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Imperialism U.S. History.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism U.S. History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism U.S. History

2 Imperialism Advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining Political/Economic control. A Stronger country dominating a weaker country Militarily Socially Politically Monetarily

3 Imperialism U.S. in the Imperialism race
Late bloomer European Nations and some Asian states had already imperialized the world Few African Nations and Pacific Islands left


5 Annexation The instance of adding something to a larger whole
Especially used in terms a territory added to a city, state, or nation-state Usually through means of occupation

6 Texan Independence Texas Revolution against Mexico
1835 Gain Independence 1836 President Sam Houston Allowed Slavery Texas Independent State (country) Interest in joining the U.S. Slavery Issue

7 The Pursuit of Annexation of Texas
President John Tyler William Henry Harrison’s Death Tyler’s Pursue of Texas Decided on his own 1843 In his mind Re-election Negotiated Secret Treaty for annexation of TX 1844

8 Annexation of Texas Election of 1844 Whig Majority Reaction Election
Secret Treaty became a major issue Whig Majority Reaction Reject Tyler’s treaty proposal Deny Tyler the Nomination for President (Polk) Election Polk wins by a small Majority over Henry Clay Bill is signed Dec by Polk to Annex TX

9 Eyes on Hawaii U.S. under President Tyler extended the Monroe Doctrine to the Pacific island of Hawaii Specifically from the British Hawaii’s Importance International Trade and relations with the far Pacific Sugar Trade U.S. citizens establishing sugar plantations got special deals Post Civil War Sugar profits increased dramatically McKinley Tariff (1890) on foreign sugar hurt Hawaii farmers

10 Hawaiian Interest? U.S. Hawaiian Farmers suffered from the tariff
U.S. sugar growers desire annexation for their profits Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani ascends to the thrown (1891) Native Hawaiian sentiment Blame foreigners for Hawaii’s problems

11 Hawaiian Overthrow January 1893 Hawaiian farms stage an uprising to overthrow the Queen They appeal for U.S. Armed Forces Support Without Presidential approval marines invade the islands and seize control Liliuokalani attempts to establish an new constitution that reasserts Hawaiian leadership After the Coup seeks aid from President Cleveland Cleveland sides with Liliuokalani However is powerless to restore her leadership

12 Hawaiian Annexation Cleveland blocks annexation legislation
Anti-Imperialist Orders an investigation of wrongdoings Meanwhile The Republic of Hawaii (1894) January Liliuokalani officially abdicates her thrown

13 Hawaiian Annexation American people favor Hawaii’s annexation
Election of 1896 William McKinley Spanish American War 1898 Hawaii seen as a strategic naval base July Hawaii annexed as part of the U.S Hawaii Clinton 1993 Letter to Hawaii

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