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Energy Efficient Building Components

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1 Energy Efficient Building Components

2 Energy using products Energy-using products (EUPs), which use, generate, transfer or measure energy (electricity, gas, fossil fuel), such as boilers, computers, televisions, transformers, industrial fans, industrial furnaces etc. Other energy related products (ERPs) which do not use energy but have an impact on energy and can therefore contribute to saving energy, such as windows, insulation material, shower heads, taps etc.

3 Product groups for buildings
Air-conditioning and ventilation systems; Hot water boilers Space heaters Water pumps

4 AC and ventilation systems
In Force From 1st January 2016 and 1st January 2018 Not applicable to ventilation units which with an electric power input of less than 30 W Supply hot and cold air (+100°C / -40°C) Operating in toxic, highly corrosive or flammable environments Other requirements defined in directive 2009/125/EC

5 AC and ventilation systems
All ventilation units, except dual use units, shall be equipped with a multi-speed drive or a variable speed drive. All BVUs shall have a HRS. The HRS shall have a thermal by-pass facility Specific energy consumption (SEC)’ (expressed in kWh/(m2.a)) means a coefficient to express the energy consumed for ventilation per m2 heated floor area of a dwelling or building, calculated for RVUs in accordance with Annex VIII If a filter unit is part of the configuration the product shall be equipped with a visual signalling or an alarm in the control system which shall be activated if the filter pressure drop exceeds the maximum allowable final pressure drop.

6 AC and ventilation systems Benchmarks
Residential ventilation units: (a) SEC: 42 kWh/(m2.a) for BVUs, and 27 kWh/(m2.a) for UVUs. (b) Heat recovery ηt: 90 % for BVUs. Non-residential ventilation units: SFPint: 150 W/(m3/s) below the Tier 2 limit for NRVUs with flow rate ≥ 2 m3/s, and 250 W/(m3/s) below the Tier 2 limit for NRVUs with flow rate < 2 m3/s (b) Heat recovery ηt_nrvu: 85 %, and with run-around heat recovery systems 80 %.


8 Hot water boilers

9 Hot water boilers Efficiency requirements applicable to new hot-water boilers fired by liquid or gaseous fuels with a rated output of no less than 4 kW and no more than 400 kW

10 Hot water boilers Efficiency requirements applicable to new hot-water boilers fired by liquid or gaseous fuels with a rated output of no less than 4 kW and no more than 400 kW

11 Space heaters and combination heaters of 2 August 2013

12 Space heaters and combination heaters of 2 August 2013
REQUIREMENTS FOR SEASONAL SPACE HEATING ENERGY EFFICIENCY from 26 September 2015: Fuel boiler space heaters with rated heat output ≤ 70 kW and fuel boiler combination heaters with rated heat output ≤ 70 kW, with the exception of type B1 boilers with rated heat output ≤ 10 kW and type B1 combination boilers with rated heat output ≤ 30 kW: The seasonal space heating energy efficiency shall not fall below 86 %.

13 Space heaters and combination heaters of 2 August 2013
REQUIREMENTS FOR SEASONAL SPACE HEATING ENERGY EFFICIENCY from 26 September 2015: Fuel boiler space heaters with rated heat output > 70 kW and ≤ 400 kW and fuel boiler combination heaters with rated heat output > 70 kW and ≤ 400 kW: The useful efficiency at 100 % of the rated heat output shall not fall below 86 %, and the useful efficiency at 30 % of the rated heat output shall not fall below 94 %.

14 Space heaters and combination heaters of 2 August 2013
REQUIREMENTS FOR SEASONAL SPACE HEATING ENERGY EFFICIENCY from 26 September 2015 / 2017: Electric boiler space heaters and electric boiler combination heaters: The seasonal space heating energy efficiency shall not fall below 30 % (36%). Cogeneration space heaters: The seasonal space heating energy efficiency shall not fall below 86 % (100%). Heat pump space heaters and heat pump combination heaters, with the exception of low-temperature heat pumps: The seasonal space heating energy efficiency shall not fall below 100 % (110%). Low-temperature heat pumps: The seasonal space heating energy efficiency shall not fall below 115 % (125%).

15 Water pumps of June 2012 The most efficient circulator pumps have a variable speed drive and a permanent magnet motor. The correct sizing - avoiding the installation of an oversized pump - however is as important as the efficiency of the pump itself. Pumps with an EEI < 0.27 fulfil the minimum efficiency required by the ecodesign regulation from 2013, Pumps with an EEI < 0.23 are already fit for the requirement. Energy Efficient pumps reach Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) values of as little as 0.2.


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