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Course of the War British Strategy

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2 Course of the War -- 1813 British Strategy
Victories in Europe allow movement of ships and troops from Europe to America. Increase blockade on American ports. Raid American coasts. USS Chesapeake versus HMS Shannon Great Lakes Campaign *** One time that gunboats were successful - *** Capt James Lawrence - already a legend in his own time, Decatur’s second in command at Tripoli raw recruits due to privateers - still the big part of commerce raiding shouldn’t have fought tempted by Brit commander in best frigate in fleet in front of Boston harbor Lawrence killed during boarding “Don’t give up the ship” - ship captured, heavy casualties Friend and inspiration to Oliver Hazard Perry in Great Lakes campaign

3 Captain James Lawrence
USS Chesapeake “Don’t give up the ship!”

4 USS Chesapeake versus HMS Shannon

5 Great Lakes Campaign -- 1813
British supply forces via St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes. Control of communications routes on the lakes is necessary. Lake Ontario Commodore Isaac Chauncey and Commodore Sir James Yeo. Shipbuilding race and lack of initiative lead to stalemate. Lake Erie Oliver Hazard Perry Flagship: Named USS Lawrence in honor of fallen friend. Defeats British fleet in the Battle of Lake Erie. “We have met the enemy and they are ours .” British forces cut off from supplies. General William Henry Harrison receives Perry’s message, recaptures Detroit, and defeats British and Indians at the Battle of the Thames. Indian leader Tecumseh is killed and NW Territory secured for U.S. Chauncey’s shipbuilding race: stalemate is another example of strategic vicory, similar to Benedict Arnold’s during the Revolutionary War Bigger profile victories in Lake Eerie and Lake Champlain Oliver Hazard Perry: His flagship, Lawrence, is trashed, so he jumps on 2nd in command, Niagra, and “crosses the T” on the British squadron Forces surrender of entire squadron Huge victory Leads to Harrison’s victory in “Battle of the Thames” Notice how it’s always the generals who become president?

6 Great Lakes Campaign

7 Oliver Hazard Perry Commander American Lake Erie Squadron 1813

8 Captain Robert Barclay
Commander British Lake Erie Squadron 1813 The British captain who is the only in British history to surrender an entire squadron

9 Perry’s Battle Flag - USS Lawrence
Battle of Lake Erie


11 Battle of Lake Erie - Perry transfers flag from Lawrence to Niagara.

12 Battle of Lake Erie 10 September 1813
“We have met the enemy and they are ours.” - Oliver Hazard Perry

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