,700 US vs. 11,000 British General Andrew Jackson US KICKS ASS!! 2,000 British casualties, 71 US 1 ½ hour slaughter SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

12 Important and Un-Important
Importance Andrew Jackson a national hero Increased morale Nationalistic feelings Not Important Happened 2 weeks after the treaty to end the war was signed Jackson had volunteer ragtag army, they weren’t US regulars! SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

13 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Treaty of Ghent Basically an armistice, not really a treaty All conditions that existed before the war, were restored WHO WON? SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE?? SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

14 SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.
Exit Summary Based on our reasons for fighting the war, and the treaty we make,, was the war successful???? 3 sentences SWBAT understand how the War of 1812 impacted the US.

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